Burning in the rectum during stool. A feeling in the rectum as of piles. Sore pain in the anus immediately after a stool (after four and five days). Smarting (sore) pains in the anus and in the hemorrhoids (after three hours). Frequent desire for stool (frequent urging), as if diarrhoea would occur, from time to time.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with colic. Diarrhoea as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in the intestines before every stool (after four days). Watery diarrhoea at night.

Diarrhoea, with pinching pains in the bowels, and a sense of nausea and faintness both before and at each evacuation; the motions were slightly mixed with blood; the attack of diarrhoea continued for five days, during all which time she was obliged to keep her bed; the bowels acted at first almost every quarter of an hour and upon the least movement (after two days). Diarrhoea- like stool passed involuntarily five nights in succession during sleep, also diarrhoea three or four times during the day.

(Diarrhoea, in the morning). Diarrhoea of green mucus (after two days). Diarrhoea at first green then slimy. Slimy diarrhoea-like stool, immediately after rising, five mornings, in succession. Diarrhoea, not exhausting. Diarrhoea, without colic. (The faeces are thin in form and seem pressed out flat).

Stool like chopped eggs, preceded and followed by cutting pains, especially in the morning. Frequent soft stools, mixed with mucus, also after two hours. Frequent evacuations of only mucus, with colic before every stool, also after forty-eight hours. Soft acrid biting stool, in the morning. While passing watery urine, with a feeling of weakness in the loins, discharge of acrid slimy stool. Acrid discharges with the stools. Perfectly white stools (for four days), (after eight, and twenty-four hours, and after three days). Stools that consist of only yellow-white mucus mixed with some blood (after twelve hours).

Bloody stools. Fecal stool, followed by blood, in the morning (after seventy-two hours). Is frequently obliged to go to stool, with bad color of the face (sickly expression) and faintness.

Stool daily but hard (with pain in the hemorrhoids). Difficult stool in the morning, then during the day two more soft stools.

Constipation. Obstinate constipation. Difficult evacuation of stool, with painful pressure and pain in the back.

Urinary Organs

Bladder and Urethra. Tenesmus of the bladder. The region of the bladder is painful to external touch. Constant pressure on the bladder, without compelling micturition, in the evening and at night. A pressure upon the bladder, as from incarcerated flatus, towards morning. A sharp (almost cutting) pressure upon the neck of the bladder, while walking in the open air, as from flatulence, though without desire to urinate. A constant dull stitch in the neck of the bladder, as from incarcerated flatus (after one hour). Burning in the neck of the bladder, as if it would compel micturition, in the evening, before lying down.

(Dropping of blood from the urethra, in gonorrhoea, from which he had already suffered), (after four hours). Discharge of offensive liquid from the urethra (gonorrhoea). Gonorrhoea, of the color and consistency of semen, with burning pain, especially immediately after urinating. Contraction of the urethra; the urine passes in a thin stream (after one hour). Sharp pressive pain in the urethra, as with a finger-nail, after urinating.

Drawing pain in the urethra when not urinating. Burning in the anterior portion of the urethra, after passing brown urine.

Burning in the orifice of the urethra during and after the evacuation of urine, that deposits a brick-colored sediment.

Micturition and Urine. Pressure before urinating. A pressure to urinate. Frequent, almost ineffectual, desire to urinate, with cutting pain while urinating. Frequent desire to urinate.

Frequent micturition. Involuntary micturition, at night, in bed.

Involuntary micturition; the urine dribbles while sitting and walking. Almost constant secretion of urine. More vigorous micturition. Urine passes involuntarily, while coughing or on emitting flatus (after forty-eight hours). Difficulty burning micturition. Strangury. Haematuria. Copious flow of urine. Profuse flow of urine. The urine presses only while lying upon the back and he is soon obliged to urinate;not when lying upon the side. Urine colorless, as clear as water (after one hour and a quarter). (Gelatinous sediment to the urine). Urine with a violent ring of froth above the sandy sediment. Urine with a violet-red sediment. Urine with a red sediment. Dark-red urine without sediment. The urine is red from time to time. Brownish- red urine. Brown urine. Urine with a brick-colored sediment.

Sexual Organs

Male. (A fine sticking near the genitals). Erections day and night. Frequent erections, with discharge of prostatic fluid (after thirty-six hours). Erections, in the morning, for a long time after waking, not without sexual desire (after six hours).

Pressure and crawling in the glans penis after urinating.

Constrictive pain behind the glans penis. Agreeable tickling on the glans penis, followed by discharge of a colorless liquid like prostatic fluid. Biting itching on the glans penis under the prepuce (after six hours). Itching-biting pain on the inner and upper portion of the prepuce (after six hours). Fine sticking itching in the prepuce while sitting and lying, not while walking (in the evening). A sticking-itching sensation beneath the prepuce (after a quarter of an hour). Right side of the scrotum swollen. Painful drawing pains in the spermatic cords, lasting along time (eighth day). Drawing pains in the spermatic cords (sixth day). Swelling of the testicles (after forty-eight hours). The testicles hang down a long way (after one hour).

The right testicle is drawn up and swollen, the spermatic cord swollen, with tensive pain, while the left testicle hangs low down (after one hour and a half). A soreness of testicles, so that the pants seem too light; unpleasant when sitting. Tearing pain in the testicles (after twenty-four hours). An itching irritability in the region of the seminal vesicles, causing great inclination for an emission, almost without erections and without amorous thoughts, in the morning, in bed (after twelve, and thirty-six hours). Sexual excitement and desire for coition, in the morning, on waking (after twenty- four hours). Seminal emission, with amorous dream (third night); without dream (sixth night). Nightly emissions. Emission in sleep, at night.

Two emissions in one night, with dreams that were not amorous, and on the next day lassitude and intolerable heaviness of the limbs (after twelve hours). Female. Painless leucorrhoea, with thickish mucus of the color of milk, especially noticed on lying down. Painless leucorrhoea, with thickish mucus of the color of milk, especially noticed on lying down. Painless leucorrhoea, like cream. Milky painless leucorrhoea. Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the pudenda. Acrid thin leucorrhoea, with burning pain. Leucorrhoea. with burning pain.

During the menses the blood is thick and black, and is discharged paroxysmally only a couple of times during the day.

Drawing-pressive pain extending towards the uterus, with qualmishness, towards morning. Cutting pain in the orifice of the uterus (after six hours). Contractive pain in the left side of the uterus, like labor pains, obliging her to bend double. A burning (sticking?) pain in the vagina and externally in the labiae. [Menses increased, profuse]. Menses seven days too early. The delayed menses came on (after one hour and a half).

Suppression of the menses. Delayed menses, with coldness of the body; chilliness and trembling of the feet. Menstruation only during the day while she walks about; very little or none at all at night).

Respiratory Organs

Violent tickling and scraping in the larynx, bringing tears into the eyes and causing dry cough (twelfth day). A scraping sensation in the epiglottis, as in hoarseness (after one hour).

Tickling in the region of the thyroid cartilage, and a short cough caused thereby (hacking). Voice. Hoarseness, inability to speak a loud word. Cough and Expectoration. Violent cough, with difficult, scanty expectoration of a little tenacious mucus.

Cough (after four hours). Cough, with pain in the chest. Cough, causing stitches in the shoulder. Cough at night, causing stitches in the side. Constant cough in the evening, after lying down. Much constant dry cough, with scraping and rawness in the larynx (thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth days). Cough, caused by dryness in the chest (trachea). Cough, caused by a constrictive sensation in the larynx, especially after eating (with vomiting and nosebleed). (Cough immediately after a morsel). Efforts to cough, caused by inspiration (after two hours). Cough at night preventing sleep, and causing exhaustion. Hard cough towards evening. Cough at night, causing dryness of the throat. Cough caused by itching in the trachea, and extending from the pit of the stomach to the epiglottis. Dry cough at night; it disappears on sitting up in bed, but returns on lying down (after eight and thirty-two hours). Dry cough, with difficult expectoration (after several hours). At first dry cough for half a day, and then for several days; constant secretion of mucus in the anterior portion of the trachea, a large amount of which is easily expectorated by coughing. Cough, with expectoration of black pieces of clotted blood, lasting till evening (after one hour). Cough, with expectoration of blood. Cough, with expectoration (after two hours). Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. Cough, with bitter expectoration. The mucus expectorated by coughing has a biting, burnt taste, almost like the taste of crab’s broth, or the juice of an old pipe (after a few hours). Expectoration of mucus by coughing, having a bitter, bilious taste. (Expectoration having a salty, nauseous taste, during the morning cough).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.