Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum


      Injected; especially towards inner canthus; of lids and ball red.


      Sudden compressive pain in upper margin of r. Shooting in supraorbital ridge, branching across forehead to scalp, to r. temple, cheek, and into some teeth, (<) pressure and towards evening, when there was constant cough, followed by swelling of ridge. Tearing in l. margin; tearing in l., with constriction as if ball would be pressed outward. Pain. Tension.


      Acute. Confused. Dazzled. Dim; with vertigo. Lost. Weak. Amblyopia. Diplopia. Photophobia. Flickering; in evening on going from half dark room into street, worse at short than long distances. Black floating spots. Sparks. White bright spot, changing to straw color, then the whole field of vision became lilac-hued, followed by a bright azure spot. All sorts of hallucinations.

Clinical In the first stage of acute inflammations of various tissues of the eye and its appendages, with heat, dryness and sharp pain, before any exudation has taken place. Acute inflammation from foreign bodies, etc. In acute aggravations of chronic disease (catarrh, trachoma, etc.). In recent paralysis from cold. In ciliary and orbital neuralgia. Acute symptoms from overstrain of muscles.


      Stitches in l. in forenoon, with twinges and stoppage; acute stoppage in r. meatus externus; drawing stitches in l. Tearing in l. Pain; in r., l.; below r., burning P. shooting into l.; drawing P. Burning, itching and darting when yawning, (<) in evening and in open air, (>) after eating. Feeling as if a drop of hot water were in l. Stoppage; of r.; stopped feeling in l. Tickling in r. as from a worm in it. Swollen sensation in bone around external ear. Pricking burning in palate, throat, and Eustachian tube,(<) swallowing. Stiffening sensation in r. Eustachian tube, compelling swallowing.

Hearing impaired. Sensitiveness to every noise (Belladonna, Mur ac., etc.). Buzzing before ears, then faintness. Humming. Humming hissing. Ringing; with yawning. Roaring; 1; (<) reading. Seething. Singing. Loud noises.

Clinical Inflammation of external parts,. even involving the tympanum, with fever, excruciating pain, caused by a draught of cold air. Neuralgia, involving ear and parts about it.


      Stitches at root alternating with same in occiput. Pain at base between orbits (Ignatia, Kali. bi.). Stupefying compression at root. Constriction. Obstructing in r. nostril. Tightness across nose and eyes. Raw feeling in posterior nares. Dry feeling in posterior nares. Sneezing frequently; with pain in abdomen; with shooting in chest; sneezing interrupted by pain in l. chest. Desired to sneeze, but could not. Clear fluid flows from nose; hot fluid drops out, frothy mucus from nose and mouth; profuse discharge with stuffing in head; discharge of thick yellow mucus Coryza; fluent, beginning with violent chill about midnight, then copious sweat; severe coryza, with lachrymation; Epistaxis (Cact. mil.). blows out bright blood mornings (Bryonia). Great sensibility of olfactory nerves (Belladonna); bad smells have a powerful effect.

Clinical Incipient coryza, nares hot and dry, or with hot fluid discharge, with chills and fever. Haemorrhage of bright, hot blood, with anxiety (Ham, Secale, Phosphorus, Croc., blood dark.).


      Dusky. Pale; and anxious. Red; with tension; flushed over cheek bones, otherwise pallid. Livid. Livid purple, with white blotches. Sunken. Expressionless. Expression of agony; of astonishment; of anxiety; of fright, and imbecility; heavy, depressed; hippocratic; restless; pinched. Swelling. Distortion; (<) change of temperature. Twitching. Pain; creeping, on cheeks; P. in zygomatic process as from an internal ulcer; pressive and digging pain in chin. Lower and anterior part feels compressed form both sides. Contracted feeling in muscles and numb, heavy, paralytic feeling in whole face. Drawing in cheeks, upper jaw and forehead. Distorted feeling; as if a muscle bulged out, then as if whole jaw were thrust to one side, or as if the lower jaw were pushed up or raised into the cavity of the mouth. Swollen feeling; (<) l. side; of cheeks. Tingling; benumbed. Rigidity. Numbness; of cheeks and tongue, extending over shoulder and back and down the arms, then hyperaesthesia.

Lips.- Black. Blue Pale. Swollen. Pain. Feeling as if swollen. Inflammation. Burning; extending to stomach. Heat. Feeling as if drawn up. Dryness; then in mouth, with heat rising from chest to head. Tickling. Tingling. Numbness; extending to stomach. Swollen feeling.

Jaws dropping. Involuntary closure with salivation Trismus; in paroxysms. Shooting jerks, in lower. Rigidity. Aching of lower; in joint on chewing; burning aching of lower; in joint on chewing; burning aching in upper; piercing as if they would fall off; pressing on lower. Drawing in lower with stinging. Creeping and in tongue, with burning, so that the teeth seemed to wabble. Tingling in angles and down side of neck. Leaden heaviness of upper. Numbness. Dead feeling in lower. Paralysis of lower.

Clinical The expression in fever is flushed and anxious, in neuralgia pinched and suffering, in tetanus drawn and rigid. The neuralgia pinched and suffering, in tetanus drawn and rigid. The neuralgia commonly cured results from cold, is of recent origin and usually associated with tingling and numbness (Verbascum). Several cases of tetanus have been cured.


      Stitches; in r. molars, also with drawing. Aching; r. l. upper; drawing burning pain on r. lower margin of a socket. Feeling as if they would fall out. Sore feeling. Peculiar feeling in roots. Cold feeling in incisors. Sensitiveness to open air. Numbness extending over cheek bone to inner canthus; then over almost whole body, with feeling in head as if brain were larger and pressed forcibly against the skull, with chilliness over back and paleness and coldness of face. Gums hot.


      Hanging out of mouth. Moved constantly, at times thrust beyond lips and moved from side to side. Swollen. Burning vesicles on tip. (Nat. Sul.) Coated; in morning; white; yellow. Stitches in r. under surface; at back; through it fine, in tip; flying. Cramp at root. Feeling as if getting longer. Biting, (<) towards tip. Burning; after eating; of sides; tip; under tongue. Cold (Camph Veratruma.); feeling as of cold air passing over it; biting cooling, with salivation, then crawling. Drawn-up feeling; feeling in root as if drawn spasmodically to both sides. Dry and rough feeling in middle. Leathery feeling. Crawling, and on lips, then on face, spreading over body, with itching in skin and drawing up of face, dry skin, afterwards crawling increased and caused such restlessness that he walked the room almost all night as if crazy; crawling, as from peppermint, extending to lips and lower part of palate. Prickling; spreading over lips and to fauces, then to tips of fingers and toes, to face and then over whole body, with formication and tickling. Tingling; of tip; extending to lips. Numbness. Paralysis. Articulation difficult. Thick speech. Unintelligible sounds.

Mouth in general

      Twitching. Drawn to one side. Redness. Burning biting. Burning; with congestion, and in lips, with roughness in throat, especially in posterior nares, which compels hawking, and feeling as if tough mucus were drawn through choanae, with dryness, (<) tobacco smoke. Inflammation and pain. Soreness of salivary ducts. Dryness; at night; dry feeling in front part; with coolness. Feeling as if the breath were fetid, in morning on waking. Fuzziness in spots. Tingling; benumbed. Numbness. Discharge of frothy mucus and from nose. Salivation; frothy; saliva streaked with red; hawked up thin, sour saliva; watery. Breath hot; breath fetid.


      Astringent. Bitter. Diminished. Fishy. Flat, nauseous, sweet, compelling hawking of tough mucus, then swallowing it. Lost for things that formerly tasted strong and well. Nauseous at root of tongue, (>) while eating. Pasty in morning. Peppery; especially on tip of tongue; at root of tongue, extending forward over whole tongue, with increased saliva; in pharynx. Of rotten eggs. Sour Sweet. Offensive.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache. Teething with hot inflamed gums, great distress, etc. The tongue often feels swollen with the fever: acute glossitis, with dry hot mouth (Mercur, with salivation).


      Frequent pulling at. Bruised feeling from l. side of throat to shoulder-joint and a portion of dorsal muscles, (<) lying,(>) moving and open air, with stiffness, alternating with a similar feeling in upper and lower limbs. Drawing from side to ears; D. in muscles. Redness. Mucus. Cramp. Stitches; at back-part; causing frequent swallowing. Pain; deglutition; l. side, with profuse swallowing of saliva; in fauces and soft palate; with tension. Soreness Raw feeling with mucus in larynx. Roughness. Raw scraping feeling in back part, with desire to hawk. Scraping; clearing throat and soft palate, with burning as from peppermint. Constriction in pharynx.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.