Frightful dreams; starting up in sleep in affright. Dreams at night full of fright and disgust. Sleep full of dreams, in which he starts. Anxious dream, in the morning, and anxiety continuing after waking; fearfulness and dread at frightful unreasonable fantasies (the same that appeared in his dream), (after six hours). Lascivious dreams in the evening and morning, almost without sexual excitement. Amorous dream, with seminal emission (third day). Dread of men; she fancies a naked man is wrapped in her bedclothes and rolled up under her bed, while she has only a sheet to cover her; all her dreams are about men (after six to seven days).


Chilliness. Constant chilliness through the whole body, especially in the back, with cold hands (thirty-fourth day).

Chilliness, yawning, and stretching before the appearance of the menses. Chill and internal chilliness; it constantly seems as though one would freeze, even in a warm room, in the morning and evening. Chilliness all over, without shivering; he feels cold; in the evening. Chilliness the whole evening, before bedtime, even while walking. Chilliness the whole day, and three times flushes of heat in the face. Chilliness, without gooseflesh, in the evening. Chilliness on going from a warm room into the cold air. Chilliness, with pains, in the evening. Chilliness in the house, in the evening. Chilliness in the evening, after lying down; after lying, slight heat. Chilliness, without sensation of being cold, mingled with a sensation of heat, in warm room, towards evening. Chilliness, in the morning, on rising from bed.

Cold chills all over (after some days); she is obliged to lie down and get herself covered up; even this does not warm her; it is like an attack of ague coming on (after some days). Febrile chill, without thirst; thirst during the heat. Sensation of chilliness, with trembling, returning after a few minutes, followed by some heat, without perspiration. Chilliness, without cause, towards evening. Chilliness, mingled with warmth (after half an hour), followed by great warmth in the face and rest of the body. In the evening he became chilly; after a few hours, heat rather external, with weakness and weariness; during the night, heat was only internal and quite dry, without perspiration till about 5 A.M., followed by confusion of the head, and in a few hours bloody expectoration from the chest, that afterwards assumed the color of liver. Slight chilliness, in the afternoon.

Very transient chilliness, at noon, after dinner (after six hours). Chilliness over the upper abdomen and upper arms, after dinner (after five hours). Chilliness over the abdomen extending around even to the lower portion of the back. A slight chill, especially in the lower part of the back (sacrum), (and a pressure in the region of the stomach), after a stool. Much chilliness along the back (fourteenth day). Chilliness felt only on the thighs, which were also cold, while the legs and feet were warm, towards evening. Shivering. Repeated shivering. Shivering, as if sweat would break out. The child shivers whenever it coughs. Shivering, almost without chilliness, so that the hair bristles, with anxiety and oppression. Shivering on one side of the face. Shivering on the back, extending into the hypochondria, and especially into the anterior portion of the arms and thighs, with coldness of the limbs and a feeling as if they would fall asleep, about 4 P.M. (after ten hours). Shivering running up the back all day, without thirst. Creeping shiverings over the arms, with heat of the cheeks; the air of the room seems too hot.

Coldness, paleness, and perspiration over the whole body, lasting two hours (after two hours). Sensation of coldness in the arms, as if they would fall asleep (after seventy-two hours). (Coldness of the hands and feet during rest, while sitting). Cold hands and feet; they seem dead. The hand and foot on one side are cold and red, on the other side hot, in the evening and at night.

Sensation of coldness in the leg, through it was as warm as usual. (Coldness of the knee in bed, at night). Heat. Violent heat all over at 7 P.M., with inclination to wrap up, and with violent thirst for beer. Heat of the whole body, except the hands, which are cool, with pressive headache above the orbits and anxious lamentations. Heat of the whole body, for an hour, in the afternoon. Anxious heat over the whole body, though the hands are mostly hot and burning, with tearing headache in the occiput.

Anxious heat, as if he were dashed with hot water, with a cold forehead. Very feverish and thirsty. Much feverishness; she was obliged to confine herself to bed (after some days). Heat, and a sensation as if sweat would break out, in the morning in bed. He is hot, during which he wishes to be covered; he licks the lips and does not drink, moans and groans. Intolerable burning heat at night, in bed, with uneasiness. Intolerable dry heat at night in bed. Dry heat of the body, in the evening, with distended veins and burning hands, that seem out cool places. Internal heat, with thirst (not immoderate), in the afternoon. Dry heat over the whole body night and morning. (Heat at night, and on turning over in bed shivering). Attacks of flushing heat (after twelve hours).

Sudden heat, with much sweat of the face, trembling of the limbs, and a faint like obscuration of vision. Wakened by a sensation of heat. Sensation of heat, at night, without thirst (after thirty- six hours). External warmth is intolerable; the veins are enlarged. With her clothes on she was too warm, and on taking them off she was chilly (after ten hours). Sensation of warmth, as if in too hot a room (after three hours). Warmth in the upper part of the body, in the afternoon; internal chilliness, without external coldness of the lower part of the body. Warmth and sensation of warmth in the face. Heat in the forehead (twelfth day). Heat and perspiration of the outer ear. Redness and burning heat in the face (immediately), followed by paleness of the face.

Sudden heat and redness of the cheeks, with warm perspiration on the forehead, especially in the evening; during and after heat of the face shivering in the back and over the arms, without gooseflesh, and a boring-outward headache, with dull stitches, intermingled with frequent attacks of anxiety. Heat of the whole face, in the evening. Her face became very red every evening, with feverish heat (after three to four days). Burning heat on the chest and between the scapulae, at 6 P.M., and at the same time chilliness on the thighs and legs without thirst. Heat of one and coldness of the other hand. Heat of the hands and feet (after four hours). Feet hot. Constant burning and heat of the feet during rest, aggravated by walking a distance. At first heat, then violent chilliness. At first chilliness, then heat and sensation of heat in the head and hands, with a full slow pulse (after twelve hours). Fever; general heat and sweat after a shaking chill, with drawing-jerking pains in the long bones of the limbs. Heat, followed by shivering. Fever; thirst about 2 P.M., followed about 4 P.M. by chill, without thirst, with coldness of the face and hands, with anxiety and oppression of the chest; afterwards, lying down, and drawing pains in the back, extending to the occiput, and thence into the temples and crown of the head; three hours afterwards, heat of the body without thirst; the skin was burning hot, but there was sweat only on the face, trickling down in large drops like pearls, sleepiness without sleep, and full of restlessness; the next morning, sweat over the whole body (after seventy hours). Fever; repeated shivering in the afternoon in the evening, general burning heat and violent thirst, frightful starting up preventing sleep, pain like wandering labor-pains, painfulness of the whole body, so that she could not turn over in bed, and watery diarrhoea. Fever; very violent chill, in the evening, with external coldness, without shivering and without thirst; in the morning a sensation of heat, as if sweat would break out (which does not), without thirst and without external heat, though with hot hands and aversion to uncovering (after twenty-six hours). Fever; chill every afternoon, about 1 o’clock, with hot ears and hands. Fever; violent chill, followed by a mingled sensation of internal heat and shivering; afterwards general burning heat, with very rapid pulse and very rapid respiration, with deathly anxiety. Sweat.

Profuse sweat, in the morning (after forty-eight hours). Easy perspiration, in the morning. Slight general perspiration during a stupefied slumber, with vivid dreams, after midnight. Slight general perspiration. Inclination to sweat, in the morning.

Inclination to sweat during the day (after fourteen, and thirty hours). Heavy perspiration at night (after some days). Profuse offensive night sweat. Sweat all night, with stupefied slumber, full of visions and thirst for beer. Night sweats fourteen nights in succession. Sweat during the sleep, in the morning, disappearing after waking. Sweat only on the left side of the body (after forty hours). Sweat only on the right side of the body. Sweat on the right side of the face. Perspiration on the face and scalp. All day the sweat pours down her back (after some days). Hand sweaty, in the morning, after rising.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.