Inferior Extremities

Severe tension in the lower extremities (third day). Hip. Transient stitches in the right hip, without moving (second day). Wrenching pain in the right hip-joint (second day). Stitches from the right hip-joint down to the middle of the thigh (third day). Severe stitches in the right hip-joint, on walking, 5 P.M. (first day). Tearing in the right hip-joint (first day). Sticking pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, and in the open air (first day). Tearing in the left hip-joint (first day). Thigh. Tearing in both thighs (second day). Tearing in the right thigh (first day). Tearing in the right thigh (second day). Tearing in the right thigh (fourth day). Tearing in the left thigh (second day). Knee. Tearing in both knees, extending down through the feet (first day). Stitches in the right knee (second day). Tearing in the right knee (third day). Tearing in the hollow of the right knee (first day). Tearing in the left knee (second day). Tearing in the left knee at 6 P.M. (first day). Tearing and sticking in the left knee. (first day). Tension in the right knee-joint (first day). Violent sticking pain in the right knee-joint, on stepping, continuing in bed on moving it, at 10 P.M. (fourth day). Tearing in the right knee-joint (first day). Tearing in the right knee-joint (third day). Tearing in the left knee-joint (first day). Leg. Tearing in the left leg (third day). Tearing in the lower part of the right tibia (first day). Tearing in the right side of the tibia of the right leg, down to the toes, at 5 P.M. (second day). Tension in the calves (second day). Tearing in the right calf (first day). Tearing in the left calf (second day). Tearing in the left tendo Achillis (third day). Ankle. Tearing in the left ankle (first and second day). Foot. Tearing over part of the right foot (first day). Stitches in the sole and in the forepart of the right foot (first day). Tearing in the left heel (first day). Toes. Aching in the first phalanx of the right great toe, on moving the joint (second day). Sticking pain in a corn on the left third toe (third and fourth day).


Weariness (first day). Great weariness (first day). Great weariness (third day). Extreme weariness, so that he must lie down, and was only free from the troubles in the throat and cough after eight days. In the morning, on rising, weary and peevish (second day). Great prostration and trembling of the body (first day). On waking, felt as if he had been intoxicated (second day). In the morning he felt unwell, as if he had been intoxicated the day before (he had drunk wine and evening previous), (second day).


Very fine rash like eruption on the forehead, without biting (second day). Six brownish-red, isolated, or partly confluent spots like flea-bites, of the size of a penny, in the lower part of the tibia; the skin somewhat swollen; lasting fourteen days (second day). Biting vesicles, filled with lymph, in various parts of the body (first day). Biting-itching eruption, with a red areola filled with purulent lymph (fifth day). Severe itching and sticking in the skin, especially in the neck and back; small vesicles appear filled with lymph, and surrounded by a red areola (sixth day); the next day the eruption extends to the chest, throat, and behind the ears and occiput.


Sleepiness. Yawning (first day). Much yawning (first day). Great sleepiness in the evening (first day). Night quiet, until morning, when a severe tension of the skin wakes him (first day). Sleeplessness. Night restless, with many dreams (second day). Night restless, with many dreams (third day). Night very restless (second night). Night restless with confused head (first day). Night very restless, tossing hither and thither, loss of sleep, head much confused (first day). Night restless, sleepless; continued toothache in a left upper hollow back tooth, also with earache (second day). Night restless, sleepless, with many dreams, which could not be remembered the next morning (second day). Restless sleep at night, with dreams (first day). Restless sleep, with anxious dreams (first day). Sleep restless, full of unpleasant dreams (first day). Night quite sleepless, full of dreams, much tossing about in bed (third day). Nightmare and restless dreams (third night).


Chilliness. Shivering down the back (first day). Severe chill (first day). Violent chill, in the evening, on going to bed (first day). Very violent chill at 7 P.M., lasting half an hour (first day). Severe shaking chill, with chattering of the teeth, at 7 1/2 P.M. (first day). Chilliness for several weeks, in summer. A severe chilliness, on rising. Great chilliness of the whole body in the evening, on going to sleep (first day). Continued chilliness, followed by heat at noon (fifth day). Severe shaking chill at 7 P.M., lasting an hour, followed by severe heat in the head, lasting half an hour (first day). Heat. Severe burning of the skin, before going to sleep (in the evening, first day).


(Morning), On rising, feeling in eye; pain in small of back; on rising, weary, etc. (Forenoon), Confused head. (Noon), griping in abdomen; stitches in chest, etc.; till evening, neck stiff. (Afternoon), 5 o’clock, pain in ear. (Evening), confusion of head; when drinking beer, head confused; in bed, after drinking beer, head confused; vertigo; pain in occiput; sensations as if hairs were pulled up; by candlelight, burning in eyes; while reading, at 10 o’clock, burning of eyes; on going to bed, chilly, on going to sleep, chilliness; before going to sleep, burning of the skin. (Night), 2 o’clock, toothache. (In open air), Pain in hip-joint. (In bed), Trembling in the extremities, etc. (When bending forward ), Stitches in the intestines. (After eating bread), Nausea. (At dinner), Pain from right eye. (After dinner), Nausea; pain in rib-region. (On hanging down arm), Aching in shoulder- joint. (Inspiration), Pain in rib-region; stitches in chest. (Pressure), Pain in jaws. (On rising), Pain in throat. (After rising), Aching, etc., in neck; chilly. (When sitting), Pains in shoulder-blades. (On stepping), Pain in knee-joints. (On stooping), Pain in head. (On waking), Pain in small of back. (On walking), Stitches in hip-joint; pain in hip-joint.


(Evening), Pain in articulation of jaws. (After eating bread), Trembling of limbs disappears. (On moving about), Pain in small of back.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.