Respiration. The child chokes after coughing. (Asthma, on smoking, as usual). Oppression as if in the air-passages, as if they were pressed from without and constricted, so that for a moment he could not get his breath, in the evening, while standing, entirely without cough. A spasmodic inspiration and expiration that changed to a transient sensation of suffocation, as if one could not get his breath and would die. Difficult respiration, caused by anxiety in the chest, in the morning.

Shortness of breath, immediately after dinner, lasting several hours. Want of breath on attempting to breathe through the nose, not through the mouth (after half an hour). Sensation of dyspnoea in the lower portion of the chest, as if it were too full and tight, in the morning. Dyspnoea in the evening, followed by slumbering, then waking with a paroxysm of suffocation, short or hacking cough, tearing frontal headache, extending through the eyes, crawling on the tongue, cold feet, cold sweat on the face, and many eructations. Dyspnoea and vertigo, with weakness of the head on lying outstretched upon the back, wholly disappearing on sitting upright. (Dyspnoea).


(Lungs ulcerated, eroded, with hectic fever, and bloody and purulent expectoration. Oppression of the chest, with cough and expectoration, in the morning, after rising (after twenty-four hours). Oppression of the chest, with cough, without expectoration. An anxious sensation in the chest, with rapid pulse (after one hour). If she lies upon the left side, she complains of anxiety and rapid palpitation and want breath.

Rush of blood to the chest and heart, at night, with anxious dreams (for example, of being immured), with starting up and anxious cries. Painful stiffness of the pectoral muscles, on deep breathing and on moving the chest, in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours). Violent pressure above and upon the clavicle (twelfth day). Pressure upon the chest, and soreness.

Constriction 1across the chest. Cramp like constriction of the chest; at times she is quite unable to breathe (after six to seven days). (The ribs are sore when grasped). Spasmodic pain across the chest. Soreness in the chest, under both clavicles.

Weary pain, like that caused by a long-continued racking cough, in the region of the short ribs of both sides, caused by a slight cough (after twenty hours). Constant spasmodic tension in the lower portion of the chest. Pain in lower chest and abdomen, obliging her to bend forward. A cramp like sensation through the chest. Compressive cutting, almost like a stitch, in one of the lower ribs, when lying on the right side, disappearing on stretching or lying on the painful side. A cutting pain here and there in the chest (after six hours). Sticking pain in the chest, on moving the body. Sticking in the chest on breathing, during the menses. Sticking in the middle of the pectoral muscles, on raising the arm, towards evening, lasting all night till morning (after four hours). Jerking sensation in the pectoral muscles, especially in the morning, after waking. Scraping in the chest (trachea), causing cough. Some violent stitches suddenly shooting through the chest (thirty-fourth day). Front and Sides.

Pain as from an internal ulcer in the middle of the chest, in the sternum, with headache in the forehead, before midnight (after four hours). A small spot in the region of the sternum is painful, as if the breath pressed against it. Pressure on the middle of the chest (tenth day). Drawing, tensive pain in the sternum. (Drawing, burning, and clawing in the region of the sternum, extending down to the region of the stomach). Transient sticking in the sternum and left wall of the chest (ninth day).

Pain in the side, two days, during the menses. Pain in the side, while coughing and on rising. Cramp like pain, first in the right, then in the left side, then in the chest. Drawing, tensive pain in one or the other side of the chest, aggravated by breathing. Tearing and some sticking pain in the side of the chest (after one hour). Stitches in the side, only on lying down.

A stitch in the side, caused by moving the arms, breathing and talking loud, so that the arm became lame before and during the menses. Stitches beneath the right and left ribs (thirty-fourth day). Spasmodic constrictive sensation in the right side of the chest, with orgasm of blood (heat), (after twenty-six hours).

Pain in the left wall of the chest, preventing respiration (twenty-ninth day). Sudden violent sticking in the left wall of the chest, while sitting (nineteenth day). Violent sticking beneath the left margin of the ribs, extending up to the left wall of the chest (fourteenth day). Fine sticking pain in the left side, after lying down, in the evening (after three- quarters of an hour). Mamme. Swelling of the breasts, with tensive pain, as if the mild rushed into them, and caused pressure, while nursing.

Heart and Pulse

Catching pain in the region of the heart, subdued for the time by pressure of the hand. (Dull stitches and constant pressure in the precordial region, with anxiety that impedes respiration; relieved by walking). Palpitation and great anxiety, so that he was obliged to throw off his clothes. Palpitation, without anxiety, for nearly a minute. Palpitation from talking.

Palpitation after dinner (after five hours). Heart’s action feeble and irregular. The beat of the pulse is felt in the pit of the stomach.

Neck & Back

Neck. Swelling on the nape of the neck, on both sides of the neck, extending as far as the carotid arteries, painful only when touched, then excessively painful, as from an internal ulcer burrowing underneath. Swelling on the right side of the neck, with a sensation on moving the neck or on touching it, as if the parts were torn and tense, or as if an internal ulcer were concealed there, however, nothing of it is felt on swallowing (after four hours). Swelling of cervical glands (after six to seven days). A painless cracking in the first cervical vertebra on moving the head (after one hour). Stiffness and pressive pain in the left side of the cervical muscles (thirty-fifth day).

Rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck, with weariness of the feet (after eighty-four hours). Drawing, tensive pain in the nape of the neck. Drawing-like rheumatism in the nape of the neck, in the afternoon; he could move only with difficulty.

Drawing, fine sticking pain in the nape of the neck, between the scapulae and in the back. Sticking pain in the nape of the neck.

Pain in the nape of the neck, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position, at night. Back. The back is painfully stiff, like a board. Pressive pain extending up the back. Drawing in the back during the stool, rarely at any other time. Sticking pain in the back and across the chest. Fine sticking pain in the back (after two hours). Tearing pain in the back. Sensation in the back-bone as if it would come out (after some days). Feeling as of cold water being poured down the back.

While coughing, stitches in the back. A throbbing, tickling sensation in the back. Crackling in the scapula, on the slightest motion, in the morning (after sixty-four hours).

Dorsal. Severe interscapular pain. Interscapular pain, increased by inspiration (after six to seven days). Pain between the scapulae, as from a heaviness. Pain in the back, between the shoulders, as on rising after stooping a long time; disappearing on walking about. Sticking pain between the scapulae, even during rest. Sticking pain between the scapulae, on motion, impeding respiration. Stitches in the scapulae, at night. Pinching pain in the right scapula, while sitting. Lumbar. Stiffness and pain in the small of the back, while lying, as if suppurating, or as from a tight band that would not yield. Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, on motion. Pain in the small of the back, after sitting, can scarcely rise. Pain in the small of the back, on rising and on bending the body backward, disappearing on bending forward (after twelve hours). Pain in the small of the back on stooping, disappearing on rising or bending backward (after twenty-four hours). Pain in the small of the back, like labor pain, as if a band passed through the small of the back, and everything were constricted, taking away her breath, especially in the morning. Pain in the small of the back and in the knees, as if beaten, while lying still in bed, no more felt on rising and walking about. Pain in the small of the back after sitting, he can scarcely stoop. A pressive pain in the fourth lumbar vertebra, especially after walking. Pain in the small of the back, as from long stooping, that is mostly felt on standing and sitting, relieved by bending backward and walking, with weariness in the feet, that obliges him to sit down, in the evening. Drawing pain extending from the loins to the pit of the stomach, where it became a sticking, on inspiration.

Drawing, tensive pain in the loins. A sticking in the loins on bending forward, in the morning, in bed (after ten hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.