

Teeth. Fine drawing pain, with a feeling of coldness in the lower incisors. (Pressive toothache in the left lower and upper incisors). Tongue. Fine sticking on the forepart of the tongue (after three quarters of an hour). Stitches in the tongue together with burning. Stitches and burning in the tip of the tongue. Sharp stitches through the tongue. Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue. Fine stitches beneath the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Quite extraordinary dryness of the mouth, on waking from a sleep of two or three hours. Feeling of dryness of the palate, with thirst for water, without heat. Saliva. Much accumulation of saliva. Much accumulation of saliva, causing nausea. Sudden running of water like saliva from the mouth, with colic; water brash. Taste. Bitter taste in the mouth.


A clogging sensation in throat, on waking from a sleep of two or three hours. Sensation as of a plug in the throat; on swallowing there is a sticking. Feeling of a plug in the throat, obliging him to swallow, associated with a feeling of a foreign body in the throat; repeated on going to sleep in the evening. Feeling as if the throat was swollen, with an attack of nightmare (first night). Sticking in the throat, when not swallowing, only in the forenoon; on sneezing, there was only a pressure in the back part of the throat. Sore throat, with fine sticking pain. Scratching and scraping in the throat in the evening. Swelling of the glands in the forepart beneath the chin, with pressing pain when touched.


Appetite. Loss of appetite. She is not hungry, and, if the eats, immediately feels as though she had eaten too much; it oppresses her and she becomes nauseated. Aversion to smoking, with the usual appetite. Thirst. (Much thirst; he is even obliged to drink at night). Much thirst during the day; and at evening febrile chill, shortly before going to sleep. Great thirst for cold drinks, especially water (after four and a quarter, eight and twenty- eight hours). Constant loss of thirst. Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations, with loss of appetite, and a feeling of warmth in the stomach. Many eructations. Eructations of air tasting of the drug. Frequent eructations of air. Many eructations of air, with dull pressure in the pit of the stomach. (Bitter eructations, after eating). Hiccough frequently recurring (after two hours and a half). Nausea. Nausea; early in morning. Nausea, on walking in the open air, with sweat over the whole body, especially on the forehead. Nausea and eructations (soon after a dose),. Nausea with accumulation of much saliva, yawning, cold hands, frequent chilliness over the back. Nausea, weakness, and general perspiration, that afterwards became cool, with cold hands and feet and creeping chills over the back, lasting an hour and a half in the middle of the day. Sensation of nausea in the stomach. A long-continuing feeling of nausea. Constant feeling of nausea in the stomach. An incipient sensation of nausea was noticed several times during the day, never amounting to real nausea; the appetite also was good; the nausea seemed to recur especially some time after taking food, and only during rest. Qualmishness in the stomach, with much accumulation of saliva. Constant sensation of qualmishness in the stomach. Retching, with eructations, puffiness and dragging in the pit of the stomach, in the morning after rising. Stomach. An unpleasant sensation in the stomach, as if disordered; together with a bad taste in the mouth, as if musty. Dull pain in the pit of the stomach, aggravated by pressure. Constant dull pain in the epigastric region, aggravated by pressure. Drawing and pressure in the pit of the stomach, while eating. Pressure in the stomach, soon after a dose. Dull pressure in the stomach and behind the sternum. Dull pressure in the pit of the stomach, aggravated by drawing in the abdomen. Pressive pain the pit of the stomach, aggravated by drawing the walls of the abdomen inward.


Hypochondria. Great tension in the hypochondriac region, on breathing or holding the breath. A slow stitch, like a sharp pressure, in the side above the hip. Umbilical and Sides. Violent cutting pain in the umbilical region, with retraction of the walls of the abdomen. (A feeling in the left side of the abdomen, as if, from overloading the stomach with food, a pressive swelling had appeared at this place). General abdomen. Abdomen distended by air with tasteless eructations. Distension of the upper abdomen, with dull pain lasting over an hour. Rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling of air in the abdomen. Much rumbling of air in the abdomen. Much moving about of air in the abdomen. Much noise of gas in the abdomen and emission of flatus. Discharge of flatulence (first day). Frequent discharge of flatulence (after one hour). Pain in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea. Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were crushed and weakened; a feeling like that remaining after the action of a violent purge (after six hours). Colic; digging below the navel; with running of water from the mouth like water brash (after two hours). Drawing pain in the abdomen. Pressive pain deep in the abdomen, a aggravated by external pressure. Cutting colic, every evening. Colic (cutting?), with flow of blood from the anus. Wandering cutting pains in the abdomen, aggravated by drawing the walls of the abdomen inward. Dull sticking in the abdominal muscles, and pressure between the pelvis and lowest left ribs. Colic as if diarrhoea would occur, extending from the navel to the anus; together with loss of appetite, natural taste, and cold feet. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Boring pain in the crest of the left ilium, more towards the forepart. (A clawing low down in the abdomen, as if in the bladder, immediately. Pressure on the upper margin of the left pelvis, and in the muscles as far up as the last false ribs; worse when walking. Pressure deep in the pelvis towards the bladder, with great urging to urinate. Dull pressive pain on the posterior portion of the crest of the left ilium while walking lasting half an hour. Piercing stitch deep between the ribs and the crest of the ilium of the left side.


Dull stitches in the rectum. Fine stitches in the rectum.


Diarrhoea. Fecal diarrhoea, with mucus (after twenty-four hours). Pasty stool, as in diarrhoea, without symptoms. The stool is mixed with blood. Constipation,. Constipation for several days. Stool very hard, scanty, and later than usual. Stool retained (primary action).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. (Burning in the urethra, after urinating). Stitches in the meatus urinarius. Fine stitches in the meatus urinarius. Repeated fine stitches in the meatus urinarius. Tickling stitches in the meatus urinarius. Voluptuous tickling at the meatus urinarius, frequently. Micturition. Urging to urinate. Desire to urinate. Desire to urinate, almost without interruption all day. Desire to urinate all day, not at night; at times the quantity of urine seemed increased. Frequent desire to urinate all day. Frequent urging to urinate all day, though no increase of urine. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge (after two hours). Very frequent desire to urinate all day. Constant desire to urinate all day. Much desire to urinate all day. Violent urging to urinate. Frequent micturition. He is obliged to urinate frequently, and passes much each time, urinating several times at night (first twelve hours). Increased flow of urine. Very infrequent and scanty discharge of urine (first twelve hours). The urine is frequently retained, and will not pass; after passing it there is a sticking. Urine. Urine reddish (after twenty-four hours). (Urine yellow, with white chalky sediment). Urine straw yellow, all day. Urine increased in quantity, light yellow. Urine diminished in quantity. Diminished secretion and discharge of urine (after twelve days). Urine scanty, with constipation.

Sexual Organs

Male. Swelling of the penis; the urethra seems swollen; he is obliged to press in order to urinate, and the stream is very thin, without pain (after three days). Excessive and constant erections. Tickling in the glans penis. (Itching on the glans penis). Nocturnal emissions. Emissions two nights in succession. Emissions at night, without dreams. Nocturnal emissions of bloody or watery semen (after twelve and thirty six hours). Female. Menstruation some days too early. Menstruation every fourteen days. Increased menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Dull pressure on both sides of the larynx. Stitches and tickling in the larynx. Stitches in the larynx, which force tears into the eyes. Scraping and tickling in the larynx, with much dry short cough, after which the tickling continues. Crawling in the trachea, followed by rapid impeded respiration. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, without expectoration (after forty hours). Cough, with purulent expectoration, only at night, or in the morning. Expectoration of blood, with slight cough. Profuse expectoration of blood, with violent cough. Expectoration of bright-red blood on coughing. When he expectorates he is always nauseated and qualmish. Respiration. (Breath offensive). More or less heavy breathing, on waking from a sleep of two or three hours. A spasmodic, double inspiration, with sobbing. (* As in children who have cried violently and been very angry. Hahnemann. *) Respiration painful, impeded. She cannot get her breath all day. Dyspnoea, on ascending steps. Dyspnoea and difficult inspiration, while sitting. Dyspnoea, with difficult, rapid breathing, as from constriction of the chest; with constant soreness of the sternum (after one hour and a half). Suffocating (first night). On coughing, she holds her breath as if she would suffocate. Bronchial asthma.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.