Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum

Clinical Violent pain in rectum, with chill and fever, inflammation, tenesmus and bloody discharges (dysentery), in early stage. Bleeding piles, with heat and sharp stitches, blood bright, Diarrhoea, stools green, watery, after a chill or fright. Choleraic discharges with collapse, deathly anxiety and restlessness.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Pain on walking. Splashing feeling on urinating. Tenesmus at neck. Burning in neck when not urinating (Cantharis). Paralysis of neck. Micturition at night. Desire to urinate on touching abdomen; desire, with scanty discharge, also with difficult discharge; anxious desire. Anxiety always on beginning to urinate. Difficult. Frequent. Involuntary.

Urethra.-Stitches; on walking. Burning when urinating. Stitches in meatus; morning on urinating. Stitches in fossa navicularis always on urinating. Burning in fossa navicularis (Petrosel).

Urine. Copious; and watery. Scanty; and saturated; scanty and loaded with albumen and casts; afterwards copious. Suppressed. Pale. Red; with white faeces. Brown; with dirty brown sediment; with brick-dust sediment. Dark and hot; dark and scanty. Hot (Borax). Clouded. Deposits blood. Salts diminished. Acid, precipitating phosphates.

Clinical Acute inflammation of various parts, with fever, hot urine, great agony at the thought of micturition, etc. Retention of urine (especially in infants). In fever the urine is dark, hot and scanty; but with no evidence of nephritis. Rare cases of congestion of the kidney, with bloody urine; pain in kidneys, fever. etc. Acute prostatitis, from cold especially, supervening on chronic disease.

Sexual Organs

      Crawling, stinging in glans. Stitches in glans and prepuce; l. side of prepuce; in glans when urinating; in glans, as from a galvanic current. Pinching in glans on urinating. Frequent erections. Retraction of scrotum (Petrol). Swollen and hard feeling in testicles (Rhododendron, Spongia). Drawing pain in testicles; r. Bruised pain in testicles. (Rhododendron); r., l. (Acid nitricum, Thuja). Desire diminished; increased, also in evening; (alternating with relaxation). Emissions; only in morning; frequent, also at night.

Menses which had ceased the day before reappeared. Metrorrhagia. Milk increased.

Clinical Suppressed or painful menstruation from violent emotions (fright), sudden chill, with anguish, fever, etc. Metrorrhagia, bright and hot, with general Aconite symptoms. Acute orchitis, with general fever.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Pain on coughing (Osm.). Sensitiveness to inspired air (Osm.). Irritation, (<) going from warm room into open air, with dry cough. Tickling, provoking cough (Sanguinaria); tickling from smoking. Drink and food get into larynx, causing cough. Compression on both sides. Burning pain, with choking. Burning in glottis. Aphonia from debility. Weak voice. Hoarseness (Belladonna Iodium).

Trachea.-Rattling and vibration. Pressive a burning pain, extending to pit of stomach, caused by cough. Raw feeling, causing short cough. Wide feeling in air-passages during respiration. Dry feeling. Numbness and asleep sensation under sternum.

Cough in morning, with blood-streaked expectoration (Sulph). towards evening; after drinking; (during heat of body); when exercising; from irritation in larynx; from tobacco smoke, also with hemming; (<) towards evening, with pain and oppression in chest; with shooting in chest (Bryonia Kali carb.). Disturbing night’s rest. Distressing. Violent; with shootings in different parts of chest, compelling him to lie on the back. Dull-toned, straining chest. Hacking, from tickling at epiglottis (Wyeth.). Short; every half-hour after midnight, from tickling in larynx, (<) attempts to repress it. Dry; from irritation in larynx (Puls); from change of temperature, with raw pain in chest; (<) warm room; (<) deep breathing and change of temperature, with smarting and soreness behind sternum; with raw pain in chest and smarting in larynx; and harsh; and hoarse ringing. (Bromium Iodium Spo.); and short, from scratching in throat. Constant, irritation to. Frequent, with expectoration of bright blood (Cact. Ip. Ledum Phosphorus).

Expectoration.-Of blood; of blood and mucus, with raw feeling behind sternum. Rusty (Phosphorus). Thin, frothy, white mucus, with streaks of bright blood (Sulphur). Gelatinous mucus. Tenacious, slimy. Cough brings up a sweetish salt fluid into mouth, tasted only at root of tongue.

Respiration.-Asthmatic. Fear of suffocation (Phosphorus). Choking; easy; easy while swallowing; in paroxysms. Difficult; (>) cough; impeded by anxiety, with sweat on forehead; with necessity to breathe deeply; with pressure under sternum and transient heat; and rapid; and slow. Inspiration through nose impeded, (<) in sleep. Short; in sleep after midnight; in shocks and weak; scarcely perceptible. Gasping. Groaning at each respiration. Sighing; on account of slow circulation and congested feeling in lungs; deep. Loud, with open mouth. Mucous rales; posteriorly. Irregular (Inspiration with a double jerk, like the bleating of a goat, in sleep.) Superficial. Slow; in sleep. Frequent, deep. Stertorous. No respiration or circulation, yet kept moving some part of body.

Clinical The Aconite cough is dry, either short hacking or hard ringing and croupy, it hurts the larynx (in laryngitis) or the chest (in pleurisy or pneumonia). In the first stage of membranous croup, with high fever, great anxiety and restlessness, it will often abate the attack. (Iodine is also applicable at this stage of high fever, but the patient is quiet and the exudation has already become plastic; after the fever abates neither Aconite nor Iodine is indicated.) The cough is aggravated by warmth (on expiration) usually. In congestion of the lungs, with great oppression, distress and anxiety, expectoration of bright, hot blood. In the hyperaemic stage of inflammation of the thoracic viscera (with the general indications), prior to exudation, Aconite, will be found invaluable. After Aconiteeither Iodine or Bryonia follows well; both these have high fever without anguish, both seem to be associated with an exudative process. Acute symptoms occurring during the progress of chronic diseases occasionally require Aconite


      Spasmodic action of muscles of chest, abdomen and limbs. Stitches; on inspiration (Borax, Ranunculus bulb.); when sneezing; in r. side of sternum; in centre of sternum towards evening; beneath sternum and between scapulae; near l. axilla; in l. pectoralis major and intercostals; towards false ribs; side (Squill.); under l. ribs on inspiration. (Sulphur); under r. ribs on laughing aloud (Borax); sides and between scapulae, on deep breathing; in lower, (>) lying; in various parts, also (<) bending sideways; with cough (Borax); in r., with suspension of breathing (Borax); with anxiety and peevishness, a sticking, then throbbing in the side, then headache; burning stitches in l. half; fine burning; constrictive, in r. side; drawing, also in l.; in region of eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh ribs, l., then r., often extending to loins; in side, extending towards back; stitches about last r. rib, through to small of back; from lowest r. rib to apex of shoulder-blade; at every inspiration; extending inward in l.; as from flatus; in l. upper; flying along sternum and between ribs; interrupting respiration; now here, now there; periodical stitches, with dry cough; now superficial, now deep, and in cardiac region.

Pain at night; (>) bending backward; r. r. then l.; l. on sneezing; in sternum; from sternum to spine; beneath sternum, compelling frequent deep breathing; in region of second l. rib, near sternum, (<) deep inspiration; l. side superiorly, with sensitiveness to touch; (<) towards evening, with oppression, in the evening associated with drawing stiffness in nape and pain in scapulae, wine relieved. the chest symptoms, but aggravated the head symptoms; on chest, especially on posterior r. side and lower part, with tightness; creeping; drawing, in various parts; externally in spots, (<) r. side.

Squeezing pain; under sternum. Constriction; to r. of sternum; as if ribs of both sides were drawn towards each other. Compression from all sides; compression in middle of sternum and anterior part of chest, affecting inspiration; in central anterior part, or constriction, especially in r. ribs, hindering deep breathing. Tightness; in side; with strong, loud respiration. Anxiety (Spigelia). Oppression (Phosphorus, Ferrum, China, Sul.); in r. side, then in whole chest; at night, with frequent deep breathing; of lungs after drinking; between shoulders on deep breathing, with anxiety and stitches; (>) deep inspiration; compelling frequent inspiration. Heaviness; under sternum, preventing deep inspiration. Fulness; forenoons on walking, with heaviness, internal uneasiness, anxiety and palpitation, (>) motion in open air.

Painful shocks in l. side superiorly, (<) breathing. Raw pain under sternum on inspiration. Soreness on posterior surface of sternum, as if bruised, evenings. Bruised feeling in ribs and upper part of chest; in last rib, touch; in middle of sternum, (<) touch. Pinching digging i r. side between third and fourth ribs. Gnawing pain in r. clavicle. Shooting, boring, burrowing in l. side between fourth and sixth ribs. Crawling as from beetles.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.