Homeopathy Remedy Aconitum

Heat (Bryonia); with weakness; burning under sternum, with pressure (Phosphorus); in lungs, also with a feeling as if hot fluid would come into the mouth. Feeling as if hot water were poured into chest, then icy coldness, almost with faintness, with frequent shivering and headache in r. temple. Chilliness evenings. Weakness. Aggravation of symptoms in evening. It is characteristic that wine relieves the chest symptoms, namely, the venous congestion, while it aggravates the active trouble in the fibrous structures of the skull and meninges.


      Stitches; forenoon, walking; in praecordial region; in region as if in pleura costalis, morning on rising, preventing upright posture and deep breathing, with inclination to cough, (>) rubbing, then soreness on touch. Cramp about. Aching; in region. Anxiety about (Amyl, Camph.); with quicker, stronger beat; when sitting after much motion, with contracted pulse and constricted chest. Compression in praecordial region. Oppression of praecordial region (China) Pressure in ward in region. Weight about. Heat, and disagreeable feeling. Congealed feeling in blood vessels. Feeling as if circulation were impeded in all vessels. Slow twitchings in region, towards surface of chest.

Palpitation; after eating; on walking; (>) quiet (Chin); and anxiety, with increased heat, especially in face; and anxiety, with restlessness and pressive pain in region of heart; with anxiety, difficult breathing, weariness in limbs, sensation of something rushing into head, confusion and flying heat in face. Tumultuous beating, systole and diastole inseparable to ear. Trembling. Fluttering feebly. Impulse weak. Beating but once to every three beats of pulse. Intermittent beating. Irregular beating. Beating quickly while pulse is slow, apparently intermittent. Movement of r. auricle rapid, irregular, not related to beats of ventricle.

Symptoms alternate with wandering, drawing tearing pains.

Clinical Exceedingly valuable in acute inflammation, with fever, stitches at heart, violent beating and anguish. The febrile pulse of Aconite is full, hard and rapid. In cardiac inflammations requiring Aconite, the patient must lie on the back with the head raised.


      Contracted, full, strong, febrile, rapid. Rapid at one time, at another slow. Slow; and full, strong. Small and soft. Tendency to dicrotism. Weak. Imperceptible. Intermittent, Thready. Tremulous. Twitching. Beat of temporal and carotid arteries felt when sitting.


      Twitching of muscles. Stitches externally. Neuralgic pain in l. side and shoulder. Pain in r. cervical muscles and shoulders- joint, so that he could bend the arm backward only with great pain. Drawing pain; in muscles of r. side of throat and neck; from r. side of neck into ear and shoulder; to l. of nape and in scapula, on moving neck. Pain extending down neck towards r, shoulder. Drawing in muscles (Baptis); drawing in side. Constriction. Pressure inward as with a finger-tip. Tension in muscles, especially in sterno-cleido mastoid, and in its attachment to mastoid process, on turning head. Stiffness of r. side, with tenderness on pressure.

Nape.-Stitches; in l. side, with drawing, also (<) entering house, (>) open air. Pain in l. side of cervical vertebrae; in nape and about base of brain, with spasms in arms; rheumatic, on moving neck (Cimicif.). Sensation as if the flesh were separated, with a feeling as if the neck would not support the head, and with shootings on moving head. Bruised pain in single muscles, (<) evenings and nights on lying down. Stiffness (Agaricus Rhus t. Silicea); in evening; with jerking pain.


      Stitches. Cutting, extending over l. hip round to abdomen, in a circle. Shooting digging in whole l. side, (<) inspiration. Pain; (<) stooping (AEsc. h.); in lower part; rheumatic, in muscles of back and shoulders, in places where the chilly or numb sensations had been most marked. Stiffness (Berberis). Feeling of heartburn all down. Numb feeling.

Spine, crawling pain, as from beetles. Pain extending down spine.

Scapulae.-Stitches between; on deep breathing. Digging boring from r. to front of chest, (<) deep inspiration. Bruised pain between scapulae. Drawings in r. Drawing pain in lower angle of l. Drawing tearing. Burning gnawing near r. side of dorsal vertebrae.

Lumbar region.-Stitches, with creeping; with drawing. Tearing, (<) pressure. Boring in l. side. Pain; (AEsc.h., Berberis); r. l. regions of kidneys; region of l. kidney. Drawing P., (<) motion of trunk, standing up, stretching, stooping or sitting down, with pain on pressure; while walking, (>) bending in small of back; drawing pain in sacro-lumbalis and longissimus dorsi, (<) pressure and motion. Labor like pain when walking. Tensive pain (Berberis); (<) stepping, and in sacral region; tensive pain in vertebrae, or bruised feeling, and with gripes as from flatulence. Paralytic pain, (>) movement and bending inward.Bruised pain extending to nape; bruised pain at union of last lumbar vertebrae with sacrum, with feeling as if small of back were beaten to pieces (Arnica). Tension (Berb); (>) bending backward; with drawing, compelling bending backward, sensitiveness; in renal region. Uneasiness in region of r. kidney. Numb feeling, extending into legs.

Sacral region.-Pain; burning P., sticking crawling in sacroiliac region, which gradually changed to a paralytic pressive pain, lasting nearly all day. Sensitiveness. Stiffness in sacral and hip-joints. Sticking burning in region of coccyx, with a feeling of heat.


      Twitching of fingers and toes. Trembling when walking; with tingling and shooting; convulsive distortions; distorted sensation. Stretched involuntarily. Moved incessantly; motions as if muscular sense failed. Paralysis of l. arm and leg, also l., then r. arm and leg; paralyzed feeling in arm and thigh, alternately r. and l., also in arms and feet, with trembling in whole body, especially limbs.

Stitches in feet and arms; backs of hands and feet; drawing gnawing especially in forearms. Tearing in r. upper arm and upper third of thigh; in r. upper arm towards elbow and in thigh towards knee; alternately in both thighs. r. knee and r. forearm; drawing. Sharp pain in l. knee, then in l. ulnar nerve. Pain in elbows, knees and hip-joint after walking, (>) pressure; like bone-pain in metacarpal and long bones; drawing, also in joints; stretching. Shattered feeling Bruised pain in shoulder and hip- joints after sleep.

Drawing alternately in elbow, knee and calf. Tingling, prickling; in tips of fingers and toes at night. Asleep sensation. Feeling as if circulation stopped. Heaviness; when walking and in open air, with sensitiveness. Motion difficult. Stiffness. Numbness; (>) walking; in tips of fingers and toes. Weakness; even in bed; after walking; arms and legs; r. knee and l. elbow; especially feet, with sleepiness and ill humor; of joints, especially knee and joints of foot, with twitching in tendons.

Clinical Neuralgia especially of the upper extremities, with numbness of the limb as if the blood did not circulate freely, resulting from a sudden check of perspiration; finds a prompt remedy in Aconite (Aconitum uncinatum, from Virginia, has made some brilliant cures of this sort.) Neuralgic pains in the lower limbs point to its use in sciatica. Acute muscular rheumatism of the back and limbs occasionally demands Aconite, but it is rarely useful in true arthritic inflammations. It will be noticed that the pains are usually drawing, tense and numb and relieved by open air.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Stitches in l.; joint and elbow. Tearing in l.joint; to fingers, almost only on motion, with blueness of hand; drawing, in joint. Pains; joints; l. joints; with feeling as if it would sink down; drawing pain, also in l. shoulder and arm, on which he lies, with soreness. Drawing in r., then drawing and tearing in same, with lameness in head of left humerus. Numbness. Weakness of r. joint.

Arm.-Tossed about; backward, above head. Trembling,. Stitches. Tearing in r., with prickling like formication. Pinching in spots near bend of l. elbow. Pain; drawing and paralytic; drawing and tearing extending along r. forearm, in wrist and fingers. Bruised pain; with sinking down. Boring in l. Contracted sensation from shoulders to finger-tips, with numb, heavy and paralytic feeling. Prickling. Tingling. Numbness; 1; and of hands, with tingling as from a galvanic current. Weariness.

Upper Arm.-Stitches anteriorly in middle of r. at rest; sudden and drawing posteriorly in r. Pressure in r. Drawing pain in r. Drawing on outside, with paralytic stiffness. Drawing numbness of posterior anterior side of l. Weariness of l.

Elbow.-Stitches; extending to wrists, on outside of arms, on flexing fingers to wrists. Tearing in bend; drawing tearing. Pain; after walking; drawing; rheumatic, l., r. Bruised pain in


Forearm.-Twitching of muscles. Sticking in inner surface of lower and of l., drawing in bones on motion. Tearing drawing, also on outside of r.; undulating, on upper end of l.; in l. forearm, hand and fingers. Pain, cramplike, in l; in r., as if in bone, with aching in wrist; jerking drawing pain along lower and internal surface of l. to palm; drawing and tearing pain along r. forearm, in wrist and fingers; pain in r. extending along flexor tendon of little finger, (<) motion. Bruised pain. Weight. Paralytic feeling in r. forearm and hand when writing, (>) violent motion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.