
Sensation on evacuating urine as if the passage through the urethra were closed. Micturition. Frequent involuntary micturition. Emission of urine violent (after second day). Desire to urinate, with difficult discharge (ninth day). Micturition much more frequent than usual, always scanty, and evacuated easily. Micturition difficult; (one case). Difficult micturition on waking from a nap (tenth day). Difficult evacuation of urine with a full bladder, on account of cramp in the sphincter vesicae; even after much urine began to pass the full stream was at times interrupted; this continued all day. Dysuria, as if the urinary passages were closed (tenth day). Dysuria, with frequent involuntary interruptions in the stream of urine (after 4 to 6 grains). Strangury soon made its appearance with the usual symptoms, viz., a frequent and urgent desire to micturate, but without being able to gratify it; burning and cutting pains at the neck of the bladder; cutting pains also along ureters and urethra, and accompanied with some tenesmus. This condition compelled me to introduce the catheter for four successive days, when, in consequence of the system being under mercurial influence, I desisted from further treatment. But a return of the disease being threatened, I resumed the former treatment, which was again followed by the strangury. I suspended each remedy in succession, but the strangury continued until the Opium was at last suspended. After this the strangury ceased in twenty-four hours, but again recurred on again exhibiting the opium. It was till several hours elapsed that he was able to empty his bladder, although he had made several attempts; urine very high-colored (after fifteen hours) Could evacuate urine only after long exertion. Involuntary interruption of the stream of urine.

Frequent interruption of the stream of urine, which commences to flow after waiting a long time, on account of a cramp in the sphincter vesicae. Retention of urine, with very dry mouth and increased thirst. Retention of urine. Retention of urine, so that he was always obliged to use the catheter; the urine passed during twenty-four hours amounted to 190 c. c., containing 31.317 grams of urea; 6.570grams of phosphates; 8979 grams of chlorides (third day). He did not succeed in making water until after twelve hours, and not before he had made several efforts in vain, and he then perceived a burning in the urethra, and frequent interruptions in the stream of urine. Evacuations of urine suppressed. Opium at times suppresses the urine; at times increased it. Opium restrains the evacuation of urine. No urine had been passed (second day). No passage of urine or faeces.

There had been no urine since the attack; the place of the bladder was occupied by a round, hard tumor, which was supposed to depend upon urine; about half a pint of urine was now passed (after seventeen hours). Had not passed any urine since he took the poison (after three hours). The patient passed no urine throughout the day, and at night only after long exertion. Has not passed any water since yesterday afternoon (fifth day); much pain in making water, which is scanty (seventh day). Urine. Great secretion of urine. Increased secretion of urine (fourth day).

Secretion of urine increased during the night (from fourth to fifth day). It stimulates the secretion of urine. Copious emission of urine in the afternoon (first day). Evacuation of a large quantity of urine after midnight (first night); also on waking (second morning). Urine greatly increased in quantity, out of all proportion to the amount of liquid taken; this continued for several days. Urine very copious, pale-yellow, in the evening (first day); very copious at noon, 4.30 P.M., and about midnight (second day). Urine of normal color, but of remarkable odor, that I could compare to nothing, in the evening (second day). Urine brown, covered with an iridescent film (after 4 drops). A turbid, mucous urine is discharged with unusual frequency, the result sometimes of vesical, sometimes of renal disease. Urine turbid and dark-colored (after six days). Urine very turbid and dark red, frothy, depositing a yellowish-red, slimy sediment (eleventh day). Urine scanty, turbid, lemon-yellow. Urine very dark, depositing a sediment. Urine dark-colored. Urine dark and tongue dry. The urine has a brick dust sediment. He passed very little urine, and that of a dark-red color, accompanied by cutting pains. Urine lemon-yellow, with much sediment. Intolerable odor to the urine (after two days). Urine very scanty, very red, with clouds. Bloody urine. The urine, after taking Opium, contained more water than usual; the earthy phosphates, especially the phosphates of lime, were diminished; the phosphates of magnesia were somewhat diminished, but not so much so as the phosphates of lime; soon after ceasing to take Opium the secretion of urine increased; and even on the next, after taking the solid constituents, the urea and inorganic salts were decidedly increased. Urine. Normal. While taking Opium. Amount…. 1485.900 1637.500 Water…. 1485.387 1590.039 Solid constituents.. 50.513 47.461 Urea…. 11.693 11.059 Uric acid… 0.091 0.000 Inorganic salts.. 23.906 21.986 Phosphates… 1.113 0.547 Phosphate of lime.. 0.726 0.334 Phospate of magnesia. 0.387 0.213 Volatile salts and extractives, 14.823 14.416–235. Urine. First five days. Second five days. Amount…. 1691.600 1583.400 Water….

1642.842 1537.237 Solid constituents.. 48.758 46.163 Urea….

10.197 11.921 Uric acid… 0.000 0.000 Inorganic salts.. 24.313 19.658 Phosphates… 0.618 0.476 Phospate of lime.. 0.388 0.280 Phospate of magnesia. 0.230 0.196 Volatile salts and extractives, 14.248 14.584–235.

Sexual organs

In both sexes the procreative power is greatly lessened, in those women who, nevertheless, do bear children the secretion of mild is defective. The influence of the habit on the generative functions is, indeed, so decided that, were it not for fresh arrivals form china and other parts of the East, the population of Singapore would very soon be seriously diminished. The sexual organs, are first preternaturally excitable, gradually lose their tone. All opium-smokers become impotent at a much earlier period of the life than others. Male. Cutting pain in genitals when passing water (after seven days). Male impotency. Impotency.

Gradual impotency (after 4 to 6 grains). Excessive erections.

Violent erections (after two hours and a half). Frequent erections in sleep, at night. Erections during sleep, and after waking, impotency. Erection during sleep, and after waking, complete impotency. It excites sexual desire, with erections, emissions, and lascivious dreams. Amorous ecstasy; erections for twenty-four hours; lascivious dreams; nightly emissions. Nightly emissions (first night). Amorous fancies; emissions at night.

Excitement of sexual desire. Immoderate lasciviousness. It is considered to enervate and weaken sexual desire. In some, excitement; in others, diminution of sexual desire. No inclination fro coition during the whole proving. Sexual desire indolent. It cools the desire for coition. Female. A mucous discharge begins to flow from the organs of generation. The uterus is so soft that the movements of the child can be felt externally. (* Coincident with a general paralyzed state.-HUGHES.

Original revised by Hughes. *) Excessive labor-like pains in the uterus, that oblige her to bend the abdomen together, with anxious, almost ineffectual desire for stool (after a quarter of an hour). The movements of the foetus in utero were violently painful; sometimes omitting for several hours, then returning more violent than ever. Menstruation increased (after two hours).

Menstruation appeared out of the regular order (second day).

While she continued using the Opium daily her catamenia did not appear; but, on forsaking the drug for a month or two, she becomes “regular” without any emmenagogue. Catamenia did not appear during these five years, but afterwards the onychia was cured by an operation, and every month since the menses have punctually appeared without the aid of any medicine. Catamenia did not appear after taking the Opium, notwithstanding she had been perfectly regular until then. Her catamenia, which had been regular, have never since appeared (after five years). (Opium did not disturb the regularity of the menses, though it had been used daily for thirty years, in doses as large as a drachm and over, for extremely painful and spasmodic attacks).

Respiratory organs

Spasms of the respiratory muscles at times. Larynx. Tickling in the larynx, with violent dry racking cough, lasting ten minutes; both the dryness and cough relieved by a glass of water; they, however, returned after a quarter of an hour, with so great violence that tears came to the eyes; again relieved by drinking water, after which he fell asleep for over two hours, and was again awakened by paroxysms of cough, which, however, were less violent and accompanied by some expectoration of mucus, at 3 A.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.