

Integuments of the face and head seem unnaturally rigid (fifth day). Eruptions. Red blotches that burn on rubbing. On shaving, the face, which is quite tender, is observed to have an eruption of small, reddish, rough, scaly, erythematous patches, the size of a pea (resembling barber’s itch), scattered about on the left side only of the face, and most near the commissure of the lips; no decided pain or itching, but an unpleasant sense of tension (seventh day); eruption on the face less prominent, yet rough (eighth day). Several papulae have sprung up around the nose, which are red, and smart when touched, one at the base of each ala, and two on the septum nerium (seventh day); the papulae exude a yellowish humor which soon forms a crust (eighth day); eruption drying up (tenth day). About the twelfth day, an eruption broke out about the lips and thighs, particularly on the inside of the thigh; the papulae are isolated, hard, white, and flattened; some of them have a small red point in the center; they itch slightly on first making their appearance; when scratched, the itching becomes more violent, and a burning sensation supervenes; a deep redness is diffused through the part, which lasts about five minutes; in several hours they become more elevated or acuminated, and finally, in about twenty- four hours, gradually disappear without suppuration or desquamation, and other spring up. Several up these papulae also made their appearance on the wrist and between the fingers. The eruption continues to the present time (seventeenth day). Several pimples also made their appearance on the prepuce; the itching is always worse during the afternoon and evening; not after going to bed. The eruptions till continues on the thighs; also on the wrists, between the fingers, and on the prepuce, which latter itches excessively, in the morning, on rising; itching always worse in a warm room; also in the evening and morning (nineteenth day). The pimples usually disappear in twenty-four hours, and give place to others; they are always isolated, white, and flattened, on their first appearance, becoming more elevated when scratched; a redness diffuses itself through the part, which remains sometimes ten or fifteen minutes (twentieth day); eruption still continues the same (twenty-second day). Eruption of small pimples on the chin (twenty-eighth day). A pimple on upper lip (fortieth day). One or two very small sore pimples on the face, loins, and seat, pricking like a pin on touching (seventeenth day). Small boil on right shoulder-blade (forty- first day); very painful so (forty-second day); not so painful (forty-third day); no pain whatever, but slight soreness when touched (forty-fourth day); boil quite gone (forty-fifth day).

Sensations. On rising, in the morning, an unpleasant sensation of bruised soreness and tension in the integuments of the face, especially on the forehead, above the left eye and around it; somewhat sensitive when pressed or rubbed; continued for some time (fifth day). The skin of the whole body is sensitive, and leaves a burning sensation when scratched (seventeenth day).

Sometimes excessive itching of the skin (nineteenth day).

Tingling itching in various parts of the skin, hands, face, uncovered parts, in one place or another, all the time (seventh day). Itching in the commissure of the fingers of the left hand; worse at night or evening, but more or less constant (fourteenth day). Itching in different parts of the body for a few minutes (twenty-eighth day). Itching under the chin (twenty-eighth day).

Slight itching in different parts of the body, as if there were small pimples (thirty-ninth day). Troublesome itching and stinging sensation in the neck, all round, like pins pricking (forty-ninth day). Itching; stinging itching at the top of thorax, with redness, stinging as if flea-bitten, worse on rubbing (seventeenth day). 10 P.M., itching on the lower limbs, also on other parts of the body; rubbing felt grateful, but did not relieve; soon as the rubbing ceased, was felt a burning sensation (twenty-fourth day).


Sleepiness. Excessive and continued yawning, for one hour after lying down (thirteenth day). Inclination to stretch and yawn, with the dull and stupid feeling, at 4 P.M. (sixteenth day).

Inclination to drowse and slight headache (five hours after first dose, third day). Drowsiness in the daytime (sixth day). Feeling of drowsiness and nausea, but unable to sleep for more than a few minutes (forty-second day). Drowsy feeling unrefreshing sleep; dreaming; wakefulness and heavy sleep (seventeenth day). Sleepy, and dull (forty-fourth day). Heavy sleep, with dreams (eleventh day). Slept with my mouth open (eighty-fourth day).

Sleeplessness. Sleeplessness at night. Sleeplessness; restless sleep, with anxious incongruous dreams (first night); restless sleep; tossing about in bed before going to sleep; frequent waking, and difficulty of going to sleep for a long time; sleep unrefreshing (second night); disturbed and restless sleep, with a variety of unimaginable and incoherent dreams; worse after 4 A.M.

(fifth night); tossing about in bed for two hours before going to sleep (fifth night); restless sleep (thirteenth night); highest degree of restlessness all night (fourteenth night); much the same (fifteenth night); fell asleep at 1 A.M., after which frequent waking ( (twenty-second night). Sleep somewhat disturbed with feverish tossing about (second day). Rest very much disturbed, little sleep (third night); sleeplessness at night (sixth night); disturbed sleep (seventeenth night). Since commencing this proving I have not slept so well; I used seldom or never to wake in the night; now I frequently do (thirty-eighth day); sleep better (fortieth day). Night somewhat restless, first part (first night); restlessness till 12 or 1, in the morning (second night). Excessively restless; dozing for a few minutes, and waking all though the night; unable to lie still, with fever and perspiration, pain in the small of the back, burning feet (sixteenth night); very restless night (eighteenth night).

Restlessness at night, with inability to think (seventh night.

Restless at night, after 4 o’clock (after a month). Became restless and unable to sleep, about 3 or 4 A.M. (very unusual), (first night); very restless (second, third, and fourth nights); entire sleeplessness, after 4 A.M. (fifth night). Restless tossing pretty much the entire night, no sleep until towards morning (first night); restless during the night; could get no sleep, after the first nap, until daylight in the morning (seventh night). Have been restless for some nights, waking up at times, towards morning; dreams; always sleep well; seldom awake at night (fifth day). Dreams. The first symptom I noticed was constant dreaming at night, after having retired to sleep; the dreams were of the ordinary occurrences of the day, sometimes mixed with the fantastic. Frequent dreams of a gloomy character, rousing from sleep, worse about midnight (seventh night). Dreamed of having received an announcement of the death of a brother, and upon awaking found myself shedding tears, which continued thus to affect me as if real, for several hours (first night); anxious and unpleasant dreams, of which, on awaking, in the morning, had no recollection (second night); unimaginable and incoherent dreams (fourth night); incoherent dreams, worse towards morning (fifth night); dreams of every variety (tenth night); troubled and vexed dreams (eleventh night); every variety of fanciful dreams (thirteenth night); most vivid, congruous, and coherent dreams; also incoherent and disgusting dreams, all in rapid succession (fourteenth night); much the same (fifteenth night); frequent waking from the most vivid, horrible, and frightful dreams (twenty-first night). Dreamed all night; dreams of death in the family (second night); frightful dreams; dreams of death; much affected by it (third night); again trouble with dreams and restlessness; dreamed that two near relatives had died; unable to remember anything dreamed until after rising (fourth night). Many dreams, mostly disagreeable (seventh night). Lascivious dreams (eleventh day). Horrid dreams (third night); unpleasant dreams (seventeenth night).


Chilliness. Chilliness, on rising, after being seated for three hours, with sensation of heat in the chest, and erratic pains in the limbs, chest, and head; these symptoms continue from 1 to 3 P.M., with disposition to stretch, and chilliness when moving about; cold hands in a warm room (after seven hours, sixth day).

Frequent chilly sensational continued a long time (twenty- seventh day). Chilly unpleasant sensation through the day (third day). Chilly sensation, in the evening, with cold and feet, for some time (sixth day). Feeling of chilliness, with flushed face (fifth day). At 2 P.M. cold chills running over me, and gooseflesh; fingers cold (seventh day). Coldness of body and shivering, with the irritable feeling in head (eighty-fourth day). Coldness of body, shivering (second day). Cold and shivered (eighteenth day). Soon get cold in the feet and legs, when walking outdoors (fifty-third day). Feet inclined to be cold (eighteenth day). Heat and Sweat. Highest degree of excitability; high fever; strong bounding pulse, 120; sensation of great heat, with thirst (here I should say, that for the last week I have been obliged to get up every night and drink), imagining the room to be very hot and close; oppression of the chest, with rapid respiration; difficulty of breathing, as if there were no air in the room; pacing backward and forward in the room in the greatest anxiety, then throwing myself on the bed, and rolling from one side to the other in the greatest mental agony, without really knowing why; continued in this state till 1 A.M., when I fell asleep; after which, would frequently wake up from the most vivid, horrible, and frightful dreams (twenty-first night).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.