Nux Vomica

Cramp in the abdomen. Pain like needle-stitches, in the abdomen (after four, and six hours). Pain in the abdomen, as if everything in it were sore, on every step, while walking. Jerking and twitching in the abdominal muscles under the skin. The abdominal muscles are painful, as if bruised, only on touch or motion of the body. Feeling of creeping in the abdominal muscles; the place felt numb, dead, and seemed swollen. Pain in the abdominal muscles, as if beaten, especially painful on motion.

Drawing tearing in the abdomen. Griping and pinching in the abdomen, about the navel, whenever he eats anything. Griping in the abdomen (after one hour). Griping in the abdomen, as from worms, after drinking coffee, disappearing on bending the trunk backward, but returning on stooping (after one hour). Griping and digging in the abdomen. Griping in the upper abdominal region, when she wishes to go to stool. Alternating grasping and clawing (now grasping, now loosening) in the upper abdominal region.

Constrictive cramp in the abdomen and uterus, like griping and clawing (with profuse discharge of clotted blood). Burning cutting, more in the upper abdomen and more frequently on moving about. The band of the clothes above the hips is always tight, and seems always to be tightly drawn. Moving about in the abdomen, very early in the morning (after eighteen hours).

Agitation in the abdomen from below upward, without perceptible heat. Sensation of increased warmth in the abdomen, in the morning. In the abdomen, a sensation of warmth that was not disagreeable, and as if something were loose and in motion.

Sensation as if everything in the abdomen would fall down, which obliged him to walk carefully. Sensation as of a weight in the abdomen. On walking, a sensation in the abdomen as if the intestines swashed about. Sensation of weakness in the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would occur (after twenty hours).

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Pressure like a distension, in the lower abdomen, on taking a breath, talking, or external touch.

Pinching-pressing colic, and fermenting rumbling in the lower abdomen, followed by watery diarrhoea, very early in the morning (after twenty-four hours). Persistent cutting colic, in the lower abdomen, rising to the upper abdomen, where it amounted to a griping. Cutting colic in the lower abdomen, with qualmishness, a sweetish disgusting taste in the mouth, weakness, and great sleepiness, in the morning, recurring after twenty-four hours (after half an hour, and twenty-four hours). Pain as from incarcerated flatus, low down in the lower abdomen, with pain in the small of the back, in the morning. Pressive pain in the lower abdomen, especially extending towards the anus. Constriction in the lower abdomen and a forcing-down towards the genitals, while walking in the open air. Forcing-down towards the genitals, in the lower abdomen. Pressive pain in the pubic region. A feeling of being puffed up and swollen in the lower half of the abdomen (fifth day). Development of a tendency to an inguinal hernia (after five, seven, and eight hours).

Rectum and Anus.

Blind hemorrhoids (after six hours). Very transient hemorrhoidal excitement (after eight hours). Pain in the rectum, as from constipation, in the evening after eating, relieved by the emission of flatus from time to time (after four hours). Sharp pressive pain in the rectum in the morning, before a stool (after sixteen hours). Sharp pressive pain in the rectum, after a stool and after a meal, especially on exerting the mind or studying. Violent pressive pain deep in the rectum, taking away the breath, about midnight (after sixteen hours). Pressure in the rectum, before the stool. Pressive pain in perineum, after dinner (after two hours). Burning and sticking in the rectum, with hemorrhoids in the anus (after two hours). Crawling and tickling itching in the rectum and anus, as from threadworms. Sticking in the rectum during the evacuation of stool. Tearing sticking and constricting pain, as from aggravated blind piles, in the rectum and anus, after a meal and after exerting the mind and reflecting (after thirty-eight hours). Itching in the rectum, as from threadworms.

Voluptuous intolerable itching in the rectum, as far as the anus (after three hours). Contractive sensation of the rectum at times, as if he would be obliged to go to stool. Painful contraction in the rectum and anus, in the morning after rising (after ten hours). After a stool it seemed as if some remained behind and could not be evacuated, with a sensation of constriction in the rectum, not in the anus. Constriction and tightness in the rectum, preventing the evacuation of stool. Discharge of bright blood with the faeces, with a sensation of constriction and contraction in the rectum, during stool (after forty-eight hours). Much fetid flatus, per rectum (fifth day). On going to stool the pressure seems more upon the uterus (as if a child should pass) than upon the rectum. Hemorrhage from the anus. Threadworms pass through the anus. Evacuation of dark colored-mucus that causes biting burning in the anus, preceded by colic (after eight hours). Pressive pain within the anus and in the rectum, in the evening (after eleven hours). Raw, sore feel within the fundament; he was obliged to use fullers’ earth (after five to six days). Biting and sore pain in the anus, after a stool, in the evening (after ten hours). A burning-smarting pain and a sensation of cutting in a sore in the anus, as from hemorrhoids, some hours after a stool. Burning pain in the anus, externally, immediately after a stool (after twenty hours).

Dragging in the anus, when not at stool. Crawling, as from threadworms, in the anus, at night. Itching in the anus, associated with a sore pain, as from haemorrhoids, while walking in the evening (after thirty hours). Itching in the anus and a hot stool. Itching on the margin of the anus, becoming a smarting and sore pain, as from blind piles (after half an hour). Stool daily, though always with a colicky sensation in the abdomen, and with the stool it always seems as if it were not enough, and as if the evacuation were incomplete. Anxious desire for stool (after six hours). Frequent ineffectual desire for stool after the usual evacuation. Ineffectual desire for stool. Stool enveloped with white mucus. Discharge of blood with the faeces.

Stool coated with blood and some mucus. Stool whitish, mixed with tenacious mucus and streaks of blood (after one and two hours).

Stool consisting of hard and soft faeces, mingled with flatus, in the morning, and after eating (and drinking).


Diarrhoea. Exceedingly sudden attack of diarrhoea at night, when least expected; he had to get up out of bed and run for his life; no premonitory symptoms whatever. Offensive diarrhoea.

Involuntary discharge of thin liquid stool, followed by hard faeces, in the forenoon, with emission of flatus. Small diarrhoea-like stool, in the morning, corroding the anus.

Diarrhoea, of a dark color, especially in the morning and immediately after dinner. Thin, green, slimy stool (after twenty- four hours). (* Persistent, profuse, diarrhoea-like stool, which constitutes true diarrhoea never, so far as I have observed, occurs as the primary action of Nux vomica; and the diarrhoea expressed in this symptom consists either of very small stools, mostly of mucus, accompanied by straining; or, when the evacuation is copious and thin, it is the secondary action, the curative effect in a patient who has previously suffered from constipation, with ineffectual desire for stool.-HAHNEMANN. *) Diarrhoea, in the morning after rising (and drinking), followed by weakness, yawning, sleepiness, chilliness, dulness of the head, and, afterwards, refreshing sleep (after eighteen hours).

Diarrhoea. Small frequent stools. Copious watery discharge from bowels. Eight liquid yellow stools (third day); passed three motions (fourth day). Stools at first soft and thin, afterwards hard (after twenty hours). Was obliged to go to stool three or four times a day, with some griping; it was often ineffectual, and the stool, when passed, was soft. Constipation. Constipation, as from inactivity of the bowels. Constipation, as from constriction and contraction of the intestines. Constipation, together with rush of blood to the head. Constipation. Evacuation of large hard faeces (after twenty-four hours). Stool very hard, dry, and, some time afterward, a sticking pain in the region, as from hemorrhoids (after fourteen hours). Stool difficult to evacuate, with burning. Bowels confined (second day).

Urinary organs

Bladder and Urethra. During micturition, very tenacious mucus passes from the bladder with the urine, without pain (after nine, and twelve days). Pain in the neck of the bladder, before urinating. Burning and tearing pain in the neck of the bladder, while urinating. (Sticking pain in the bladder, after dinner, when not urinating, relieved by emission of flatus), (after eighty hours). Pressure in the neck of the bladder, after urinating. Itching burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, in the morning, in bed, seeming like sexual desire (after nineteen hours). Discharge of mucus from the urethra.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.