Sticking pain in the small of the back, and in the abdomen, with cutting colic, impeding respiration. At first sticking in the small of the back; afterwards the pain extends to the abdomen, where it becomes a cutting and sticking, and takes away the breath; afterwards a crawling in the head, a heaviness and a drawing sensation, with vanishing of sight and hearing, followed by chilliness, as if he were dashed with cold water. A smarting pain in the lumbar region and in the wrist, pain as from an external wound. Sacral. Pressive pain, as from fatigue, in the sacrum, in the evening. Pressing-out pain in the sacrum, in the evening.


Trembling in all the limbs, with tearing pain (after three hours). An anxious tremulous sensation in the limbs. Prostration of the limbs. Weakness and weariness in the limbs, without feeling weary, in the morning after rising from bed (after twenty-four hours). Jerking of the limbs or of the whole body, during sleep. Jerking of one or another limb whenever limb whenever touched, on falling asleep. Drawing tearing in one or another limb, with chilliness and coldness. Drawing fine sticking pains in the limbs, especially in the joints, that are painful to touch as if beaten. Simple pain in the limbs, especially in the joints, obliging him to stretch the body, with heat of the whole body, without thirst, in the morning in bed (after twelve and thirty- six hours). The limbs feel beaten. The limbs upon which he lies while asleep seem asleep, with crawling, on waking.

Superior Extremities

Trembling of the left arm and foot, with tearing pain (after one hour). Heaviness of the arm, with tearing pain in the elbow-joint on bending it, only during the day. Sensation of numbness and heaviness in the arm on raising it, while holding anything with it, or in any way working with it. When she raises the arm, she cannot get it down in the same way, it is a sickening kind of pain (after six to seven days). The arm feels broken and dislocated, the pain being worse on pressure and from movement (after six to seven days). Drawing pain in the arm, even while at rest, lasting the whole night, extending from the shoulder down into the fingers, which latter fall asleep, even to insensibility, though without becoming pale or cold. Tearing drawing pain in the arms, especially in the fingers, at night.

Drawing tensive pain in the inner portion of the arm, extending to the wrist. Jerking tearing pain in the arms (after three hours). A burning pain in the arm, in the evening, with a sensation of dryness in the fingers (after forty-eight hours).

While coughing, a shooting a few times low down in the right arm.

Stitches, here and there, in the (paralyzed) arm. Nightly stitches in the (paralyzed) arm. Shoulder. Hard glandular swellings in right axilla, painful and throbbing (after three to four days). Sensation of a heavy weight, and as of paralysis in three to four days). Sensation of a heavy weight, and as of paralysis in the shoulder-joint, on attempting to raise the arm.

Pressure in the right shoulder-joint (ninth day). Sprained kind of feel from the right shoulder-joint down to the wrist, the elbow-joint not being affected (after six to seven days). Pain in both shoulder-joints, so severe that she cannot even hold a cup in her hand (after six to seven days). Pain in both shoulder- joints, in the evening (ninth and tenth days). Pain like a pinching and heaviness, in the shoulder-joint (after sixty hours). A pain in the shoulder on attempting to raise the arm. Pain as from a sprain in the shoulder-joint, on bending the arm backward. Drawing pains, extending from the shoulder to the wrist, in transient recurrent attacks. Sticking rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joint, in the morning, on moving the arm or bending the head sideways (after eighteen hours). A sticking pain in the shoulder-joint on rapid motion of the arm. A jerking pain in the shoulder-joint (after four hours). A constant tearing pain in the shoulder-joint, that obliges him to move the arm, occurring in the morning on waking, and again after half an hour, and then disappearing on lying upon the painful arm. Bubbling, a kind of tremulous sensation on the right shoulder, in the afternoon (after three days). Jerking sensation in the shoulder-joint.

Burning runs from the shoulder down through the arm, at night.

(Some stitches in the axilla, while sitting). Arm. Pain in the upper arm, when touched. Tearing in the muscles of the upper ramus(immediately). Sticking pain in the upper ramus. The arm is painful, even while at rest, as if the humerus were beaten in the middle; the pain extended down into the thumb, so that she could not use it. Some stitches in the right deltoid muscle (after one hour). Elbow. Pain in the elbow-joint on moving it (after eighteen hours). Pain in the elbow-joint on stretching it. Pain in the elbow-joint on motion, as if bruised, with dilated pupils, in the morning (after eight hours). Tensive pain in the tendons in the bends of the elbows, on moving the arms. Forearm. Swollen veins on the forearms. A crawling falling asleep of the forearms (and hands) and legs, while lying still relieved by motion (after two hours). Pressure in the left forearm (fifth day). Jerking sensation in the forearm, extending to the wrist, especially in the morning after waking. Drawing tearing pain in the bones of the forearm, in repeated attacks, during the day and evening.

Wrist. Stiffness of the right wrist, even if the hand is not moved. Pain, like a stiffness, in the wrist, on motion; a pain as if the hand had been sprained or injured. A pain in the bones of the wrist, then in the arm, in the evening, as if he had received an injury, or had sprained himself, more noticed during motion than during rest (after four days). Hand. (Trembling of the hands and feet on moving about (after twenty-eight hours). (On holding anything in the hand it seems as though the arm would fall asleep). (Cramp in the hands and muscles of the arms during the night-sweat). Fingers. The fingers fall asleep, at night (after thirty hours). The fingers fall asleep, in the morning in bed (after thirty-six hours). Pressure between the fingers of the left hand (twenty-ninth day). Tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers (after ten hours). Tension in the last joints of the fingers, in the morning. Pain as if a panaritium would form on the side of the nail of the index finger. Violent pain in the first joint of the left index finger, somewhat relieved by moving the fingers, at 5 P.M. (fourteenth day). Violent stitches in the tips of the right fingers (twelfth day). Stiffness of the second joint of the thumb and of the knee, as if the joints had been sprained, and as if cracking would ensue (after two hours). Drawing pain in the thumb, with a sensation of stiffness, on moving it. Pain, as if sprained or injured, in the second joint of the thumb, on motion.

Inferior Extremities

Trembling of the lower extremities, in the morning. Sensation of stiffness in the lower extremities, while walking in the open air (eighth day). Acute drawing in the lower extremities as far as the knees, in the evening, with more chilliness than during the day without subsequent heat. Bruised beaten feel in lower extremities (after some days). He is obliged to lie with the left lower extremity bent or else he has no rest. Transient burning pains extending from the toes to the groins. Hip. The hip-joint is painful, as if dislocated (after three days). A pressure in the left hip, and at the same time in the head, in the forenoon, disappearing on motion (after twenty-six hours). A jerking, almost a sore-pain, extending from the hip- joint to the knee, in the morning while lying in bed, disappearing on walking. Pain in the hip on bending the back, at noon. Thigh. A visible painless twitching of some muscle-fibres of the thigh, in the evening in bed. (She was unable to move the affected thigh and leg at night, she was obliged to let it lie wherever it happened to be, on account of a bruised pain in and below the knee; it was, however, painless when touched). Sudden, transient, paralytic weakness of the thigh, while walking. Excessive weariness of the thighs, with trembling of the knees. Soreness and smarting pain in the nates externally, at the point where the fissure commences (after one hour). (Tension about the thigh, while walking and stooping). Bruised sensation in the muscles and bones of the thigh (after eighteen hours). Pain as if bruised, in the thighs, not in the flesh but in the bones; when pressing upon the part it seemed to be felt in the bone; she was unable to bend the knee and could not kneel; it seemed as if the bone would break. (Pain like a stiffness in the right thigh; but when grasping it a soreness like thigh and upper arm (after two hours). A drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, at night, that obliges him to move; he does not know what to do; together with sleeplessness, tossing about the bed, even when there is no pain, and coldness all over. Drawing and tension in the thighs and legs, in the evening. A sticking in the anterior portion of the left thigh, extending to the knee, and in the right calf to the heel, while lying, not during motion. A simple pin in the gluteal muscles, as if bruised or as in an internal suppuration, after sitting. Knee.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.