Nux Vomica

Dr. T. afterwards told me “that if I had set fire to a bundle of straw under him, he did not think he could have moved,” although at the same time he kept crying, “Hold me!” Drawing, crampy pains in the back of the neck, with paroxysms of internal stiffness and rigidity from the nape downwards; the paroxysms varied in intensity; during the mild attacks the muscles of the neck alone were affected, when he could walk about and speak freely; during the more severe attacks, not only the muscles of the neck but those of the chest and throat were affected, causing great difficulty of breathing, and a choking sensation, especially when attempting to swallow anything; also the muscles of the head, and especially of the forehead, causing a contraction of the eyebrows, and giving him a peculiarly sullen expression of countenance; during the most severe attack, all the muscles of the back and legs were affected, and the entire body become rigid and turned backward; at times he was unable to keep his seat on the chair, and when he attempted to get on his feet he could scarcely stand or move his legs, as the muscles were so rigid; each paroxysm lasted from one to two minutes; he always made an effort to move about when the attacks came on, and to rest the affected parts. An attack in the evening; it rose to the heart; he became sick and apprehensive; trembled; was obliged to bend the head forward and rest it upon a table (after four days). An attack after midnight; crawling in the hands and feet, rising with heat into the face, to the heart (in the pit of the stomach) like a burning and pressure there, then rising into the throat; she then became nauseated and apprehensive; thence it rose into the head, with dulness in the head and ringing in the ears. A sudden attack soon after dinner; paleness of the face; nausea rising up from the pit of the stomach; he became anxious all over, with trembling and fine beating over the whole body, and increasing weakness, so that he obliged to lie down (after eight days). Sudden attack; the body became spasmodically drawn sideways, with ineffectual efforts to hold himself erect with the hands; followed by vomiting and involuntary discharge of stool and urine, with perfect consciousness. Spasmodic motions. Slight twitching of muscles. Between the paroxysms the patient was able to answer correctly. Very frequent stretching, that seems to relieve. Unusual stretching of the limbs and yawning, in the morning, and after stretching a Spasmodic pain, especially in the knees. Stretching, with the arms stretched upward; it seems to start from the abdomen, in the morning in bed. Stretchings. (* Original revised by Hughes. *) Great excitement, with trembling of the bowels and nerves generally. Trembling of the whole body; she could not remain for a moment sitting still; it seemed as though she had received an electric shock; was constantly obliged to rise and walk about. Trembling of the bowels and nerves generally, with great excitement. Trembling (after two hours).

She came all over in a tremble, then went into a kind of swoon, in which she remained for three-quarters of an hour, having no recollection whatever of it when she awoke; she was quite insensible and looked wild and staring (after five to six days).

Debility and Faintness. She feels very weary on rising, in the morning, after a good sleep; the lower extremities (and arms) are sore, as if she had slept upon a hard bed; (she was again invigorated after sitting quietly for half an hour). She was very much fatigued in the morning, on rising, after sound sleep; the arms (and lower extremities) were sore, as if she had slept upon a hard bed (again invigorated after sitting quietly for half an hour). Great weariness of the whole body, while walking in the open air (after twenty-eight hours). Very sad and unusually weary, after walking in the open air. Great weariness. The morning walk, in the open air, caused extreme weariness. Great weakness, after being in the open air, and a sensation as if the left foot were stiff (after six hours). Great weakness, with loss of appetite, in the afternoon. Greater weariness in the morning after rising than in the evening, on going to bed. Weariness on the slightest motion. She allows things that she holds in her hands to drop involuntarily. She was quite weak after every stool, during the menses. Great exhaustion (second day).

Exhaustion, after walking in the open air, in the evening.

Exhaustion, in evening; the next day, although still feeble, she could walk from home. When walking in the open air, at first sleepiness, afterwards palpitation and great anxiety, with swelling of the veins on the hands, without heat (after thirty- six hours). He is awkward and clumsy; he stumbles easily or upsets things (after ten hours). Tottering gait, with dread of falling. Greatly agitated, and on moving he grasped firmly the nearest object for fear of falling (after three-quarters of an hour). Great inclination to sit (after six hours). Inclined to lie down; he was unable to keep up. Sudden sinking of the strength. General debility. She became emaciated. Faintness.

Attacks of fainting while sitting, about 8 or 9 P.M. Sickness (after half an hour). Does not feel quite well in the morning, in bed; he dreads to rise, as if exhausted by a long walk; it disappears after rising. In the morning, in the open air, all at once the eyes became staring; there was loss of consciousness and a sensation of fainting, but only for a moment. Sensibility. She is painfully sensitive and intolerant of the lightest step of jar of the floor. Everything makes too strong an impression upon him.

Increased sensibility. The slightest touch of the hand immediately brought on spasms. The slight touch renewed the convulsions. Feelings so morbidly acute that the slightest touch appeared to aggravate his sufferings. Takes cold in the slightest draft (a disagreeable sensation in the skin, colic, etc.), (after a few hours). He dreads to go into the open air (after half an hour). Falling asleep and insensibility (numbness) of almost all parts of the body. (* The phrase in the original is “stupor.”- HUGHES. *) General Sensations. Violent contractive painful sensation through the whole body. General bruised sensation.

Stiffness of almost all parts of the body. Sensation in the muscles of the limbs, back, scapulae, etc., as if something in them were drawn back and forth; more spasmodic than painful.

Tremulous sensation over the whole body, in the morning. The whole body feels electrified. Pain, at first in the nape of the neck, that then extends into the wrists, on walking in the open air; a paralytic pain, as from weakness; he had not the power to grasp anything properly; disappearing in the evening, on lying down in bed. Pain in all parts of the body upon which he was lying, during the morning sweat. The pains of the voluntary muscles, especially of the neck and limbs, remain and are the voluntary muscles, especially of the neck and limbs, remain, and are greatly increased by attempts at motion (second day). Fine burning sticking here and there in the body. (The pains became intolerable from 8 to 9 P.M.). Old wounds that had healed pained anew, as if sore (immediately). Stitches, like jerkings, in various parts, that causes shuddering of the whole body; they shoot simultaneously through the whole body (after four hours).

Burning sticking, or stitches here and there, that end in burning. Some stitches, from time to time, in affected part. Some coarse stitches, associated with sore pain, here and there in the body. A sudden sensation, as of paralytic loss of power, in all the limbs, even while sitting, though most on motion (after one hour). Extremely oppressed sensation in the whole body, and painful in the legs, as if she had taken a long journey on foot.

Complained of inexpressible oppression, that seemed to distress him, and from which he wished to be relieved. A mounting to the head, on walking rapidly in the open air; thought seemed to vanish; she was obliged to stand still; the blood rushed to the heart; the upper part of the trachea became constricted; sparks of fire played before the eyes; she could not see where she was.


A reddish eruption came out on the body, on the shoulders particularly (after five to six days). Small painful swellings on the forehead. A crack in the middle of the lower lip (after twelve hours). The fingers and red in spots and seem frozen, at a mild time of the year, with burning itching, especially when he goes into a warm room or in bed. Itching rash on the arms, with smarting after rubbing. Skin of face, neck, and chest greatly congested (after three-quarters of an hour). Eruption, though without itching, lasting fourteen days, on the inner side of the right forearm. Burning-itching rash like eruption on the knee.

Eruptions, Dry. A kind of dry scurf, very itchy, appeared on the face (after five to six days). Itching pimples above the margin of the upper lip. Red pimples raised above skin, on face and forehead, smarting on washing in cold water. Red painful pimples or papules on the scalp and face, the tips of which at last fill with pus. Painful desquamation of the lips (after three hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.