Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum

Wrist.-Trembling on moving hand. Stitches. Tearing. Drawing, paralytic pain in r. Drawing. Numbness; painful.

Hand.-Trembling. Wild movements. Pulseless. Stitches in l.; l. metacarpal bones; in dorsum of l.; pulsating stitches in r. palm. Pain in metacarpal bones like bone-pains; constrictive pain in l. palm; cramplike P. in r., also (>) motion, with shooting; flying growing P. in metacarpi, also in forenoon, and in the finger- joints; lame pain in metacarpi. Sprained feeling in r. metacarpus; in joints of r. Drawn-up feeling. Numbness (Phos). of palms; and tingling, as from a galvanic current. Paralytic tinglings in l., later in ulnar region of r. Weight.

Fingers.-Clenched. Blueness of nails (Nux v., Opium). Twitching. Cutting in inner side of r. index. Pain in r. thumb-joint; creeping; as from dislocation, in r. thumb-joint on motion. Drawing P. in r., also l. thumb; in r. index; in l. middle finger after getting into bed; drawing lame P. in r. index. Flying growing P. in joints; intermittent lame growing P. in distant joint of l. index. Paralytic P. in thumbs. Twitching P. in r. thumb. Drawn-up feeling; with tingling. Feeling as if asleep on grasping anything. Prickling and tingling; hot prickling in tips, nights.

Numbness; of tips (Secalec., Phosphorus). Stiffness of r., index. Weight.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering. Reeling as if drunk, as after a blow on the head. Giving out. Moved perpetually. Paralysis. Drawing pain here and there in l. Drawing along with discomfort in knees, (<) l. knee, as after long squatting; drawing in tendinous expansions. Leaden heaviness, (<) ascending stairs. Numbness, with heaviness and inability to raise them from the ground (Conium); numbness even when walking, so that he has frequently to stop to move the feet back and forth to get rid of the sensation (Arsenicum) Loses the sensation of standing firmly, as if the feet would rise up.

Thigh – Paralysis of l. Stitches in muscles. Drawing tearing. Pain in hips; r. hip; hips after walking; hip-joint when walking; r. hip, (>) walking in open air; as from a bandage, while walking with fatigue; bruised pain, also in middle of thigh; almost crushing pain in head of femur after lying, with weakness. Drawing pain in r. when walking; in head of l. femur when. standing and sitting, (<) walking; in hip-joint on motion; in border of l. hip-bone, extending towards hip-joint; alternately in each, while moving, then in both. Short feeling in tendons of ham. Soreness on touch. Numbness (As.) Weakness; after sitting; in head of femur, with pain.

Knee -Cracking. Unsteadiness; especially of one. Contraction of cords under knee, with bruised pain in patella. Stitches in l.; l. patella; deep, slow, over r.; drawing in l. flying, in evening, with icy coldness; tearing in r. Tearing in r. knee and leg; drawing tearing; jerking in inside; sudden, in l. Pressing gnawing in patella. Pain (Benz. ac.); after walking (Bryonia); in patella, also on walking; bruised, also in patella; drawing, to heel and back again; rheumatic (Benz. ac.); tense, in r. patella; intermittent, in l. patella on walking in open air. Tension of cap; in l., then r. patella, (<) descending stairs. Weakness; in evening, extending over r. thigh and leg; in tendons, with twitching.

Leg.-Failure; on attempting to ascend stairs. Cramp; in calves; r. calf. Pricking. Pain; in r.; in r. calf, with tension. Drawing pain in r.; on inside of l. Paralytic and bruised path. Drawing at inside of both legs, (<) walking, with sensitiveness of leg to touch and pain as if sore; drawing in tibiae, with stretching; paralytic drawing in r. leg and tendo-achillis to heel. Feeling as if going away from him, with vertigo. Heaviness; of r; with swollen feeling; in calves, (<) r., with tension; feeling of a weight of the size of a palm on the outside of each. Asleep sensation in lower part. Tingling (Calc-.ph.). Numbness; of lower part; of calves., Weakness; after sitting; on beginning to walk.

Ankle.-Tearing going upward in l. outer. Pain; (>) compression; drawing pain in l.; rheumatic pain in anterior part of l. Sensation as if tied in morning.

Foot.-Cramp in sole. Stitches on dorsum of l.; on r.; from heel to popliteal space. Pain in r. instep; in r. heel, (<) treading; drawing, in r. heel after getting into bed; burning, in r. foot; in tendo-achillis; drawing, in r. tendo-achillis; intermittent, in r,. tendo achillis on walking in open air, and in dorsum of l. foot. Shortened feeling in tendo-achillis; with bent feeling. Contracted feeling in both tendons achillis, so that, especially in evening after sitting or in morning on rising, it was difficult to stand erect without bending the knees. Paralytic drawing. Heaviness; leaden, also while sitting and standing. Tingling. Prickling. Asleep sensation; r. while sitting. Numbness; spreading upward, with tingling; sudden. Weakness; (<) ascending steps; (<) during rest; in tendons of joints, with twitching.

Toes.-Twitching. Stitches in r, fourth; in third and fourth r., when sitting; flying, in third and fourth r., after getting into bed; hot stitches at night. lancinating pain in r. great, on inside of ball, after getting into bed, and in third and fourth r. toes and in l. metatarsal bones. Asleep when walking, r. Numbness gradually spreading over whole body. Numbness of tips.


      Gooseflesh. Duskiness. Horripilation. Blackness of all parts. Pallor; of fingers. Yellow. Redness of cheeks; of face, with heat; red spots. Discolorations on limbs. Elasticity and smoothness. Shrivelling. Dryness; with rustling and coldness; like parchment. Tightness, with dry heat. Desquamation; of face. Vesicles; on temples; humid on l. side of scrotum; itching; painful on lower limbs, also on l. lower limb. Heat-rash on forehead. Nettlerash on backs of hands. Spots like flea-bites on hands, face, etc. Pimples on forehead; like flea-bites on backs of hands; itching and biting, here and there, and filled with yellow lymph; itching on upper lip; red, on flexor side of thumb, index and middle fingers, and painful to pressure. Painful furuncle at tip of nose. Tremor in muscles of shoulder, with bruised pain on touch.

Burning and scratching stitches. Dartings here and there, with a raw feeling, ending with pain as if wounded. Sensation as if epidermis were separated from cutis by an intervening layer, (<) r. leg. Sensation as when in a vapor bath. Prickling on face. Tickling on face; tickling, causing uneasiness, (<) change of temperature. Feeling as from electric sparks; especially on wings of nose.

Formication; extending through whole body; (<) arms and legs; with burning; in temporal region; face; face, with burning in skin; r. cheek; back, arms and thighs; limbs; arms; r. forearm; hands; fingers; finger-tips; fingers while writing; fingers, on getting into a warm bath, with tingling; in l. middle and index fingers, with warmth; especially of hairy parts, except head, with biting; here and there with shuddering, (<) upper arm and lower leg. Fuzziness where the formication had been. Insensibility.

Irritation of cheeks. Itching; in muscles parts, (<) forearms; face; back; legs; (<) about nose; scrotum; prepuce, (>) rubbing, but returning; voluptuous, on glans penis; tickling, on inside of l. upper arm; on inside of leg; burning, (<) inside lower limbs and about knees.

Clinical While Aconite is not applicable to the cure of diseases of the skin dependent on a constitutional dyscrasia, yet its power to produce vesicles associated with the neuralgic pains naturally leads to its use in the prodromal stage of Herpes zoster (Ranunculus bulbosus). The nervous sensations, especially formication and the asleep-sensation, point to its use in certain neurosis.


      Yawning; morning on rising, with shivering, interrupted; spasmodic; without sleepiness; desire to yawn and stretch. Sleepiness; towards noon; afternoon; after eating; falls asleep standing. Feels as if sleeping in the air with no firm bed under him. Feels herself sleeping while still awake. Stupid sleep. Waking difficult. Sleeplessness; till 4 A.M. Restless night; leaves the bed frequently. Starting up, moving and talking in sleep; starts up in sleep and says some one is holding her. Twitchings on falling asleep; in limbs. Waking frequently.

Dreams. Anxious (Rhus t.); before midnight; and waking with a start. Fearful. Nightmare. That she was falling from a height. Vivid; about the events of the day. Half the night, of a subject which occupies his attention long after waking. Towards morning, containing an explanation of what was a riddle to him while awake. Confused; and long. Of subjects that have been foreign to his thoughts. Extravagant, in a half sleep. Strange, found himself laughing on waking. Delightful. Of thieves. Vexatious, quarrelsome. In which he talked., Lascivious (Phosphorus ac.) Waking dreaminess, imagining that he is far from home.


      Chilliness; morning on rising, with yawning; afternoon; evenings; evenings with headache; towards evening, with thirst, hot head and face, red cheeks and out-pressing headache (Bry); towards evening, with white cold hands; at night, with heat, thirst and restlessness; at night, then copious sweat; at night on lying down, then sweat in latter part of night; after siesta general feeling of rigor and coldness in r. upper arm, then in evening warm feeling, like a catarrhal fever; on slightest motion; after eating; after eating, with weakness and sleepiness, at night heat and tossing about and sleep interrupted by dreams; in open air; when walking, (>) by wine, with distended abdomen, salivation and general sick feeling: with anxiety, also during most of the symptoms; with anxiety as if blood would overflow vessels, especially coldness in face, (>) by open air and motion; with pain in r. temple; cold body, with hot forehead, hot forehead, hot lobules of ears and inward dry heat; especially in soles and knees, with confused head, heat of face, then full, hard, rapid pulse, flushes of pleasant warmth over body, anxiety and warmth about heart, inclined to sweat on forehead and temples, sweat over whole body, especially on head, nape, chest and abdomen, while soles always seem blown upon by a cool wind; with paleness and sunken features; with stiffness of whole body; one cheek being red and hot, the other pale and cold; with blueness of face and hands; with desire to be covered with many clothes; with yawning and stretching; with faintness; with sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.