
Nausea; (first day); (after sixteen hours). Slight nausea (after 3 drops); (after 2 or 3 grains). Very sick indeed. If she went a few hours past the usual time for taking it she was seized with the most intense faint nausea, vomiting, and utter prostration; 35 or 40 drops of the narcotic would bring her up all right in a few minutes. Nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, relieved by eating a piece of white sugar (five minutes after 1 grain). Nausea, and profuse secretion of saliva, lasting about five minutes (after 5 drops). Nausea, with increased secretion of saliva (after 4 drops). Nausea and profuse salivation (after 18 drops). Everything nauseates him. Qualmishness. Qualmishness, after waking. Peculiar qualmishness (after 2 drops).

Qualmishness, relieved by eructations. Qualmishness, as after long fasting (after 1 drop). Qualmishness, with frequent eructations and inclination to vomit (after 4 drops). General discomfort, emptiness, and faintness in the stomach (tenth day).

Nausea in the epigastric region (after a quarter of an hour).

Nausea, while walking on the street, so that he could scarcely keep from vomiting, associated with extreme exhaustion and weariness, that lasted the whole day (after 7 drops). Nausea, eructations, retching, which afforded some relief (one hour after 2 grains). Nausea without vomiting (tenth day); (after half an hour). Slight nausea and inclination to vomit, followed by some eructations (half an hour after 1 grain). Nausea, and inclination to vomit, after a dose (first day). Nausea, with the headache, somewhat relieved by vinegar (after two hours); considerably augmented, and at length I threw up the contents of my stomach (after three hours and a half). On awaking from a doze, in which he snored loudly, nausea and vomiting. Frequent nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, followed by bitter taste (tenth day). Nausea and vomiting, after cold affusions. Utter prostration with the nausea and vomiting.

Sickness at the stomach, with almost incessant vomiting; the fluid ejected of a brownish color, and emitting a sour smell (second day). Vomiting just before a convulsive fit. She vomits, with pain in the stomach and convulsive motions. Vomited violently (one case), (second day). Persistent vomiting. Repeated vomiting. Vomiting after eating. Vomiting; (after a few minutes); (after one hour), (after half an hour). Vomiting eight times (five hours after 4 grains). Vomiting and convulsions.

Spontaneous vomiting; the ejected matter gave off the odor of laudanum. Frequent vomiting of grayish mucus and unripe poppy seeds. Green vomiting. Vomited a dark fluid, with a strong smell of laudanum (after two hours and a half). Violent sickness and purging. Vomited several times (one hour after swallowing the acid, continuing to sleep during the operation). No further effect than vomiting, which did not occur till after the lapse of several hours. Sickness and vomiting (after 4 to 6 grains).

Coffee ejected in fifteen minutes after taking it, with much mucus (after nine hours). At length food and drink are vomited almost constantly when the system is not under primary action of a dose. Efforts to vomit, and vomiting of blood. Inclination to vomit, on moving about. Ineffectual efforts to vomit; (second day). Violent ineffectual retching. Stomach in General. Painful distension of the pit of the stomach. Stomach distended, meteoric. Stomach distended and painful to touch. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Acute throbbing, with visible rising and sinking, rhythmical with the pulse, of the full stomach, while lying down, after dinner; it made lying on the back intolerable; was obliged to rise and walk about, after which it gradually disappeared (thirteenth day). Fullness of the stomach. Rumbling in the stomach and abdomen (seventh day). Complains of tenderness and pressure in the epigastric region, and says she feels a pain there on inspiration (third day). Great tenderness on pressure at the epigastrium (after five days). Stomach hot, and painful on the slightest pressure. The stomach would not tolerate more than a quart a week. The stomach is insensible to emetics.

Considerable indigestion, after an early dinner, at 1.30 (after six hours). Digestion becomes much impaired. Slow digestion.

Makes digestion slow and diminishes the appetite. Disturbs digestion; causes in the stomach a sensation of heaviness and compression, and an indescribable distress in the pit of the stomach. Causes weakness of the stomach. Accumulation of flatus in the stomach and intestines. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, not relieved by a glass of water; this distressing sensation was relieved for about twenty minutes after breakfast, but it was renewed and continued with only slight interruptions during the whole day, though I ate frequently (fifth day).

Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, somewhat like that after a purge, extending into the ileum, but not causing actual colic (after 1/2 drop). (* From Opium taken immediately after dinner.- HAHNEMANN. Add to Hahnemann’s note: Young’s statement is that a man took this dose “after a plentiful supper and load of liquor.” Bracket the symptom.-HUGHES. *) Sensation of streaming warmth, commencing in the epigastric region and extending over the whole body (third day). Coldness in the stomach (fifth day). Feeling of constriction in the stomach, with constipation. Sensation of constriction in the stomach (first day). (Contractive pain in the stomach, which was intolerable, and changed to deathly anxiety).

Griping in the epigastric region (second and ninth days). Sudden pressure in the stomach and compression of the diaphragm. Great anxiety and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Violent pressure in the epigastric region, immediately after eating, relieved by walked about. Violent pressure in the stomach, immediately.

Extremely distressing pressure above the stomach, after dinner, as though he had eaten too much or too hard food; these symptoms relieved by moving about in the open air. Distressing pressure and cutting in the epigastric region and lower down in the abdomen, with dulness of the head, especially in the frontal and temporal region (after 8 drops); during this the pulse was rather slower and weaker than usual. Pressure in the region of the stomach (one hour after 6 drops). A pressive sensation in the stomach, as if caused by slow digestion. Pressure in the stomach, as if a stone were lying in it (after two hours). Pressure in the stomach; (two minutes after 1/2 drop, and a quarter of an hour after 1 drop); (ninth day). Pressive pain in the stomach (tenth day). Violent cutting in the epigastric and umbilical regions (a few minutes after 2 drops). Painful sensation in the epigastrium (second day). Incessant gnawing pain in the stomach when its effect is off. Extremely violent pain in the stomach; (seventh day). Pain in the stomach (second day). Pain and sensation of tightness across epigastrium (second day). Pain in stomach, increased by pressure (third day). Pain in the stomach when she attempts to turn in bed or take any food, which “seems to lodge, and when it goes off the pain is increased for nearly half an hour” (after five days).


Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondria, especially in the right.

Pressive pain in the left hypochondrium. Painful sensations in the region of the spleen and the back; also affecting the thorax (after 1 drop). Umbilicus and Sides. Colic in the region of the umbilicus, followed after a few hours by a diarrhoea-like stool (after 8 drops). Acute cutting pain in the region of the umbilicus, soon followed by desire for stool, with an evacuation that was not hard (after 3 drops). Dull pressive pain in the umbilical region (seventh day). Pain in the umbilical region caused by slight pressure (fifth day). Sensation as of a weight in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, with anxiety; sensation of flushes of internal heat, and stupefaction of head (after one hour). Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, even when not breathing (after three hours). Stitch in the left flank (fifth day). General Abdomen. The abdomen became distended, especially in the umbilical region. Abdomen distended; (after 2 drops); (after forty-eight hours). Abdomen distended, tympanitic (fifth day). Abdomen tense, distended. Abdomen very hard and tense.

Abdomen hard. Abdomen hard swollen and sensitive to touch.

Rumbling in the abdomen (fifth day). Rumbling and moving about in the intestines (second day). Rumbling in the abdomen and griping in the intestines (first day). Rumbling in the abdomen, with emission of flatus. Rumbling, gurgling, and griping in the bowels, without emission of flatus. Rumbling and moving about in the abdomen (after ten minutes). Rumbling and gurgling in the transverse colon, followed by urgent desire for stool, which could be restrained only with extreme difficulty; this was followed by a copious watery evacuation, accompanied by much flatus, that passed suddenly and with much noise, and was followed by burning in the rectum, which lasted several minutes, at midnight (fourth day). Grumbling motions within the bowels (within an hour). Grumbling and contraction of the bowels (after one hour), (one case). Grumbling and slight pain in the abdomen (one case). Flatulence in the abdomen, increasing from noon till evening, without the evacuation of either gas or faeces, though late in the evening without the evacuation of either gas or faeces, though late in the evening there was an evacuation that was scanty and not hard, and accomplished with great effort (after 3 drops). Flatulence (after twenty-five minutes). Emission of flatus difficult (tenth day). Emission of much very offensive flatus at night (after 3 drops). Emission of much flatus after eating. Emission of flatus (seventh day). Emission of very offensive flatus. Frequent emission of flatus (after twenty-four hours); (fifth day). Causes constant accumulation of flatus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.