Pain in the pit of the stomach, on inspiration. Pain in the pit of the stomach, at first pressive, then jerking. Pain in the stomach, an hour after eating. Griping pain in the pit of the stomach. Pinching-pressive, or retching pain in the stomach, that takes away the breath, in the afternoon. Violent pressure in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, mingled with qualmishness. Pressive-drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, which soon changed into the sides of the chest, like a sticking, at last into the back, like a tearing (after twenty- four hours). Pressure in the stomach and flatulent colic, immediately after supper, followed by qualmish nausea (after twenty-four hours). Griping-sticking pain, with flatulent colic, in the region of the upper abdomen, in the morning (after twenty- four hours). Transient pressure in the stomach (after one hour, fifth day). A tension in the epigastric and precordial regions, extending up into the breasts. A tension in the region of the stomach, in the forenoon, that disappears on moving about (after twenty-six hours). Scraping sensation in the stomach and oesophagus, like a heartburn (after half an hour, fourteenth day). Gnawing sensation in the stomach, like ravenous hunger (after eight hours). A kind of clawing in the stomach, in the morning, on rising from bed, as if one had fasted a long time; disappearing after eating (after twelve hours). Jerks, from the stomach up to the larynx, and a tensive pain in the throat, with anxiety and a sensation of internal heat, that disappears after eating (after six hours). Violent cutting in the stomach, momentary, at 5 P.M. (fifth day). Stitches in the pit of the stomach, on making a false step on an uneven pavement, etc. A perceptible throbbing in the stomach, on laying the hand upon it.


Hypochondria. Drawing-tensive pain in the hypochondria. Jerking and sticking in the hypochondrium, as if an ulcer were there, extending into the small of the back. Sudden dull stitch in the side of the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus. General Abdomen. A tense prominent ring about the navel that is painful, while walking (after twenty-four hours). Hard distension of the abdomen, with tense pain in it, and a sensation as if the abdomen would burst (wherewith the backs of the feet are swollen). Distension of abdomen and stomach. Flatulent distension, always after eating. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, while awake and asleep. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with frequent diarrhoea, and griping and pinching in the abdomen.

Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, as from flatulence.

Rumbling in the abdomen (after one hour). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Colic and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. Flatulence, with bloated hard feel at the stomach (after six to seven days).-(550.) Emission of flatus, with cutting colic, in the morning (after eight, and twenty hours). Extremely offensive flatus, after eating. Flatus moves from one part of the intestines to another, with loud rumbling, with gurgling, and with a griping sensation, especially in the evening, in bed.

Colic after the stool. Colic at night; pressure here and there as from incarcerated flatus, with a sensation of heat over the whole body, without thirst; not relieved by emission of flatus, after midnight. Colic, as from flatulence, after a stool (after five hours). (Colic, in the morning, with chill and heat). Colic after drinking (after three hours). Colic, as if diarrhoea would ensue, but only a normal stool results (after forty-eight and seventy-two hours). Colic after drinking, in the evening (after six hours). Sensation of flatulent colic, like fullness in the abdomen, after a meal (in the evening), (after two hours).

Flatulent colic, very early in the morning, immediately after waking, while in bed; flatus rumbles and moves about painfully, especially in the upper abdomen. Flatulent colic moving about the abdomen, in the evening, after lying down in bed. Flatulent colic, immediately after supper; painful rumbling of flatus, especially in the upper abdomen (after four, twenty- four, and forty-eight hours). Cutting colic like pains, as from flatulence, before eating in the evening (after thirty-six hours). Colic more cutting than griping, with a soft stool.

Colic; cutting pains low down in the abdomen, relieved by stooping, as if one would vomit, towards 5 P.M. after supper, three days in succession; it disappeared about 9 P.M., while lying curled up, and he fell asleep (after twenty-four hours).

Griping colic that frequently affects the whole abdomen (after half an hour). Griping colic, low down in the abdomen, on the left side; she was obliged to bind up the abdomen. Griping colic (after four hours), and violent stitches that shoot from the lower abdomen into the penis, with frequent his stools, and with violent thirst for “braun bier”. Sensation of fasting and griping and bubbling in the abdomen, as from fermentation.

Taormina, relieved by a loose stool. Griping pains in the upper abdomen (epigastrium). Dull pain and sensation of tense distension in the upper abdomen. Sensation of heaviness, like a stone, in the abdomen, just before the menses (after one hour).

Fullness after eating, and from time to time colic, with rumbling. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, as though the abdomen were eviscerated. Painful sensitiveness in the walls of the abdomen, after purging, with violent thirst; the abdomen cannot be touched without pain. Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen (caused by touch), (after several hours). Pain in the abdomen only while walking. Pain in the abdominal muscles, while sitting and on coughing (third day). Pain in abdomen and lower chest, obliging her to bend forward. A pressive pain in the abdomen and small of the back, pressing downward, like a stone, during the menses, wherewith the lower extremities are inclined to fall asleep, while sitting, with ineffectual desire for stool. Pressing pain in the abdomen (after forty-two hours).

A very distressing sensation of tight tension in the abdomen, as if everything were too full, hard, and immovable, as if he could pass neither stool nor flatus, although a stool followed, that, though slow, was not hard, and flatus continued to be passed, though with difficulty and abruptness. Drawing and drawing- tensive pains, extending from the abdomen through the spermatic cords into the testicles, that hang low down (after six hours).

Drawing-tensive pain in the abdomen, like labor-pains (after four, and five hours). Constrictive and pinching sensation in the upper abdominal and hypochondriac regions, as from incarceration of flatus (especially after eating), that then changes into the chest and takes away the breath (after sixteen hours). Cutting pains in the abdomen during the day, and especially in the evening, every other day (after four, five, and six days). Cutting pains in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur, above the umbilicus (after one hour). Cutting in the abdomen whenever she moves. Some sharp pains in the abdomen, relieved by a loose stool. (Spasmodic and almost burning pains in the abdomen, during the menses). Sharp stitches shoot from the abdomen into the penis. After drinking anything, she must relieve the bowels at once. Diarrhoeic feel in the bowels (after some days). The parietes of the abdomen seem swollen, with tense pain, without emission of flatus. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions.

Pressive and constrictive pain, like a stone, in the lower abdomen, extending down to the bladder. Violent cutting pain low down in the abdomen; a forcing down into the pelvis, with a sensation as if a stool would occur, aggravated by drawing inward the walls of the abdomen (sixth day). Cutting an dragging pains in hypogastric region, extending round to loins, and making her feel faint (after some days). Pain, like a bruise, in the parietes of the lower abdomen, while yawning (after two hours).

(Swelling of the inguinal glands and a bubo, on the disappearance of a venereal ulcer). Lumps in both groins, about half the size of a walnut, hard and painful (after six to seven days).

Rectum & Anus

Painful protruding blind hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, with some itching stitches in the anus. Hemorrhoidal flux for three days.

Blind hemorrhoids, preceded by pains in the small of the back, in the morning. Blind hemorrhoids, with sore pain (after one hour). Blind hemorrhoids, with sore pain (after one hour).

Blind hemorrhoids in the evening, till about 9 o’clock, with sore pain in the anus during rest and motion, however somewhat aggravated during motion (after twenty-four hours). Blind hemorrhoids, with itching, in the evening (after ten hours).

Blind hemorrhoids, with itching in the anus. Profuse bleeding from the anus (after seven days). Profuse bleeding from the anus discharge stool. Discharge of blood from the anus (fluent hemorrhoids), (after eight days). (A pressive tearing extending into the anus while standing). Without straining in either the rectum or anus there seems to be a constant desire (in the remote intestines), without an evacuation. Pressure in the rectum after a stool. Persistent dull stitches in the rectum, as from incarcerated flatus (after one hour). She had a feeling as of bad piles (to this symptom she is not subject), (after some days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.