Nux Vomica

Drawing-tearing pain in the thigh, extending to the knee, on fatigue. Drawing pain extending from the abdomen through the thighs (after forty-eight hours). A bruised pain in the posterior muscles of the thighs; worse on rising from a seat. Pain, as after great exertion, in the flesh of the thigh, even when touched; pain as if beaten. Pain, as if beaten, in the middle of the thigh, in the muscles, on walking (after one hour). Gnawing biting-itching pain on the thigh and over the knee, in the evening, after lying down in bed, which is not relieved by scratching. Pain in the right nates, as if the flesh were beaten to a jelly. The muscles of the thighs and knees are painful, as if beaten, more on motion than during rest; the pain is also aggravated by touch. Bruised feel down the thighs (after several days). On walking in open air, a curious feeling in left thigh, as if a string was drawn right down the thigh; a very lame feeling, and a dread of taking the next step; he thought he must limp, but did not; an empty feeling about both knees (fourth day). Frequent jerking and twitching in the flesh of the thigh.

Sensation of jerking, as if one pulled on a thread, in the side of the right thigh. Jerking in the muscles of the thighs. A drawing-downward sensation in the thighs. Knee. Painful swelling of the knee. Stiffness and tension in the hollows of the knees, especially after standing (after two hours). Trembling of the knees and of one foot. Trembling of one knee and foot, with an excited, even agreeable tension of mind, several evenings, while standing. Tottering and knocking under of the knees. At times the knees are so weak that they will not support the body. The knee- joint easily gives way, on moving about (after one hour). Tearing and sticking pain somewhat above and below the knee, in the evening (after thirty-six hours). Pain in the knees, as if they were beaten, during rest and motion, only during the day. Jerking in the hollows of the knees, while standing, after walking in the open air. Sensation in the hollows of the knees, as if they were too short, when rising from a seat. A distressing sensation in the knee-joint, when walking, as if it were not lubricated, as if it would crack. Leg. Numbness of legs and stiffness. Felt legs becoming stiff (soon). Falling asleep of the calves and feet, in the morning. Sensation of falling asleep of the leg, though without prickling, followed by a sensation of contraction.

Falling asleep of the leg, after sitting, while walking and standing (after eighteen hours). Falling asleep of the leg, while sitting and standing, and a sticking in it if it rests against the other leg. Spasmodic drawing in the legs. Tensive pain in both patellae, as if wearied by walking, on ascending steps; worse in the morning. A seated, fine sticking-burning pain in a small spot on the tibia (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing pain in the left leg, extending to the toes, in the afternoon (after seven hours). Cramp like pain in the calves. Tensive pain in the calves. Cramp in the calves, in the morning, in bed, on flexing the leg (after thirty-two hours). Cramp in the calves, in the evening, in bed, when stretching out the leg (after twenty- four hours). Cramp in the calves, after midnight, in bed, if the thigh is flexed upon the body (after four hours). Cramp in calves of both legs (after four to five days). Cramps in the calves of the legs. Cramp in muscles of calf for a few seconds, produced by washing the feet (after three hours and fifty minutes); cramp in both legs for about a minutes, produced by being removed into a warm bed (after four hours and ten minutes). Pressure on the side of the calf. Pressure on the outer side of the calf, as if cramp would occur, for two mornings, on rising from bed (after seven days). Sticking in the calves, when exposed to the cold air, as if the leg had been asleep (after two hours). Crawling in the calves, after walking in the open air. Ankle. Easy dislocation and cracking of the ankle, when walking (after four hours). Pain in the ankle, as if dislocated and sprained, while walking, in the morning, after rising; cannot step upon it without great pain, that shoots up into the leg (after sixteen hours). Pain in the ankles, only on moving about and walking, as if she had taken a fatiguing walk; the tendons are painful, as if drawn tight, and as if too short. Foot and Toes. Swelling of the back of the foot.

Swelling of the sole of the foot, in the morning (of the leg that is affected with an ulcer). Weakness and tottering of the feet; he was obliged to sit down. Falling asleep (deadness) of the soles of the feet. Spasmodic contraction of the sole of the right foot. Painful cramp like contraction in the soles of the feet, when the thighs are bent, disappearing on stretching the legs.

Peculiar drawing in the backs and soles of the feet. Feeling, when walking, as if right foot would trip; after getting warm from a sharp walk, it quite passed off, and he walked more steadily (second day). Violent pain in a chilblain, in the summer, as from most excessive cold, a kind of beating in it, immediately, Burning pain in the soles of the feet. Pain as if the shoes were too tight and pressed the feet, and the soles of the feet had become weary and sore from walking. Pain like a burning, and as if the shoe pressed the foot, along the side of the foot and toes, as also on the tops of the toes, in the evening (after thirty-six hours). Dull numb pain (numbness) in the heels, as after jumping from a height. (Pain in the heels, on stepping upon them, as if he had walked till they were sore; worse when stepping on a stone). Cramp in the soles of the feet frequently during the day, on attempting to rise, after sitting; she is obliged to stretch out the feet and run about in order to obtain relief, when it disappears; at night she is unable to sleep on account of this cramp, which comes on as soon as she draws up the feet or bends the thighs. Tearing in the soles of the feet, while lying, in the afternoon (preceded by burning in the ball of the thumb), (after one hour). Tearing in the malleolus (after the midday nap), (after two hours). Drawing and sticking in the right external malleolus, in the evening, before going to bed. Stitches in the soles of the feet. Some stitches in the heels (after two hours). Falling asleep of both great toes, immediately. Spasmodic contraction of the toes, on yawning. Cramp in the toes, after midnight, in bed. Cramp like pain in the right great toe (during rest), that however, soon disappears. Pain in the corns on the toes, as if sore or like a boil (after four, and sixteen hours).


Lying on her back. While looking at a vexatious object, beating immediately in the lower extremities; the whole body then becomes affected and she almost loses consciousness for an hour. Found extended rigidly along the floor. The rigidity of the jaw and of the limbs indicated the nature of the poison (after half an hour). Death from apoplexy (after a quarter of an hour). Loud involuntary cries. Frightful tortures (after half an hour).

Violent tetanic spasms; her head was drawn backward; the arms extended, the fingers flexed to the palms; the jaws firmly contracted; the countenance somewhat livid; the eyes open, fixed, and somewhat protruding; the trunk stiff; the legs extended, the feet turned outwards, and the toes flexed to the plantar surface; the skin dry and warm; respirations loud, almost amounting to stertor; this paroxysm lasted about two minutes; an interval of perfect sensibility ensued; the intermissions were of about five minutes when first seen; the paroxysms generally increased; the intermissions became shorter; during the last half hour of life the slightest movement caused a paroxysm; sometimes an attempt to speak or drink would cause one; she begged to be left alone on account of the pain she suffered, as she expressed, “when in a fit.” Death in less than two hours after the first known spasm.

Spasms, with tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles of the body, with interruptions of a few minutes, during which the muscles were relaxed; the pulse became soft and the patient recovered consciousness and speech; the spasm was renewed by the slightest touch, though at times it would immediately cease when the patient was tightly grasped, or the elbow was straightened up. Trembling, soon becoming a violent spasm; as soon as arm was touched in order to feel the pulse he was suddenly seized with a frightful tetanic spasm, in which the eyes were widely open, protruding, rigid, and immovable; the jaws clenched; lips widely open; face distorted; the extremities rigidly outstretched, and the spine bent backward; the trunk, especially the lower part, was from time to time seized with violent jerks, like electric shocks, along the spinal columns, which raised up the body; respiration was checked; the face and cheeks became blue; after half a minute there was a pause, during which the child breathed with great exertion and in a catching manner; desired coffee; but on attempting to swallow lukewarm water he was again seized by a tetanic spasm; after awhile the pulse became 102, spasmodic, and irregular; the spasms were renewed whenever the lips touched the cup or whenever any one touched his person; even a noise caused a recurrence of the spasms, which sometimes occurred without apparent cause; after the paroxysms the eyes were usually closed; the forehead and face covered with perspiration; cheeks and lips blue; he groaned aloud without complaining of any special pain; afterwards the pulse became slightly irregular and soft; during all the paroxysms, even until death, the mind remained unclouded.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.