
Languid and weak feeling (after twenty hours). Faintness. (* Omit Muller.-HUGHES. *) With increased vigor she endeavored to rise from bed, but immediately fell into faintness, and was dizzy; on lying down again her activity returned. Sudden faintness so that I could scarcely reach a seat (fifth day). Faintness recurring every quarter of an hour; it closed the eyes, allowed the head to hand down, with weak respiration, without consciousness, with unchanged pulse; followed by somewhat spasmodic shuddering of the body, and, after a few minutes, the paroxysm ended with sighing, followed by anxiety. (* The symptoms of Muller’s patient, before and after the Opium, were so similar that they are very dubious.- HUGHES. *) Sensation is blunted and at times entirely destroyed.

Sensation is first diminished, afterward reflex irritability.

Feeling as after a night of debauch (second day). “Felt very strangely” (after half an hour). Inability to walk far without aching pains in the limbs (five or six years after discontinuance). After long indulgence he becomes subjective to nervous or neuralgic pains, to which Opium itself brings no relief. Very violent pains (after a quarter of an hour). Woke in the morning with pain in the limbs and loins, bathed in perspiration. Bones affected with dull gnawing pains for some hours, in the morning. Frightful pains, that pierced through the marrow of the bone. (* In confirmed Opium eaters.-HUGHES. *) Burning pain and irritation. (* From the external use.-HAHNEMANN.

*) Sudden jerking over the whole body woke him from sleep.

Sensation, at one time as if flushes of fire, at another, as if ice-cold water were running through the veins. The right half of the body, as far as the toes, seems beaten, with flushes of heat and burning pain. Disagreeable sensations with the coldness (after fifty minutes); did not go off until after supper.


Surface of body pale, and covered with profuse perspiration (after four hours). Pale (after seven hours); (after half an hour). Surface of body pallid an contracted. Skin livid. Great lividity of the skin, particularly of the extremities. Color of the skin pale and bluish. Skin of extremities and face blue (after four hours). Blue color of the skin, especially of the genitals. (* During the opisthotonos of S 1773.-HUGHES. *) The cyanosis became very intense, and more extended than before (third day). Cyanosis of the lips, tips of the fingers and toes.

Blue spots here and there over the body (after fifteen hours).

Redness of the whole body. Skin of a red and inflamed color (he being a fair man, the son of a native of Persia), and all the veins, even to the minutest branches, were uncommonly distended, and the appearance of being stuffed and gorged with their contents (after half an hour). Congestion of the surface, especially about the neck and chest, increased. Redness and itching of the skin. Red spots on the cheeks, that are pale. Skin dry, rough, and of a dirty color. Skin dry, parched, or a sunburnt color. Skin dry to rough and shrivelled, and of a tawny color. Skin brown. Skin resembled leather. Almost black. It irritates the skin, removes the hair, an causes itching. It removes the hair, causes itching, corrodes the skin, and draws blisters. When applied to the skin as a plaster it causes great heat and pain, draws blisters, irritates the skin, an occasions mortification. Eruptions. Eruptions on the skin, with at times itching. A large pimple, sensitive to touch, on the side of the neck. Frequent eruptions, with biting itching in the skin after the sweat. Small red, itching tetter here and there in the skin.(* Revised by Hughes. *) Burning itching and eruption of pustules. (* From the frequent use of Opium.-HAHNEMANN. *) Elevations, like hives, that itch violently, on the extensor surface of the left thigh, lasting hives, that itch violently, on the extensor surface of the left thigh, lasting several days, and gradually disappearing. A burning-sticking pain about the right writ, with pimples as large as millet-seeds, surrounded by red areola on the back and also in the palm of the hand; on the same evening two similar pimples appeared on the right cheek, and were sensitive to pressure (after 5 drops). Some suffer excessively from boils and carbuncles, from the latter of which few confirmed Opium-smokers recover; foul, indolent ulcers are extremely common among the poor. Sensations. Skin insensible. Pruritus (after five hours). (* Revised by Hughes. *) Intolerable itching of the skin (second day). Intolerable itching over the whole surface, which was warm and dry (second day). Itching over the whole body; after scratching, appearance of thick, red pimples (hives), that itch greatly, but soon disappear. Burning and sometimes itching in the skin. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Fine sticking itching here and there in the skin. Very troublesome itching. Troublesome itching over the whole body. Intolerable itchiness over the whole of his skin, so that he kept five or six persons constantly employed in scratching him (after half an hour). Intolerable itching and burning heat of the face after the poisoning. Sensation of biting and burning in the skin, especially of the face (after one hour).

Itching of the nose (after ten minutes). Itching in the nose, and not very rarely all over the body (after 4 to 6 grains). Itching on the arms and shoulders. Violent itching about the anus (third day). Disagreeable crawling in the hands and feet, which changes to a frightful, incessant rolling. Violent itching on the legs, in the evening. Formication on the left leg (fifth day).


Sleepiness. Yawning twice (after half an hour). Yawning frequently repeated (after a few minutes); (fifth day). Yawning for a quarter of an hour, with pain in the joints of the jaws as if they would break. Slight drowsiness (after eleven hours).

Drowsiness (after twenty minutes); (after three-quarters of an hour); (after two hours, two cases); (after a few minutes), etc.

Drowsiness with the headache (after two hours). Very drowsy (after five hours). Constant drowsiness (after two hours). Very drowsy (after five hours). Constant drowsiness (after two hours).

Very drowsy, but easily roused up and able to walk about (after five hours and twenty minutes). Very drowsy all day. Extreme languor and drowsiness supervened, which threatened a deep and perhaps fatal sleep. Great disposition to drowsiness (first day).

Extreme drowsiness, amounting almost to sopor. Exceedingly drowsy (after two hours). Unusually drowsy (after half an hour); exhibited a peculiar facility for going to sleep in any possible position (after four hours). She soon became very drowsy; she could be aroused by shaking and loud speaking, and then knew every one around her, looking at them with a half-intoxicated expression, understanding all that was said to her (after two hours and half); could not be aroused by shaking or loud speaking (after six hours and three-quarters); more easily aroused, but instantly falls asleep again (after application of electro- magnetism), (after eight hours and a quarter); now rose up to the sitting posture, and got off the cough to walk across the room, supported by two persons, looking about her with an alarmed and bewildered expression, but apparently not recognizing any one; she was, however, sufficient awake to drink a cup of strong coffee, taking the cup in her hand (after nine hours and a quarter). Somewhat sleepy, followed by a few minutes’ slumbering (one hour after 2 grains). Great desire to sleep; it was very difficult to keep awake; but during the night sleep was restless, with much perspiration (after 3 drops). Very sleepy (after a quarter of an hour). Constant desire to slumber at night, with increased thirst, and almost clean and dry tongue, dark at the edges; cracked lips. Sleepiness; (after ten minutes). Sleepiness; slumbering; stupefaction. During the fourth day was very sleepy, so that it troubled me at my work, on which account I took 20 drops of the tincture; fifteen minutes afterwards my head felt much relieved; I was especially lively; I then went to bed, read for about twenty minutes, when I became so sleepy that I was obliged to lay aside the book; could no longer keep my eyes open; all efforts to keep off sleep were unavailing; I gradually became more and more sluggish, till at last I was unable to reach a glass of water standing near me, though I made every effort. My mental powers were also very much blunted; I gradually fell asleep; after about two hours I was awakened by loud cries for help in the street; after this I was unable to sleep; my memory lost its clearness, and I was unable to follow any connected thought. Sleepiness and extreme disinclination to work (after 2 drops). Sleepiness, so that he was able to keep awake only with the greatest effort, and it was scarcely possible to talk connectedly (two hours after 18 drops). Could not rouse himself in the morning. Sleepiness while writing at a table, followed by sleep for about twenty minutes, after which he woke, feeling quite well (first day). So great sleepiness that he could not keep awake; lay down on a lounge, and immediately fell asleep, about noon (second day). (* This may possibly be ascribed less to the action of the drug than to the frequently interrupted sleep of the preceding night. *) Unusual sleepiness about 8 A.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.