
Neck and Back.

Great swelling and violent pulsation in the veins of the neck.

The back was stiff and straightened (a kind of tonic spasm), (between one and two hours). Bending of the spine, frequently to such a degree as to assume a circular form. The back was curved like an arch, from the violent trembling motion of all the limbs, that irritates all the nerves. Back painful (after one hour).

Drawing-tearing pain in the back. Sensation of heat, alternating with coldness, along the spine (after half an hour). Sensation as if there were pressure inward in the back and in the thorax up to the nape of the neck; the muscles and vessels seem contracted (after 3 drops). Pressive pain between the tip of the right scapula and the posterior wall of the thorax (after 2 drops).

Pain in the dorsal muscles, at times extending into the thorax (after 2 drops). Pain in lumbar region (after five days).


Trembling of the hands and feet (tenth day). Tremulous motion of all the limbs. Convulsive trembling of the limbs. Trembling of the upper and lower extremities (sixth day). Spasmodic trembling of the limbs. Limbs agitated by a nervous trembling. Clonic spasms of the extremities. Involuntary motions of the arms, fingers, and toes. General spasms of extremities (after three hours). A good deal of tremor of the various limbs. Tremors in the limbs. Convulsive movements of the extremities (after two hours). Nails quite purple. Limbs drawn up. The limbs lie immovable and remain wherever they are placed. Limbs immovable.

Joints flexible (after six hours). Limbs flaccid; unable to walk (after four hours). All the limbs quite flaccid, and would remain wherever placed. Limbs flaccid. Relaxation of the limbs, and weakness. Limbs relaxed and the body felt quite flaccid (after four hours). Muscles of limbs relaxed (after eleven hours); (after one hour and a half). The limbs hang down relaxed (after forty-eight hours). Increased immobility of the limbs. Limbs powerless (after fourteen hours); (after two hours and a half); (after six hours); (after six hours and three-quarters). Weakness of the upper and lower extremities. Weariness in the legs and forearms. Heaviness of the limbs (after one hour and a quarter); (third day). Heaviness of the limbs, especially of the left arm.

Limbs, especially the thighs, very heavy (half an hour after 2 grains). Heaviness, like lead, in the arms and feet, making all motion difficult (half an hour after 1 grain). Heaviness in the limbs, and some stiffness in them on rising (after a quarter of an hour). The limbs feel asleep and heavy (second day).

Uneasiness in the sound limbs, that could not rest a moment in any place. Numbness in the limbs and body generally. Numbness and insensibility of the limbs. Numbness and insensibility of the limbs, with coldness of the whole body (after two hours).

Numbness of the limbs (five or six years after the discontinuance). Numbness in the limbs, lasting forty-eight hours. Cramps in the limbs. If she passed over the usual time for taking a dose, she felt the most distressing sensations about the joints, not of pain, but such as she is unable to describe.

Jerkings with pains in the muscles, especially of the limbs (first day).

Superior Extremities.

Superior extremities shook violently. Arm. Automatic motions of the arms. A convulsive motion, back and forth, in one or the other arm. Arms hung motionless by her side (after two hours).

Some twitching of the arms. The left arm is paralyzed (after forty-eight hours). (* Revised by Hughes. *) Feeling of numbness, extending from the left shoulder to the tips of the fingers most severe on the palmar surface of the hand, thumb, and little finger, lasting six minutes, returning after twenty minutes, though less severe, and lasting only four minutes (after six hours). Drawing and tearing, now in the right, now in the left forearm, in the evening (seventh day). Hand. Tremors in my hands (after two hours and three-quarters). Trembling of the hands. Hands of a purple color. Hands livid (after eighteen hours). Transient twitching in the hands (tenth day). Numbness and sensation of swelling in the hands and forearms (second day).

Touch so much affected that she could not execute any needle- work. Fingers. Fingers blue. Fingers and wrists occasionally jerked by spasmodic twitchings of the tendons. Sensation of numbness in the left little and ring fingers, extending from the second joints to the tips of the fingers; it felt as through the fingers had been constricted for a long time, a sensation lasting only about four minutes, and disappearing after rubbing with the other hand, in the evening (second day). A sudden drawing-tearing pain in the second joint of the right ring finger, aggravated by motion, relieved by rest, lasting ten minutes, and gradually disappearing and extending above the wrist to the head of the radius, where it lasted for more than two hours (second day).

Crawling in the fingers, as if asleep, increasing on grasping anything.

Inferior Extremities.

Lower extremities very much flexed and cold (after three hours).

Trembling of the lower extremities (ninth and tenth days).

Trembling, especially of the lower limbs and about the lumbar region (first day). Stiffness in legs (soon). Legs stiff and with difficulty separated. Stumbling gait (first, fourth, and tenth days). Weakness of the lower extremities. Lame gait. Heaviness and weariness of the legs; his gait became stumbling, so that though he made but a few visits he was as weary as after a long journey on foot (second day). Sensation of weariness in the lower extremities. Weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the knee- joints (eighth day). Violent pains in the knee and hip- joints, which became so excruciating that I could neither sit nor lie, once (after 8 to 10 grains daily for a fortnight); removed by 8 grains in two pills. Long-continued sensation of numbness and prickling in the left lower extremity, occurring after sitting only a short time, and not relieved by walking about (after two hours). Crawling in the lower extremities. Thigh.

Trembling of the thighs (second day). Creeping shivering on the anterior surface of the right thigh, extending down to the knee, lasting a few seconds; after a quarter of an hour it commenced in the nape of the neck, and extended down the back to the sacrum, lasting only a few moments, without subsequent heat, disturbance of the circulation, or thirst, at 6.30 P.M. (first day). Drawing on the outer side of the right thigh (within ten minutes).

Tensive pain in the flexor muscles of both thighs, extending to the hollows of the knees, lasting only twelve minutes, in the forenoon (second day). Rheumatic pain in the thighs (after 1 drop). Sensation as if some liquid were moving up and down in the left thigh (first day). Knee. The knees were bent. Trembling and a paralyzed feeling in the knee-joints. Stiffness and weariness in the knees (eighth day). Weariness in the knee-joints (fifth day). Weariness in the knees (ninth day). Weakness in the knees.

Feeling of weakness in the left knee-joint (after two hours).

Weakness, especially in the knees, with frequent yawning and stretching (after 1 drop). Feeling of paralysis in the knee- joints, with dull pain (first day). Paralyzed sensation in the knee-joints (second and third days). Transient acute pain in the hollow of the knee (third day). A sudden lightning-like tearing along the outer side of the right knee, extending to the outer surface of the leg as far as the malleolus, disappearing as suddenly as it came (second day). Leg. Legs slightly drawn up (after two hours). Legs unable to support the weight of the body (after two hours). Weakness of the legs. Weariness and sensation of heaviness in the legs, on rising form a seat, lasting till towards 6 P.M. (second day). Sensation of heaviness in the legs (third day). Great weariness in the legs. Distressing spasmodic jerking in the muscles of the calves. Crawling sensation in both legs (second and eighth days). Almost no sensation in the legs.

(*Revised by Hughes. *) Foot. Swelling of the feet. The foot was so stiff and sensitive that he could not walk or step upon it.

Heaviness of the feet after eating (after two hours). Numbness of the foot.


Strong convulsions, which affected the muscles of the trunk and extremities to such a degree as to make him as stiff as a frozen corpse; these spasms would continue from ten to fifteen minutes at a time, and then partially relax for two or three minutes, recurring several times (after fourteen hours); ceased altogether, a warm perspiration breaking out over the body (after fifteen hours and a half). Frightful convulsions (after a quarter of an hour). Frightful convulsions, with terrible pains.

Frightful convulsions and images before the eyes. General convulsions (after two hours); (after three hours) Convulsions.

(* From large doses.-HAHNEMANN. *) Convulsions (soon); (after five or six hours); (after three hours); (after one hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.