Nux Vomica


Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, in the evening.

Pressive (and cutting) pain in the chest, immediately after eating. Pressive pain transversely across the chest, that impedes respiration. A warm tension in the chest. Compressive pain in the chest. Tension and pressure in the external parts of the chest at night, as from a weight, and as if the sides were paralyzed.

Compression of the chest, as if drawn together, at night in bed.

Asthmatic constrictive tightness transversely through the chest, while walking or ascending a height. Asthmatic constriction transversely through the chest, when walking and ascending.

Feeling of constriction across the chest. Tightness in the chest, as from too tight clothes, on ascending steps; relieved after sitting down. Pain, like a bruise, extending from the sternum to the scapulae, with stitches and shortness of breath, during rest and motion, only during the day. Pain in the chest, beneath the axilla, on touch; does not dare to press the arm against the chest. Pain in the chest, as if it were compressed by a weight, in the open air. Scraping in the chest, causing hawking. Pain extending transversely across the chest, with shortness of breath. Drawing pain in the ribs. Drawing pain in the chest. Heat in the chest that rises into the mouth, and that causes uneasiness, anxiety, and sleeplessness (after six hours).

Catarrhal accumulation in the chest, in the morning, so that he cannot loosen it by coughing without pain in the trachea (after fourteen hours). Catarrh affects the chest, in the morning, in bed (like a felt);a hoarseness and roughness in the chest, and soreness in one spot in the trachea, from which mucus is loosened by coughing; relieved by rising from bed (after ten hours). The chest seems stuffed; he cannot loosen it by coughing (after sixteen hours). Feeling in the chest as if something would fall down (after six hours). Internal and external warmth in the chest, with fine stitches in the pectoral muscles (after four days). A warm orgasm in the chest, that causes anxiety. Burning on the chest, with anxiety (after twenty hours). Some painful weariness in the chest, which is not sore to touch, relieved by bending the body backward (after forty-eight hours). Stitches in the pectoral muscles, that are not caused by breathing (after three hours). (Jerking stitches in the chest). Frequent slight attacks of palpitation in the side of the chest, in the morning (after sixteen, and thirty hours). Throbbing in the chest.

Anxiety in the chest. Sternum and Sides. The whole sternum is painful to touch, as if beaten. Pain, as if the sternum were pressed inward. Pain in the region of the sternum, only during the day, on breathing, as if the chest were too short. Pain, like needle stitches, in the sternum, in the afternoon. Pinching- drawing pain near the sternum (after half an hour). Sticking pain in the middle of the chest, becoming more violent on moving about. Pressive pain in the left chest if she sits for a while, immediately disappearing on eructations. Pain in the side of the chest, below the shoulder, as if beaten and bruised, worse on touch and motion than during rest. Like a drawing and burning tearing in the left side of the chest, in the morning (after thirty-six hours). Pain in both nipples, like that caused by the milk rushing into the breasts after childbirth. A simple pain in the right nipple when touched. Painful sensitiveness of the nipples (after one hour). Itch like stitches below the nipple.

Drawing beneath the left breast, with anxiety, a kind of oppression of the heart, which makes respiration difficult (after three hours). Shivering across the breasts (after a few minutes).

Heart and Pulse

Heart. Some violent stitches in the precordial region, an hour after rising, in the morning (after seven days). Spasmodic palpitation of the heart, with sense of fluttering at pit of stomach (after four to five days). Violent palpitation.

Palpitation. Palpitation on lying down after dinner. Heart’s action considerably accelerated, and fluttering against walls of thorax (after three hours). The action of the heart was slow and feeble. Some stitches in the region of the heart. Orgasm of blood, with palpitation, very early in the morning (after twenty hours). Painful thrusts towards the heart, rhythmical with the pulse. Persistent pressure on the heart (in the region of the pit of the stomach). Pulse. Pulse rapid (after one hour and a half); 138 (after two hours and a half);120 (after three hours); 114 (after three hours and a half). Pulse quick. Very quick and faint pulse between the spasms. Pulse faint and much quicker. Pulse quick (after three hours). Pulse hard and excited (after three- quarters of an hour). Rapid pulse, with complete consciousness.

(* See S. 1590 and note there.-HUGHES. *) Pulse frequent. During the spasms, pulse rapid and irregular. Pulse at first extremely rapid, but gradually diminished in frequency. The pulse could not be counted during the paroxysm; 80 between the paroxysms. The pulse somewhat indistinct, and beating, in the first half hour, 50 in a minute. Pulse 96, rather small, and very irregular (after one hour). Pulse small, hard, and rapid. Small intermittent pulse. Pulse irregular, during the spasms, almost entirely lost.

Pulse somewhat irregular, not hard, not rapid.

Back and neck

Neck. Neck quite stiff and drawn to the right side. Violent throbbing in the carotids. The cervical muscles of the left side seem swollen and painful, on moving the head, as if the tendons were too short and would not stretch. Stiffness of the right side of the nape, as if the head had been lying in an uncomfortable position, at night. Drawing pain, and a feeling as of a load on the nape of the neck, in the morning. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck. Tearing pain, by paroxysms, in the nape of the neck, in the evening (after two hours). Pain, as if bruised, in the nape of the neck, on motion (on stooping), and on touch (after six hours). Pain as if the flesh were beaten loose from the last cervical vertebra; he could scarcely tolerate the shirt against it. Drawing and stiffness of the cervical muscles. Cracking in the cervical vertebrae, on moving the head (after three hours).

Painless cracking of cervical vertebrae, on moving head. The joints of the cervical vertebrae are painful. A general feeling of stiffness, especially in the neck. Back. Stiffness in the back (after a few hours). Drawing pain in the back. Drawing-tearing pain in the back (after one hour). Burning-tearing pain in the back. Tearing and pulling pain in the back. Constrictive and, at the same time, contractive pain in the back. Indescribable painful sensation in the back and lumbar region, soon followed by tetanic spasms (after one hour). Constant pain and bruised sensation in the back and small of the back (second day). Bruised pain in the back, still more painful when touched and on pressure, as if congested with blood. Drawing in the back, extending down from the nape of the neck (while sitting), together with a violent pain in the pit of the stomach, like a crawling, so that she was obliged to sit bent over, in the afternoon. Dorsal. Pain between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, on moving the head (after one hour). Pain, as if beaten, in the dorsal and abdominal muscles, even when not touched (after thirty hours). Pain between the scapulae, as if bruised, and a drawing, especially on stooping. Constrictive pain between the scapulae. Drawing pain and a bruised sensation between the scapulae, especially on stopping. Constant burning- sticking pain between the scapulae. Pressive pain in the vertebrae (after one hour). Stitches between the scapulae, on motion and on breathing. Some stitches between the scapulae, at first independently, afterwards aggravated by breathing. A burning sticking extending from the small of the back through the thigh, on stepping and walking. Drawing pain extending from the loins up the back, associated with a paralytic stiffness. Lumbar.

Constrictive pain in the small of the back, that extends into the side. Throbbing pain in the small of the back, during the shaking chill, with eructations (after thirty-six hours). Pain in the small of the back, as if it would break, caused by a draft of air; was obliged to walk bent over. Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten or too weak, as after childbirth, only during the day. Pain in the small of the back and knees, as if beaten and bruised, mingled with some drawing pain, neither aggravated nor ameliorated by change of position, nor even by rest or motion, in the morning, in bed. Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten, on bending far forward or far backward, though more from the former (after four hours). Pain in the small of the back, at night, that prevents turning over in bed. The small of the back seems painfully bruised; worse during motion than during rest. A jerk like dull sticking in the small of the back and in the ischii; she was unable to turn in bed on account of it; also dull pain in the small of the back during rest; she could not lie still when coughing nor sneezing on account of the painful jerkings. (Violent stitches in the small of the back, that then extend into the sides and impede respiration, during the afternoon chill). A coarse stitch in the small of the back on turning the upper part of the body sideways; it takes away the breath. The region of the small of the back and loins seems tense and sore on touch. Pain in the pelvic region, as if dislocated, on the slightest motion. Pain across the loins, passing to the hips (after several days). Pressive pain in the loins, extending towards the spine, that cause anxiety, immediately after supper (after one hour). Tearing in the loins. A somewhat pressive pain in the loins, extending towards the spine, immediately after drinking, in the morning, after which the pain extends towards the hypochondria, as from incarceration of flatus (after thirty- six hours). Tearing and pulling in the lower portion of the back, while walking and sitting, but not while lying.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.