Calcarea Acetica homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Calcium acetate, CaC2H3O2. Preparation: Triturations.


Disinclined to talk without being morose (after six and a half hours). He is lively and desirous to be with people and to talk with those about him (after ten hours). Sadness, almost to weeping, with solicitous care for the present and future. Anxious disposition, as though something evil were impending or to be dreaded in the future, with constant inclination to work. Anxious thoughts, which came and went, before going to sleep in the evening; with which the objects seemed like different objects; he dreaded the dark, and made an effort to look at the light; all of which was relieved after the passage of flatus. Anxiety about the present and future, with deep thought, with indifference to objects about him, though not without inclination to work. Apprehensive, sad mood, as though he were awaiting some depressing news. As soon as he was quiet and thoughtful, he became fretful and sleepy, and averse to everything. Very fretful and disinclined to talk; as soon as he went into the open air he felt better, but it returned in the room with increased headache. Fretful, peevish, and very irritable, and completely indifferent to the most important objects; he performed all his work with aversion and as of compelled to do so. Anxious the first part of the day; during the last part of the day lively and contented with himself. Fretful and peevish the whole day; in the evening good- humored and talkative. Loss of will-power, although he feels strong (seventh day).


Vertigo. Slight impending vertigo (after a quarter of an hour). Vertigo as if his body did not stand firmly (after six hours). Vertigo on walking in the open air (after twenty-six days). Vertigo on walking in the open air, as if he would fall to the right side (after two hours). An attack of stupefying vertigo; the head inclined forward to the left side, during rest and motion (after three-quarters of an hour). Sensations. Shattering in the brain, on stepping, like an echo in the head. Stupid feeling in the head, as if he had turned in a circle for a long time, 3 to 4 P.M. Great heaviness in the head, with severe jerks in both temples, and painfulness in the whole head, which disappeared on rising up (after nine and a half hours). Drawing pain in the right side of the forehead, above the eye, and in the occiput, on exerting the mind (second day). Drawing and pressive headache in the left supraorbital region, or in the temporal bone. Pressive pain in the whole head, especially in the temples (after nine hours). Drawing, pressive, at times, also, tearing, headache, now in the forehead, now in the occiput, now in the temples, which disappears on pressing upon the parts or on exerting the mind (third day). Forehead. Pressive headache, in the right frontal eminence, which extended to the right eye, and compelled him to involuntarily close it (after one and a half hours). Pressive headache in the forehead, especially above the left eyebrow, on walking in the open air. Stupefying pressive pain in the right side of the forehead, especially increased on stooping (after fifty hours). Stupefying pressive pain in the whole forehead in the morning after rising from bed, as though he had not slept enough, or had been dissipating through the night (after twenty-four hours). Stupefying pressive pain in the forehead with confusion of the senses and obscuration of the whole head while reading; he was obliged to stop while reading and did not know where he was. Boring-sticking pain in the left side of the forehead, when sitting, which immediately disappeared on walking, standing, and on touch (after twelve hours). Intermitting needle stitches in the left side of the forehead, during rest or motion. Boring stitches in the middle of the forehead, extending into the brain (after three hours). Dull pressive stitches on walking, which especially affect the left side of the forehead, but disappear after continuing to walk. Temples. Cramplike pain in the right temple (after six hours). Cramplike pain in the left temple (after eight and fourteen hours). Pressure in the left temporal bone, as if it were pressed in, internally and at the same time externally (after seven and a half hours). Pressure in the right temple, close to the eye, as if something hard pressed on it (after five and a half hour) Pressing-out pain in the left temporal region, and on the whole left side of the head, as also on the right side of the occiput. Drawing-pressive pain in the right temporal muscle, also in the evening, at times with pressure on the upper row of teeth; on pressing upon the temple the pain changes into a pressive headache in the forehead. The drawing-pressive headache about the temple was always increased after eating, and even while eating, with great sensitiveness of the teeth when chewing, as though they were loose and would be bent over. Digging stitches in the left temple, near the eyebrow, on moving the lower jaw (after five hours). Dull pressive stitches inward from both temples (after twenty-four hours). Rhythmical intermitting, boring, knife like stitches extending upward into the left temporal region, which disappear on touch and when sitting. Vertex. Pressure on the vertex, extending into the eye. Fine stitches in the vertex externally (after seven hours). Severe throbbing in the upper part of the head in the region of the vertex as from an artery, with cutting shocks extending outward. Parietals. Feeling on stooping, every time, as if headache would commence in the right side of the head. Violent jerk-like stitches in the whole right half of the brain, which often return and leave behind a pressive, bursting sensation. Pulsating stitches in the left parietal bone (immediately). Occiput. A feeling in the occiput as if it would be pressed asunder. Pressive pain, suddenly shooting through the occiput, which only gradually disappeared. Jerk like pressing from within outward, in the left side of the occiput, which extends down into the neck (after fourteen hours). Drawing- pressive headache in the left side of the occiput, with stiff feeling in the neck. Sore pain on the occiput, when touched, as if the place were suppurating. External. Tickling-itching on the scalp, which causes scratching, with painfulness of the roots of the hairs on touch. Crawling and itching on the scalp, not relieved by rubbing (after ten hours). The whole scalp is painfully sensitive on moving the frontal muscles back and forth (after one and a half hours).


Violent inflammation of the eyes; the white of the eye is entirely red, with much matter in the eyes, especially in the eyes, especially in the external canthi the whole day; the external; canthi are sore and ulcerated for fourteen days (second day). Violent tearing-stitching in the right eye, as though it would become inflamed. Severe itching of the eyes. Orbit. Boring- stitching on the upper margin of the orbit (after five hours). Fine twitching in the upper margin of the orbit, extending down to the nose. Lids. Hardened matter in the canthi for two days (after ten hours). Agglutination of the eyes in the morning, on waking from sleep (after twenty-four hours). Stickiness of the lids on moving them, with pressure in the canthi, especially in the external one (after fifty-five hours). Burning in the left upper lid, extending to the inner canthus (after six hours). Sticking in the outer and inner canthi. Itching-stitching in the inner canthi, which disappeared on rubbing (immediately). Itching in both corners of the eyes. Tickling-itching in the right external canthus, which compelled rubbing (after twenty-five hours). Pupil. Pupils at first dilated, then contracted. Vision. Farsightedness in one naturally nearsighted; he could distinguish all objects at a distance, the whole day.


Twitching in the cartilage of the ear (after forty-eight hours). A feeling in the right ear as if something was put before the drum, without diminished hearing (after fifteen hours). Cramp like feeling on the back of the concha (after nine hours). Stitches in the ears. Hearing. Sensitiveness to noise, in the evening on falling asleep. Slight whizzing in both ears, with confusion of the whole head, immediately (after half an hour).


Objective. Pimples in both nostrils, with scabs. Frequent sneezing, without coryza. Coryza, with painful sensitiveness of the nose, and internal heat in the head (after seventy-two hours). Fluent coryza, with much sneezing (after twenty-seven hours). Fluent coryza, with headache (immediately removed by camphor), (after five days). Stopped coryza, with frequent sneezing (after seventy-two hours). Subjective. Gnawing pain at the root of the nose (after one hour).


Yellow face. Cheeks. A feeling of tension in the right cheek, as if it were swollen (after second day). Dull pain in the muscles of the left cheek (after two hours). Pulsating throbbing on the cheek-bones (after two hours). Pressive pain in the right upper jaw, when chewing (after three hours). Violent tearing in the right upper jaw (after nine hours). Lips. Much moist scurf below the right angle of the mouth. Roughness and dryness of the lips, especially of the upper, as if it would crack (after forty-nine hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.