

One symptom never failed to accompany any attempt to renounce Opium, viz., violent sternutation. This now become exceedingly troublesome, sometimes lasting for two hours at a time, and recurring at least two or three times a day. (Violent coryza, with some cough). (* Apparently the result of taking cold from the damp weather, as in other respects I was perfectly well. – FREUD.* ) Bloody liquid exudes from the nose and mouth during the convulsions. Copious secretion of mucus from the nose. Frothy mucus ejected from the nares (after four hours). A large quantity of frothy-looking fluid tinged with arterial blood escaped from the nose (after seven hours and three-quarters). Stoppage of the nose like stopped catarrh, in a warm, room, after walking in the open air. Great dryness in the nose, the whole afternoon and evening (after 2 drops). Sense of smell so impaired that she could perceive no pungency in snuff.


Face swollen, skin hot and dry, tongue white, hoarseness, respiration very much impeded, spitting of blood. (* From Opium taken for incipient cold when in a plethoric state. S. 666, 1271, 1286, 1451, 2250 all belong to this.-HUGHES.*) Swelling of the face. Face greatly swollen, and had an unmeaning ghastly expression. Face swollen, violet-colored, like the rest of the body. Spasmodic motions of the facial muscles (after seven days).

Spasms of the facial muscles. (* With stupor.- HUGHES. *) Muscles of the face affected with spasm, and those of the limbs with convulsions. Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips, and tongue. Face altered, eyes haggard, cheeks furrowed, pale. Features distorted, taciturn, with open eyes. Features distorted. Face purple and the features distorted (after fifteen minutes). Face bloated, red, and rather livid. Countenance bloated (after one hour and three-quarter). Face bloated and dark. Face much congested. Distended veins in the face. Face full, and the skin of it having a smooth glassy appearance (second day). Gave a new air of life and brightness of his face.

Wild and fierce-looking (after a quarter of an hour). Look horrid (second day). Fixed look. All the muscles of the face seem relaxed, which gives the face a stupid expression; the lower lip is inclined to hang down relaxed, the nostrils are widely opened, and the upper lid can be raised only with difficulty. He looks as though he had not slept enough, or had been revelling all nigh, with sunken, blinking eyes. Countenance presented that peculiar vacancy or want of definite expression which is characteristic of the influence of Opium. Countenance vacant. Countenance looks sickly (after half an hour). On awaking, languid and stupid expression to countenance. The whole expression is that of premature old age. Somewhat haggard face (after two hours).

Countenance calm and pale (after seven hours). Face pale; (after fifty minutes), (after four hours), and many others Color of the face pale, earthy; eyes weak, full of water; slumbering with half open eyes, pays attention to nothing, gives indefinite answers; passed stool involuntarily; sinks down in a heap, with short anxious respiration. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Countenance pale, with an expression of deep and placid repose (after eight hours).

Face sunken, pale. Paleness of the face and forehead; eyes glassy, fixed. (* Add ‘fixed.”.-HUGHES. *) Pallor. Face and lips pale. Face very pale. Features shrunk and deathly pale. Face pale and cadaverous (after two hours). Countenance pale and ghastly.

Face white. Countenance pallid, and bathed in cold perspiration.

Face pallid, etc. Countenance pale and haggard. The pallor of death was upon the lips. Pallid and ghastly expression of countenance (after four hour). Ghastly countenance, though placid (after one hour). Countenance ghastly. Face cadaverous and of a livid color, cheeks and nose cold, eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles, pupils contracted, lids partly open, eyeballs turned upward. Cadaverous countenance. Cadaverous appearance (after three hours and a half). His cadaverous countenance was literally the aspect of death (after eight hours). Face livid and swollen (after twenty or thirty minutes). Face livid; (after eighteen hours); (after half an hour). Face pale and livid; (after six hours). Lips and face of a livid hue. Complexion of a dark livid hue. The color of the face changing to the livid (after four hours). Countenance livid (after two hours), (after seven or eight hours). Lips and face of dark-lead color. Face flushed (after one hour), (after 2 or 3 grains), (after one hour and a half). Face and neck flushed. Countenance flushed, or rather had a blotched appearance (after four hours). Face began to flush. Face red (second day). Great redness of the face, with burning heat of the body, lasting eight hours; followed by convulsive throwing about of the right arm and foot, loud cries, difficult respiration, coldness of the face and hands, that are covered with drops of perspiration (soon after a dose). Unusual redness of the face, with swollen lips. Face dark red. (* Not mentioned by Vicat.-HUGHES. *) Face completely red. Face entirely red, with wild and protruding red eyes. Face at first was glowing; he felt a strong pulsation in the arteries of the head (one case). Frequent alternations of redness and paleness of the face. Paleness of the face and nausea, with a sensation of sleepiness and diminution of all secretions and exertions, frequently even of the perspiration. Face red and eyes red and inflamed. Face red, turgid. Face not only red, but seeming to be inflamed. The face became red and the head hot (after 4 drops).

Face red, puffy, with injected blood vessels in the head. Face red, puffy, swollen. (* Omit Muller.-HUGHES. *) Withered, yellow countenance. The color of the face became yellowish during and after the proving. Complexion yellowish. Sallow complexion. Face bluish, earthy. Face leaden-colored, with blue lines. Face purple, and the features distorted (after a quarter of an hour).

Countenance purplish. Face of a dark-purple hue, as were also his hands and feet (after fifteen hours). Face of a dark-purplish hue (after eight hours). Countenance dark and ghastly (after six hours). Face cherry-brown. Countenance of a dark or dusky hue.

Dark suffusion of the countenance. Dark suffusion of the countenance. Face of a dusky hue (after one hour and a half).

Black in the face (next morning). The face seemed swollen. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Lips. Lower lip, towards the right corner of the mouth, swollen and hard, when excoriation of the mucous membrane (possibly caused by biting the lips). Cracked lips. Lips pallid (after two hours). Lips, eyelids, and nails livid. Lips, and nails livid (after three hours), (after two hours and a half). Lips livid (after one hour and a half), (after two hours), (after one hour and a half), (after three hours and a half), (after thirty-five minutes). Lividity of lips and eyelids, (after three hours). Lips somewhat livid; (after three hours). Lips, and especially the lower one, slightly blue and swelled. Lips purple (after six hours). The lower lip is painful when touched by the upper teeth or finger. Jaws and Chins. Sudden trembling of the lower jaw, lasting five minutes (third day). Tetanic spasm of the lower jaw. (*Omit Pyl.-HUGHES. *) Lower jaw protruded, tremulous.

The lower jaw hangs down. Lower jaw fallen (after seven hours), (after one hour and a half). Spasmodic dropping of lower jaw (after thirty-five minutes). Jaw somewhat fallen (after seventeen hours). Lower jaw dropped, mouth open (after six hours and a half). Jaws became firmly fixed, requiring force to get in the stomach-pump. Jaws firmly shut (after twenty or thirty minutes).

Jaws rigid. Violent trismus (after a quarter of an hour). Jaws tightly closed, as in trismus, when free from the spasmodic action. Lower jaw dropped and fixed. Kept her jaws locked (second day). Pressure in the articulation of the jaws and bones of the cheeks. Pain in the upper jaw (after eight hours). Violent pains in the lower jaw, rapid and momentary (after seven days).

(*Revised by Hughes. *) Acute stitches in the jaws, especially in the region of the condyles (first day). Confused feeling in the left side of the chin, transient.


Teeth. Looseness of the teeth. Toothache. Fine gnawing pain in the nerves of the teeth (after eight hours). Gum. Gums eaten away, so that the teeth stood bare to the roots. Tongue. Rapid tremulous motion of the tongue. Tongue in constant motion. Tongue thrust forcibly backward and upward against the palate. Tongue and lips purple (after one hour). When asked to put her tongue she did so trembling, which was coated with a brown fur. Tongue immovable. Paralysis of the tongue. Tongue thick, with difficult speech. Tongue black. Coated tongue (eleventh day). Tongue thickly coated (second day). Tongue coated, with a sticky, pasty taste (eighth and ninth days). Tongue white. Tongue coated yellow (second day). Tongue thinly coated with brown fur (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.