Sharp frontal headache. Headache in forehead and vertex (after some days). Frequent boring in the right side of the forehead (eleventh day). Pressive headache, involving the whole forehead at the same time, only while walking. Pressive pain in the forehead above the orbits, involving the whole head. A constrictive headache above the eyes, aggravated by looking intently at anything. Tensive drawing pain in the forehead above the orbits, aggravated on raising the eyes. Tearing in the left side of the frontal bone, in the evening (twelfth day). Stitches extending outward at the forehead, in the evening. Crawling headache in the forehead (after one hour),. Throbbing headache in the forehead, on stooping and on exerting the mind, disappearing on walking, in the evening. Temples. Violent acute pain in both temples, with great giddiness (after some days).

Violent pressure in the left temple (ninth day). Headache in the temples, as if constricted. Jerking tearing in both temples, as if they would be torn asunder. Sticking and tearing in the head, especially in the temples. Stitches in the temples. Parietals.

Tearing in left parietal bone (twelfth day). Frequent tearing in the right side of the head (first and second days). Some sharp thrusts or jerks in the right half of the brain (after one hour). Tearing headache in the side on which he does not lie, after lying down to sleep. Stitches in one side of the head.

Occiput. Drawing headache in the occiput, above the nape of the neck, in the morning (after sixty hours). Pressive, tearing pain in the left side of the occiput, in the morning (after sixty hours). Pressive pain in the occiput; with frequent heat of the body, and constant perspiration. Headache in the occiput, a rhythmical throbbing. Tearing in the left side of the occiput (fourteenth day). Headache; stitches extending from the occiput through the ears. Stitches in the occiput, aggravated on lying down, disappearing on rising up. Violent pulsation in the left side of the occiput, externally (sixth day). External Head.

(A small pimple on the forehead) better A large pimple or pustule, filled with matter, on the scalp, in the region of the occiput, with fine tearing pains. Small swellings on the scalp, with pains as from suppuration. Pain on the scalp on brushing the hair, a kind of drawing pain. Biting itching on the scalp (after nine hours).


Eyes puffy, with a sensation as if one were squinting. [Dryness of the eyes, and a sensation in the morning as if a foreign body were pressing in it, (after many hours). Dryness of the right eye, and a sensation as if mucus were hanging before the eye that obscured the vision and that could be wiped away, in the evening (after twenty-four hours). Pain in the eye, as if it were scraped with a knife. [Unusual tearing-boring cutting pains in the eye], Sticking pain in one or the other eye, almost without inflammation of the white of the eye, with intolerance of candlelight; he can open the lids but little (after three hours).

Sticking in the left eye on shaking the head, with lachrymation.

Pressure, as from sand, in the eye when reading, disappearing when he ceases to read, and returning on beginning to read again.

Pressure pain in the eyes, as if there were heat in them.

Pressive pain in the left eye. A pressive-burning pain in the eye, as if a hair were in it. Burning and itching in the eyes, that provokes rubbing and scratching. Itching sticking in the eyes, that provokes scratching (after twenty-four hours).

Itching of the eyes. Orbit. On moving the eyes, pain deep in the orbits, as if the forehead would fall out, and as if the frontal bone was too thin, with confusion of the head, in the evening (after forty-eight hours). Lids. Twitching of the lids.

Swelling and redness of the lids. The margin of the lower lid is inflamed and swollen, with lachrymation, in the morning. Stye on the lid, with inflammation of the white of the eye, now in one, now in the other canthus, with drawing-tensive pains in the eyes on moving the muscles of the face, and with ulcerated nostrils.

The inner canthus seems agglutinated with matter, in the morning. The eyelids are agglutinated, in the morning. Dryness of the lids, especially when sleepy (after one hour and a half).

Dryness of the lids (after twelve hours). A biting pain and a sensation of soreness in the inner canthus (after eight hours), Pressive pain in the inner canthus. Violent sticking in the eyelids and canthi, in the evening (nineteenth day). Sticking in the right canthi (ninth day). Itching (biting) and burning in the lids, in the evening. Itching in the inner canthi, like the healing of an ulcer, in the evening after sundown; after rubbing, there is a pressive fine-sticking pain. Lachrymal Apparatus.

Lachrymation in the cold open air. Lachrymation of one eye, with drawing headache. The eyes are full of water in the wind (after ten hours). The eyes are full of water; they lachrymate; blear- eyed. Weeping eyes. Ball. A red (inflamed) spot on the white of the eye, near the cornea (after thirty hours). Itching on the eyeball, in the external canthus, in the evening; in the morning the lids are agglutinated with matter (after eight hours). Pupil. Pupils dilated. The pupils are at last dilated.

The pupils are contracted at first. Vision. Great acuteness of vision for distant objects. Dimness of sight (after six to seven days). Dimness before the eyes and lachrymation in the open air.

Dimness of vision, like a fog before the eyes. Weak vision, Vision and hearing vanish, with a drawing headache and a sensation of heaviness and crawling in the brain, followed by chill. Obscuration of heaviness and crawling in the brain, followed by chill. Obscuration of vision recurring several days in succession. Obscuration of vision, with inclination to vomit and paleness of the face. Dizzy obscuration of vision after sitting, on rising and beginning to walk about (after twenty-four hours). Obscuration of vision, like a fog before the eyes, on rising from a seat and walking (after twenty-four hours).

Obscuration of vision. Transient obscuration of vision.

Cloudiness of vision, with a kind of flashing of fire, as though she had had a slap in the face; this happened several times throughout the day (after some days). Asthenopia and photophobia.

Double vision (after several hours). It seems dark before the eyes, in the morning, on rising from bed. During the menses it became black before the eyes, and she felt worse on going into a warm room. (Flickering before the eyes). The flame of the light seems surrounded by a starry halo. Fiery circles are seen before the eyes, constantly becoming larger towards noon (they disappear toward evening).


Heat, redness, and swelling in the outer ear (after a few hours). Discharge of matter from the left ear (after twelve hours). Jerking in the outer ear, followed by heat only in the ear. Pressure in the bone above the right ear (thirty-fifth day). Rush of blood to the auditory apparatus (after eight hours). Violent pain in the ear, as from something forcing outward. On blowing the nose the air penetrates the ear internally, as if the ear were distended thereby, with stitches, that shoot thence to the eye. Jerking in the ears. Some tearing jerks through the ears (after twelve hours). Itching sticking in the inner ear (after six hours). Much sticking in the right ear (twenty-second day). Stitches in the left ear (thirty-fourth day). Itching deep in the ear (after twenty-four hours). Much itching in the right ear, in the afternoon and evening (after thirty hours). Hearing. Dulness of hearing, as though the ears were stopped, with trembling and perspiration on the back, returning every other hour (after three hours).

Difficulty of hearing, as if the ears were stopped (after three hours). Frequent sensation of stoppage in the right ear (eight day). Sensation as if the ear were stopped, with roaring in it like a loud distant noise (after twenty-one hours). One waking from sleep the sound of words seemed too loud; they seemed to re- echo in the ears (after two hours). Whistling in the right ear, with diminished hearing, as if air were forcing the drum outward (fifth day). Twittering in the ear, as from a cricket, in the morning, in bed (after fifty hours). Frequent humming in the ear. Murmuring in the ear rhythmical with the pulse. Cracking in the ear on moving the head or body (after four, and sixteen hours). Tremulous tingling ringing in the ears, like that caused by the beating of an iron bar (after three hours).

Tinnitus aurium, as in cinchonism. Ringing in the ears (after four to eight hours). Fine ringing in the right ear or in the left, with an agreeable tickling sensation in the region of the drum. Sounds of wind in the ear of the rushing of water, after 4 P.M. (after ten hours). Roaring in the ears, commencing after seven or eight hours and lasting two days, disappearing by a sudden shock, that, like an electric shock, extended from the head down across the chest, with a sensation before the eyes as of the bursting of a soap- bubble.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.