Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum

Peppery feeling. Burning (Cantharis); at back part also causing hawking; cooling, then on tongue. Heat; alternately with heat in face. Coldness, as after peppermint. Dryness (Belladonna Dubois); at night; (<) tobacco smoke; with irritation to cough; as if something stuck in it. Throat seemed to swell. Constriction; at back part. Sensation of mucus; feeling as if mucus hung at palate, with nausea. Creeping. Tickling. Burning tingling. Numbness;l with prickling. Paralytic attack. Sticking choking in a spot, (<) swallowing and speaking, l. then r. Strangling sensation.

Redness of soft palate; tonsils; uvula; r. tonsil. Burning in soft palate. Coldness as from peppermint in soft palate in evening, soon extending to pharynx. Dryness of soft palate; palate and posterior nares. Scraping in soft palate, extending to hard palate and tip of tongue, with burning in same, and with redness of soft palate. Constriction in soft palate and uvula, with scratching, causing hawking, spitting and nausea.

Swelling of tonsils; feeling as if uvula rested on tongue (Alumina); swelling and elongation of uvula, with arborescently injected dark red fauces and pharynx, feeling as if an angular many-pointed body were sticking in throat, with sticking burning in palate, throat and along Eustachian tube, (<) swallowing, with dull pain behind sternum, headache and salivation, the throat symptoms (<) walking in open air,(>) after eating.

OEsophagus.-Pressive and burning pain extending into stomach. Constriction. Burning. Coldness as from peppermint. Crawling during passage of food. Dryness and scraping.

Clinical Acute inflammation of various portions of the throat, with swelling, dryness, sticking pain (rarely, if even indicated after infiltration, exudation or ulceration has taken place.)


      Hunger. Appetite diminished; lost. Loathing of food; of bread. Thirst; at night; after vomiting for beer during heat; for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach; for cold water. (Hiccough after eating and drinking); spasmodic action of stomach and diaphragm like hiccough and retching at the same time.

Eructations; empty, also after eating; empty, (>) after breakfast, with nausea; ineffectual attempts at; frequent, loud; with mineral taste; offensive; sour; of sweetish water, with roaring in ears; sweetish water with nausea; risings from pit of stomach, amounting to nausea when fasting. Waterbrash.

Nausea; from flesh broth; from food; at sight of food; when walking in open air; (>) eating; in. pit, then under sternum and lastly in throat; on rising, with vertigo, heavy headache above ears and gush of cold sweat; with sinking in pit, (<) sitting, (>) walking; with sinking in pit and scraping from pit to throat; with sinking in pit and heaviness in head; with weight in stomach; with sweet taste; as after disagreeably sweet or fat substances. Retching; violent, with confusion of head.

Vomiting; after each drink; with purging; with stools, cardialgia and colic; bilious, also fetid and black (with relief); blood-streaked; dark grumous liquid; all food; food, then frothy mucus; gravy-like, with stringy mucus; greenish- gray, watery; green (Verat); green masses, with diarrhoea of same appearance; mucus; olive-yellow fluid; violent.

Sticking in epigastrium after a full meal, with tension. Sharp pain, and in bowels. then discharge of flatus. Aching; while eating; after dinner; in epigastric region; in pit; in pit while sitting, walking and standing; in pit, changing to constriction of chest; burning, also with tenderness on pressure; burning in epigastrium; burning, extending to mouth, with dryness; as from something indigestible at noon, then sensitiveness and warmth till evening; as from a stone in pit, extending through to back, with squeezing like a stiffness; spasmodic; in pit as if swollen internally. Feeling of a ball rising from pit and spreading cool air over vertex and occiput. Epigastric region tender to touch. Burning; after dinner; heartburn morning on waking, almost taking away the breath, (>) rising; warmth. in epigastric region; heat in pit (Arsenicum); warmth in pit while eating, with tenderness.

Anxiety in pit, (<) warm room, with vertigo. Distress after eating. Discomfort in pit and upper abdomen after eating, with pressure. Contractive feeling as from an astringent. Spasmodic constriction. Swelling. Fulness. Feeling of a lump. Repletion at pit. Tension in pit, (>) offensive eructations. Empty feeling; at noon, with eructations. Collapse alternating with distention. Sensitiveness to touch; at pit. Uneasiness in epigastrium. Anxious pulsation in pit, with shooting. Numbness.

Clinical Aconite is indicated in distress at the stomach. retching and vomiting (especially of green substances), associated, with fever (at the outset of an eruptive disease), or without fever following a severe shock, such as fright, or with sudden suppression of menstruation or perspiration, with anxiety and restlessness; occasionally also in infants during dentition when the general state corresponds. Haematemesis.


      Flatus; emission of; hot. Gurgling, (>) emission of flatus; G., with itching in rectum and call to stool. Splashing. Rumbling; after eating; (>) discharge of flatus; all night, with grumbling; with shooting and contractive pain here and there; with tension; as after a purge, during soft stools. Fermentation. Swelling.

Stitches (Sulphur). Griping; with swelling, (>) emission of flatus. Pain; from sneezing; during stool; (>) emission of flatus, with distention; burning P., also with tenderness or pressure; drawing P. here and there; flatulent P., also in different parts. Cutting; morning in bed; during stool; extending towards r. shoulder, during stool. Feeling as if diarrhoea would occur. Burning (Arsenicum). Chilliness (Camph.). Colicky stretching. Sensitiveness (Belladonna). Raw feeling. Seemed full of water. Weakness as from abuse of purgatives. Paralyzed feeling; especially in transverse colon. Amelioration of many symptoms after warm soup.

Hypochondria.-Stitches in l. (Digitalis).; in spleen when walking; in liver; in hepatic region, hindering deep breathing (Bryonia Iodium); in hepatic region, with soreness; inward in region of spleen, (<) pressure and deep inspiration. Griping in upper abdomen, with distention of abdomen. Pain in upper abdomen, with ineffectual straining at stool; in hepatic region, obstructing breathing. Constriction (<) r., preventing deep breathing; in region of gall- bladder on sitting, preventing breathing. Anxiety. Fulness. Weight. Coldness in upper abdomen. Feeling as if something cold pressed outward, above and to l. of umbilicus.

Umbilicus.-Retraction, (<) morning before eating. Griping about. Clawing in region; with scraping. Pinching in region, also before diarrhoea; above umbilicus. Drawing pain in both sides of umbilicus; on bending abdomen together. Jerk-like pressure. Compression. Feeling as if a ball rose from region and spread cool air over vertex and occiput. Burning; spreading towards pit of stomach.

Hypogastrium.-Griping. Stitches in l. Pinching, especially in r. flank, affecting inspiration. Pain as from a flatulent purgative. Drawing from l. towards back, with pain in sides of abdomen on pressure. Sensitiveness to touch (Opium). Faintness.

Flatulent pain in parietes and r. side of abdomen. Pressing pain in parietes, r. then l. recurring for days. Flying stitches here and there in parietes, ribs and joints, in evening.

Muscles.-Drawing pain in recti abdominis, which were stretched as hard as a board. Tension; in r. groin. Contraction (Sulphur). Twitchings in hepatic region, taking away breath. Spasmodic action of muscles of abdomen, chest and limbs (Veratrum).

Clinical In various inflammatory processes, peritonitis, enteritis, in the early stage with severe, agonizing pain, tossing about, high fever, etc. violent colic from cold; early inflammatory symptoms in the hepatic region; severe inflammation or engorgement of the pelvic viscera when the other conditions correspond, Aconite has been promptly efficacious.


      Pain. Tenesmus (Caps). Urging to stool; with colic, also during stool., Itching, with gurgling in abdomen and call to stool.


      Shootings. Sore feeling. Cramplike constriction. Painful contractions (Sil). Pressure. Burning at night, with scraping. Sensation of a warm fluid escaping. Bleeding haemorrhoids (Hamamelis, Nit.ac.) burning and heat in haemorrhoidal vessels (AEsc. hip., Sulphur), itching and pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels. Paralysis.


      Diarrhoea; with grumbling in abdomen; with pain in abdomen; with faint feeling; urgent, offensive. Pasty. Watery; and copious, urgent, also with colic. Gushing of yellow water mixed with white foam, preceded by gurgling. Constipation. Hard, with effort; hard and earlier than usual. Green (Dulcamara). Black and fetid. Clay-colored. White; with red urine. Whitish- yellow. Copious; after urging followed by painful pinching. Scanty; and soft and frequent, with straining. Frequent. Involuntary; during a faint; with a feeling as if passing only flatus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.