Nux Vomica

Pinching headache. Drawing-jerking headache, in the morning.

Drawing-tearing and burning pain in the head, in the morning (after sixty hours). Drawing pains in the head (after six hours).

Headache composed of heaviness and pressure, after dinner, especially on moving the eyes (after sixteen hours). Headache, like a heaviness, in the brain, in the morning. Headache, on stooping, as if something heavy fell forward in it. Headache, after the slightest thought, while lying down, as if the brain would be pressed asunder. Headache; while lying in bed, in the morning, on the left side, a pain in the right hemisphere of the brain, as if torn to pieces; it disappears on lying on the right, painful side (after fifty-two hours). Headache, a pressure in the occiput, outward from both sides, as if the posterior portion of the skull were forced asunder, with heat in the brain; relieved for a moment by pressure of the hands; lasting twenty hours (after eleven hours). Headache externally; pain in a raw wind, as if the head were sore externally, though the spot is not painful to external touch (after six hours). Headache in the morning, in bed, as if over the surface of the brain, as if the skull would burst (after ten hours). Headache, in the morning, in bed, as if the head had been beaten with an axe, disappearing after rising.

Headache, in the morning, as if he had not slept at night.

Headache, shortly before dinner. Headache; the brain seems bruised and beaten. Headache, as if the brain were split in two (after eight hours). Headache, as from emptiness. A headache that makes him stupid, in the morning, in bed, on waking, disappearing after rising (after sixteen hours). He woke at night with headache. Headache immediately after yawning, in the morning.

Pain in one-half of the head from time to time, as if a nail were constantly forced deeper and deeper into the parietal bone from above downward. Tearing in the vertex, forehead, eyes, with qualmishness and nausea in the region of the chest and weakness of the vocal organs (after two, and twelve hours). Tearing in the head, extending down to the ear (after forty hours). Roaring and whirling in the brain and in the ear. Shattering and quaking in the brain, when walking and running. Swashing and bubbling in the brain, while walking. Painless drawing here and there in the brain. Violent jerking or dull stitches in the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the orbit towards the parietal bone and occiput, soon after eating (after ten hours). Some violent stitches in the head (after six hours). Some beats or jerks in the head. Jerks in the head (after eight hours). Forehead and Temples. It seems as though there were an obscuration in front of the head (in the forehead), in the evening, in the open air, as if consciousness would vanish for a moment (after twenty-four hours). Drawing movements back and forth in the forehead, extending to the root of the nose. Pressive pain in the forehead, as if he had not slept enough. Pressive and throbbing headache in the vertex from fixed attention of mind. Pressive headache above the right orbit in the morning in bed, if he lies on the right side, disappearing if he lies on the other side or back. Pressive headache in the forehead, relieved by laying the head upon a table, aggravated in the open air, with weariness in the feet after going upstairs (after three hours). Pressive headache over the left eye and pain in the bones, as if he had received a bruise; could not open the eye. Tensive headache in the forehead. Bursting in the forehead, in the afternoon and evening. Sticking and pressure above the eyelids. Drawing pain first in the temples, then in the forehead, then in occiput. Pain in both temples from exerting the head. Vertex and Parietals.

Pressing-downward drawing pain deep in the head, in the region of the vertex. Headache drawing upward in the right half of the brain, near the ear (after one hour). One-sided headache (from 4 P.M. till night), with weakness and weariness. Occiput and External Head. Pain in the occiput, as if the brain were pressed forward or bruised. Pressive headache in the occiput, in the morning, immediately after rising from bed. At the time of the menses headache in the occiput, as from an ulcer in the brain and as if suppurating; it was far more painful on lying down than when standing up. Drawing in the head posteriorly, as if she were chilly there (after one hundred and twenty hours). Drawing pain in the external parts of the head. Headache externally; pain in the scalp, aggravated by touch. Headache externally; the scalp on the vertex is painful on touch, as if beaten. Headache externally, as if the hair on the occiput were painful. Headache externally; pain in the scalp, as if beaten; the hair stood up on this place and was painful to touch (after eight hours).


Objective. Glistening, staring eyes. Eyes staring from the head, frequently turned upward, so that one could not see the pupils.

Eyes wild (after half an hour). Eyes sunken, and moved with a rapid motion. Swelling of the eyes, with red streaks in the whites and pressive-tensive pain. Inflammation of the eyes. The eyes run water, as in a moist inflammation of the eyes (lippitudo) or as in stopped coryza. Blood oozes from the eye.

Dryness of the right eye (after one hour). Eyes wide open.

Blinking of the eyes. Eyes closed;on opening them the eyes were found turned upward and rigid, pupils rather contracted, rather insensible to light. Painless injection of the whites of the eyes (after fourteen hours). Subjective. Sensitiveness of the eyes.

Movements of the eyes difficult on account of stiffness of the muscles of the eyes. Pain in the left eye, as if beaten, with purulent mucus in the external canthus (after five days). (Pain, like needle stitches, in the eyes). Biting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, as from salt, with lachrymation. Itching in the eyes, relieved by rubbing. Crawling burning in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, without inflammation.

Brow, Lids, and Lachrymal Apparatus. The right eyebrow is painful to touch. Twitching of the eyelids. Burning-itching pain in the lid. Drawing-tearing pains in the eyelids. The margin of the lid is painful, as if rubbed sore, especially on touch and in the morning. Pressure in the upper lids, especially in the morning.

Constriction in the eyelids, as from heaviness of the upper lids, with a gush of tears. The external canthus is agglutinated with matter, in the morning. Painless redness of the left external canthus, in the morning. The inner canthus is painful, as if sore and rubbed (after two hours). Canthi purulent. The canthi are painful, as if sore. A smarting dry sensation in the inner canthi, in the morning, in bed. Biting in the inner canthi, as from acrid tears, in the evening, in bed. While yawning, in the morning, the eyes stand full of water, with lachrymation. Ball and Pupil. Itching on the eyeball (after two hours). Pupils dilated, with very slow respiration. Pupils more dilated than natural. Pupils dilated (after one hour and a half). Pupils dilated (after three hours). Pupils dilated. Pupils contracted (first hours). Pupils slightly contracted (after three-quarters of an hour). Pupils contracted. Vision. Vision extremely sensitive. (Complete obscuration of vision, like amaurosis, fro a few hours), (after twenty-four hours). Loss of sight for two hours (third day). Vision cloudy, for three days. Violent distorted. Objects seem more distinct to the vision than usual.

Flickering; glistening flickering on the outer portion of the field of vision, especially in the left side, in the forenoon (Herz’s false vertigo), (after twenty-four hours). (Black and gray points float before the eyes, with a stupefaction of the head). Intolerance of the daylight, in the morning, with obscuration of vision. Photophobia. Far-sighted, presbyopia.


Sticking pressure externally in the meatus auditorius. Pain within the ear, as if composed of pinching and earache (after twelve hours). Sharp thrusts within the ear (after eight hours).

Some sharp thrusts within the ear, like earache (after six hours). Tearing stitches within the ear, extending inward, towards evening (after six hours). Creeping, crawling, and itching within the ear,. Itching within the ear, through the Eustachian tube, which compels frequent swallowing, and disturbs the rest at night. Stitches in the ears, in the morning, in bed, that compels crying out (after nine days). (Feeling of hollowness in the ears, in the morning, so that his own words re-echo in the ears, disappearing after dinner), (after five days). Hearing.

Hearing extremely sensitive. A ringing hissing in the ears.

Ringing in the ears (after two, and four hours). (Roaring and humming in the ears, as from bees). Roaring in the ears, in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours). Chirping, as from locusts, in the ears at night. Rushing in the ears, as if in a fueling machine, at night.


Nostrils wide open. Profuse discharge of mucus from one nostril, that seems obstructed by dry catarrh (after one hour). Discharge of nasal mucus, without coryza. Frequent discharge of mucus from both nostrils, that seem obstructed by dry catarrh (after twenty hours). Bloody mucus in the nose (after one hour). Constant bleeding of the nose. Discharge of acrid liquid from the nose. Discharge of clotted blood from the nose, in the morning. Fluent coryza, in the morning. Coryza fluent during the day, and stopped at night. Coryza in the morning and after dinner. Real coryza, with scraping in the throat, crawling and creeping in the nose, and sneezing (after one hour). Constant heat in the nose, and frequent premonitions of coryza. Dry catarrh in the morning, with extreme dryness of the mouth. Catarrh, with headache, heat in the face, chilliness, and much mucus in the throat. Frequent sneezing. Sneezing, in the morning, in bed, but after rising sudden fluent coryza. (Air passes through the nose, but it is dry). The nostril internally is painfully sensitive. The anterior angles of the nostrils are painful, as if ulcerated, and as if one were cutting into a wound (after one, and ten hours). Itching in the obstructed nose, as in dry coryza. Intolerable itching in the nose. Smell. Increased acuteness of smell (after one hundred and thirty- two hours). Offensive breath through the nose. Bad odor from the mouth, that he himself does not notice, in the morning, after rising. (* Only the curative action succeeding the previous opposite condition.-HAHNEMANN. *) Offensive breath and exhalations from the mouth, that he himself does not notice, in the morning, with a clean tongue and unaltered taste (after a few hours). Food and drink have a disgusting odor. Illusions of smell, a sulphurous odor in the nose. Illusion of smell; it seemed as though she was smelling bad cheese. Illusion of smell; in the evening he seems to smell a smoking candle wick.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.