
Stupor resembling that narcotic poisoning, rather than true state of coma. Stupefied. Continued in a stupid state for the remainder of the day, after the relief of other symptoms by vomiting. Every few minutes she fell into a stupor and sleep, from which she could only be roused by being repeatedly moved or shaken; she would give no answer to questions put to her, which appeared to proceed much more from the torpor and insensible state in which she was than from obstinacy or any other cause (second day). He made no answer to any question, though put to him with a loud voice, close to his ear. On discontinuing the agitation for a moment, he immediately relapsed into a state of stupor and insensibility; the only expedient that effectually roused him was pulling him by the hair of the head. This was so completely successful on one occasion that he rose from his sear in a paroxysm of anger, and attempted to throw off his jacket and vest, but immediately fell back in a state of insensibility (after three hours and a half). Very “stupid” state, and scarcely able to answer any question put to her (after two hours); perfectly insensible (after four hours). Great difficulty in rousing it, and when roused, immediately relapsing into deep stupor. Slight stupor, from which he was easily aroused. Opium- eaters are sleepy and almost stupid.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head with a sensation of dry heat in the eyes and inclination to close the eyes, without sleepiness, together with a sensation as though he had watched the previous night. Head confused, as after intoxicating drinks.

Confusion of the head, after sleep. Vertigo; (sixth day); (eleventh day); (second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth days), etc. Violent vertigo obliges him to lie down.

Violent vertigo (after 4 drops). Vertigo; some intoxication.

Vertigo and dulness of the head, transient (after 4 drops).

Vertigo; was scarcely able to keep upright; even while sitting it seemed difficult to hold up the head (after 16 drops). Vertigo, on looking to the right or left (looking straight ahead, on bending the head forward, did not cause vertigo), (after half an hour). Vertigo, with swaying back and forth of the body. Vertigo as if everything were turning about with him in a circle.

Vertigo, caused by stooping (after twenty hours). Vertigo, and stupefaction of the head. Slight vertigo (after two hours and three-quarters); relieved after vomiting (after three hours and a half). Vertigo, with numbness of limbs (after five minutes).

Dizziness, with vanishing of thoughts (after 4 drops). Dizzy, as if intoxicated, after waking from sleep (first day). Giddiness, sometimes headache. Feels giddy on attempting to get up (after forty-five hours). Felt giddy and sick (soon). Very giddy and confused (after one hour), (one case). Slight giddiness (within an hour). Very giddy all day. Reeling form the effects of the drug; they sink into a disturbed sleep, from which they awake towards noon. Reeling. General Head. He was unable to hold the head upright; it swayed back and forth. Slight lateral motion of the head. Head drooping (after two hours and a half). When raised to a sitting posture the head would fall backwards or sideways.

Perceptible and audible pulsation in the blood vessels of the head (eleventh day). Pulsations in the arteries of the head. Heat and sensible pulsation of the arteries in the head (after 2 or 3 grains). (the blood vessels of the brain are distended by blood).

(* Merely a hypothetical statement of the author,-HUGHES.*) Rush of blood to the brain. Rush of blood to the head, that was actually painful, especially affecting the forehead (after 2 drops). Acute cerebral congestion. Congestion of brain increased (after twelve hours). Congestion to the head. Humming in the head, as from bees, with a stopped sensation in both ears, apparently accompanied by diminished hearing (after about two hours, first day). Roaring in the head (a few minutes after 1 drop). He heard the blood rush to the brain, with a dull but loud noise on every beat of the heart. He hears the beating in the cerebral arteries. Swimming sensation in the head when she rises up in bed (fifth day). Sensation in the head like that following sleep after excessive debauch. Sensation of warmth in the head.

His head, though feeling free, on waking, in the morning, became quite as confused, about 8 A.M., as it had been the preceding afternoon, though it wore away towards noon (after 18 drops).

General weakness and confusion of the head (third day).

Obscuration of the head, immediately. (* Preceded by a feeling as if something mounted to her head.- HUGHES. *) Heaviness of the head; (after 6 drops); (after eight minutes): (twenty minutes after 1 grain). Head so heavy and stupid that he was obliged to rest it; it seemed to him that he could feel the rush of blood to the head (after 18 drops). Heaviness of the head, making thought and, in consequence, writing difficult (twenty minutes after 2 grains). Lassitude, heaviness of the head, and dryness in the throat, after the Opium sleep. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Head very heavy for several days; the occiput feels like lead, so that the head constantly falls backward, and he cannot hold it upright.

The head is heavy, and as if intoxicated, lasting twelve hours.

Heaviness of the head; on rising it, a sensation as if a heavy substance were in it and moved to and fro. Heaviness of the head, especially in the sinciput (first day). Heaviness of the head, with a feeling as if the head had been hanging down for a long time (one hour after 5 drops). Heaviness and dulness of the head, lasting a quarter of an hour (one hour after 6 drops). Dulness and confusion of the head, soon becoming a pressive sensation, extending forward over the orbit and backward to the nape of the neck. Dulness of the head, as if smoke rose into the brain. (* Momentarily occurring. As to S. 260.- HUGHES. *) Dulness of the head, especially in the frontal region. Dulness of the head, (after 1 drop); (after ten, and twenty minutes); (after one hour, fifth day); (fifth and tenth days); (first and ninth days).

Dulness of the head, becoming a real pressive pain, especially in the forehead, extending towards the eyes and down to the nose (after 1 drop). Head dull and confused (second morning after 2 drops). Dulness and pressive pain in the head (after 1 drop).

Dulness of the head and pressure in the forehead (after 2 drops).

Dulness of the head, with more rapid pulse than usual (after 7 drops). General dulness of the head, followed by confusion, that gradually became vertigo, and made thought and speech exceedingly difficult (a quarter of an hour after 3 drops). Dulness of the head, with pressure in the eyes (ten minutes after 1/2 grain).

Feeling of dulness and congestion in the head, increasing from minute to minute, with glowing heat of the face and perspiration on the head (ten minutes after 1 grain). Dulness of the head, with inability to perform mental labor (nine hours after 1 grain). Dulness head, with increased circulation of the blood, and with a full, hard pulse (after 12 drops). Dulness of the head, with vertigo (fourth day). Slight dulness of the head; (after 3 drops); (a quarter of an hour after 1/2 drop); (after half an hour). Headache; (after two hours), (two cases); (second day); (third day); (after one hour); (fifth day); (second day).

Headache, at times dull, at times very severe (first day).

Headache, after a nap (fourth day). Dull headache (first, second, eighth, and ninth days). Dull headache (after ninety minutes); much increased and attended with drowsiness and nausea (after two hours); soon relieved after vomiting (after three hours and a half). Woke with headache and dull stupefaction. Violent headache, with difficult breathing. Violent headache; (second day); (one hour after 4 grains); (second day). Headache, with vertigo (after 1 drop). Headache, extending from the vertex to the right orbit, a pressive pain always extending from within outward, in the afternoon and evening (after 2 drops). Headache, on waking in the morning, that became worse after rising, but disappeared during the forenoon (after 4 drops). Severe headache, soon; remarked that his head was splitting with pain (after three hours). If the dose was deferred she had always severe headache.

Headache in the supraorbital region (fourth day). Headache almost immediately. Head ached next morning. Headache relieved by leaning against the cold wall. Slight headache (second day).

Slight headache, on waking in the morning (after 4 drops). Slight pressive headache (after 3 drops). Pressive headache (two minutes after 1/2 drop). Constant pressive headache. Pressive headache in the head and nose, as if seated in the scalp, which feels as though it had been bruised (after 3 drops). Violent pressive headache (fourth day). Dull pressure in the head, gradually becoming a vertigo, making thought difficult (after 24 drops).

Pressure and dulness in the head, extending over the whole head, but most violent in the vertex (a quarter of an hour after 2 drops). Pressive, at times throbbing, headache, extending from behind forward, along the median line, during the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.