Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum


      Sticking pain (Caps. (<) rest); jerking sticking, especially in forehead;l sticking on coughing (Arnica, Carbo vegetabilis). Shooting pulsating. Aching; on stooping (<) mental effort; (<) speaking. A., as from a band (Gelsemium, Mercurius sol.); as from a hot iron band; as if eyes would fall out; as if brain were pressing out; as if brain were raised here and there; bruised,(<) motion, drinking and speaking. A., burning, as if brain were agitated by boiling water. A., constrictive and pressing, especially in upper part of forehead, (<) light and noise,(>) sleep, with obscured vision; as if skull were compressed from all sides (Anacardium), especially in l. orbit; constrictive pain over whole skull, especially l. side and over l. eye, (>) cool hand. A in head and face, extending over body. Neuralgic pain, then in lower extremities.

Compression, as if aponeurosis were too tight; as from a vise; in evening, at times worse in l.orbit; recurring at same hour. Fulness (Glo.), with erratic pain in r. supraorbital, temporal and frontal regions. Congestion; sudden and frequent, with anxiety, then rigor over back. Apoplectic. Heaviness; in morning, with vertigo; with ringing in ears, (<) yawning, dizzy, especially in frontal region, with nausea and sinking in pit of stomach, also on stooping. Drawing, especially in temporal muscles and behind ears; feeling as if something were drawn out of head, causing lids to be drawn up. Confusion; morning on waking; after every effort; while eating; in evening with pressure in forehead; forenoon, with flushes of heat and vertigo; (<) motion; as after intoxicating drinks. Emptiness; morning, as after intoxication. Lightness. Head feels smaller to hand, with warmth of head. Pulsation (Belladonna, Ferrum, Glo.); fine, here and there. Waving and shaking of brain. Roaring in head and ears, (<) reading. Tingling, benumbed. Feeling as if head were forcibly turned around.


      Morning on waking (Lachesis); forenoon, with confusion, when walking, changing in house to stupefaction; driving or walking; on rising up (Bryonia, Phosphorus); on rising, with heavy headache in temporal muscles above ears, nausea and gush of cold sweat; on rising, with flickering before eyes, roaring in ears, pain in head and face, nausea and weakness; when standing; on stooping (Sulphur); stooping, with vision of sparks and fog; after walking, with reeling; vertigo aggravated, open air, after dinner, shaking head, when there is blackness before eyes, stooping with nausea, rising from a seat (Bryonia); (>) walking and sitting, by deep breathing. Vertigo, with distraction of mind; with headache; obscuration of vision; feeling as if about to fall; staggering especially to r.; vertigo, with feeling that his legs were going away from him. Everything goes around in a circle. Vertigo, to falling.


      Stitches in r.; after eating, extending to temple; alternating with same in occiput; nauseating over orbits, extending to upper jaw; stitches at times pulsating or pressive-aching, on walking, (>) sitting. Drawing; drawing pressive feeling in nerve trigeminus; tense drawing in trigeminus, then shooting, wandering, intermittent, then constant pain, sometimes pressure. Crepitation (as of gold tinsel bent back and forth), and in temples and nose. Aching; morning, on waking; night; (<) evening; over eye; r. half; especially over r. superciliary ridge, with dread of jar by riding; in spot above 1. superciliary ridge, morning after waking, (>) after a nap; l. eminence; in sinciput; forehead and occiput, (<) towards evening. Contractive. In r. protuberance, extending towards orbit, with flushes of heat, especially in face and ears; involving r. eyebrow. Out pressing. Stupefying, (<) towards 6 P.M. Wedge-like pressing asunder, near l. brow, (<) in room.

Feeling as of a board before forehead. Corrugated between brows. Squeezing; in bones, with sick feeling as if madness would ensue; over nose, with feeling as if she would lose her reason, (<) walking in open air. Nailed-up feeling in a warm room. Swelling; swollen feeling, (<) 1. Tension; squeezing, tensive pain behind orbits. Fulness (Gloninum); in sinuses, with heaviness and feeling as if something would come out, the latter also on stooping. Heaviness; in sinciput, with numbness. Pulsation towards both eyes; l.side, with attacks of blows in r. side. Confusion; r.; dizzy, in r., when walking in open air.


      Stitches in r. muscles; stitches in l. temple, (<) entering house, with drawing pain; stitches from (<) entering house, with drawing pain, stitches from temple into head; twitching stitches in 1. Tearing in l. Drawing from muscles into external meatus, causing tense feeling there. Aching; l.; r. (Sang); behind r. mastoid process; bursting (Gloninum); as if compressed with screws; as from pressure of a thumb behind r. ear; pressing out, evenings, with fulness in forehead, pricking and biting in lips, as in beginning of coryza, with flushes of heat; stupefying, drawing, pressing- inward in l.; shooting pulsating; neuralgic in r. Tingling; with sense of enlargement of forehead and disturbance of vision. Pulsation of arteries during chill. Contraction of muscles. Swelling. Swollen feeling, (<) l.


      Stitches (Bry); aching; forenoon, evenings; nightly; (>) washing with cold water; light, (<) stooping and moving head; (<) motion; then extending to forehead, where it caused heaviness and fulness; aching on both sides; aching, with tension, aching, as from a cap, also (>) motion in open air; A., extending towards temporal region, (<) stooping; A., as from a weight. Heaviness, compression extending to whole head.


      Jerking, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in r. side of head superiorly. Aching, in l. side of head; evening and night; (>) cold water; in l. side, as if compressed. Heaviness in bones; heaviness in r. side of head, with pressing out. Semi-lateral drawing in head.


      Stitches; in bone; alternating with same in root of nose. Twitching, tearing. Aching; (<) stooping, and in forehead; acute about base of brain and in back of neck, with spasms in arms; distending; by fits and starts; twitching. Injected feeling in brain. Drawing numbness in l. Weight.


      Bristling of hair on vertex; scalp feel as if the hair stood on end, also in spots. Stitches under scalp. Sensation as if swollen and numb. Sensitiveness to touch; in spots, and to cold air, (<) strong wind. Sensation as if some one drew him up by the hair. Formication; (>) heat. Creeping in l. side as from a brush. Tickling on touching hair, especially on vertex. Itching.

Clinical The headache associated with fever is a hot, full, pulsating, bursting pain, with flushed face, etc., reminding one of Belladonna; the neuralgia of scalp and skull varies usually sharp shooting along nerves (Spigelia), drawing tense, numb (Verbasc.), or pulsating (Glon). The anterior portion of head is usually involved. The peculiar mental distress accompanies all the headaches (clinically).


      Bloodshot. Yellowish. Protruding. Dull, with blue rings. Expressionless. Wandering look. Glaring. Staring. Glassy. Sparkling. Distorted,. Turned upward. Twitching-pain; (<) looking down or around, with heat in them; pain as if crushed; P. anteriorly as if it would be pushed out when lids are opened (Sanguinaria), extending to supraorbital region and interior of brain. Sharp P. through r., leaving an ache. Feeling as if they would drop from their sockets. Painful inflammation. Swollen feeling. Constriction. Tightness across eyes and nose. Burning; burning alternately in each; burning and pressure in l., and over brow. Warmth and undulation, with half-closing of lids and feeling as if it were too dark to read in a well-lighted room. (Cold feeling in open air.) Sensitiveness to air. Itching.

Lachrymation; when coughing; (<) evening and night.


      Fine sticking in r. Enlarged feeling as if coming out of orbits and stretching lids (Natrum mur., Par.). Pressure; in l. ball and r. orbital region; as if pressed into orbit; upper part feels as if pressed out of orbit on moving it, (>) stooping, changing to dull pain on bending head backward; pressure in front, not quite superficial part, sometimes stinging or burning.


      Contraction; then dilatation; alternating with dilatation. Mobility, then dilatation, with dim vision, and blinking on looking at bright objects Dilatation; r. nearly oval; l. irregularly polygonal. Insensible to light.


      Swollen. Twitching. Blinking on looking at strongly lighted objects. Closed convulsively. Will not keep closed, so that there is sleeplessness. Burning. Itching. Heaviness. Hard red swelling of r. upper, with tension, (<) morning. Pressure alternately in each upper. L. upper feels as if long, heavy and hanging down paralyzed. Dryness of upper. Pain deep- seated in r. inner canthus. Sensation of sand in l. inner canthus. Margins sore, red and inflamed (Apis). Irritation of margins. Itching on margins, with smarting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.