
Hypochondria. Sticking pain in the both hypochondria, especially severe in the left (first day). Pain on the left side of the region of the spleen, as if a ball were turning on its axis (second day). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen (first day). Rumbling in the abdomen (fifth day). Constrictive pain in the abdomen, extending towards the uterus (first day). Griping in the abdomen (first day). Griping in the abdomen (first day). Griping in the abdomen (fifth day). Griping in the abdomen, with flatulence, at noon (second day). Violent stitches in the intestines, like fine knife-stitches (he often had this symptom when not proving), (second day). Violent stitches in the small intestines when bending forward (second day). Tearing in the abdomen (after half an hour). Slight tearing pain in the abdomen (after one hour).

Rectum and Anus

The usual hemorrhoids seemed to be smaller (second day). Hemorrhoids trouble (first day). Sticking-tearing motions in the rectum, extending towards the anus (first day). Crawling in the rectum and anus (second day).


Diarrhoea. Stool twice and painless (second day). Three thin stools before breakfast, and one again after breakfast (second day). Stool always very painful, as if a nail were scratching in the anus (since the beginning of the proving, until the last two days, when it was no longer painful, and the hemorrhoids were very small). Thin, pasty stool, with much mucus, immediately after breakfast (second day). Passed many pieces of a tapeworm (first day). Constipation. No stool (first day).

Sexual Organs

Male. Emissions in the night (first day). Female. Menstruation eight days too early.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Stitches in the larynx (first day). Dull stitches in the left of the larynx (third day). Voice. Hoarseness (first day). Hoarseness with pain in throat (first day). Hoarseness; a feeling of rawness in the trachea; cough (first day). Cough and Expectoration. Cough, with stitches in the chest (first day). Cough, with expectoration of mucus and blood (third day). Cough, with some expectoration of blood, hoarseness, and pain in the throat (first day). Expectoration of mucus streaked with blood (fourth day).


Pressure on the chest, which disappeared after half an hour; it felt as if all the blood had stagnated in the abdomen, as after nightmare (third day). Pressive pain in the chest (third day). Sticking pain in the region of the sixth and seventh ribs, increased by inspiration, without cough; it changes to a tearing, its seat being in the intercostal muscles and pleura costalis (first day). Stitches in the chest (first day). Stitches in the chest, on inspiration, with some cough at noon (second day). Biting in the nipple, without eruption (first day). Sternum. Oppression across the sternum (second day). Pressive sticking pain beneath the sternum, above the praecordial region and the hypochondrium (fourth day). Stitches across over the breast-bone (second day). Sides. Sticking pain, in the left side of the region from the fifth to the seventh rib, after dinner (first day). Stitches in the right side, in the lowest ribs (first day). Stitches below the right short ribs (third day). Stitches in the left side of the chest (second day). Stitches in the left side of the chest (second day). Stitches in the left side of the chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs (first day).

Neck and Back

Neck. Stiffness of the neck (first day). Stiffness of all the muscles of the neck (second day). Neck stiff from noon till evening (first day). Stiffness in the back of neck. (first day). Tension in the muscles of the neck, on both sides (first day). Aching and stiffness in the neck, half an hour after rising (third day). Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck and occiput (second day). Tearing in the neck (third day). Tearing in the muscles of the neck (first day). Sticking-tearing pain in the muscles of the neck; continues the whole day (third day). Tearing in the nape of the neck, with stiffness (first day). Back. Tearing in the back (first day). Dorsal. Violent pains in the shoulder-blades, extending into the small of the back, when sitting (second day). Peculiar pain like rheumatism in both shoulder-blades (first day). Rheumatism in the right shoulder- blade, at 10 1/2 P.M. (third day). Sensation in both shoulder- blades as if they were fuzzy, and had gone to sleep, at 8 P.M. (second day). Sticking in the shoulder-blades (third day). Tearing in both shoulder-blades, between the shoulders, then through the neck and occiput as far as the forehead (first day). Tearing between the shoulder (first day). Tearing between the shoulders (second day). Tearing between the shoulders (third day). Rheumatic pain between the shoulder-blades, with stitches, on breathing, and oppression, extending forward to the sternum (first day). Tearing between the shoulder-blades (first day). Lumbar. Stitches in both lumbar regions (first day). Pains in the small of the back (first day). Pain in the small of the back (fifth day). Pain in the small of the back, on waking, relieved on moving about (third day). Slight rheumatic pains in the small of the back, neck, and upper arm (second day). Drawing in the small of the back (first day). Drawing pains in the small of the back (first day). Pressive-drawing pain in the small of the back (in the morning, second day). Violent sticking pain in the small of the back (first day). Sticking in the small of the back, at 6 1/2 P.M. Tearing pain in the small of the back (first day). Sacral. Tearing in the coccyx (first day). Tearing in the coccyx (third day).

Extremities in General

Trembling in the limbs (first day). Trembling in the extremities (first day). Trembling in the extremities, and weariness, worse in bed (possibly the result of the day’s exertion), (first day). Trembling of the limbs, she could not continue her work; the symptom disappeared after eating a piece of bread (first day). Great trembling in the arms and feet (second day). Great weariness of the limbs (after one and a half hours). Rheumatic pain, alternating in all the joints (third day). Slight rheumatic pains in the left arm and in the felt (first day). Wandering pains in the extremities (third day). Pain in the hands and feet, after a foot-bath (third day). Drawing-tearing pain in a joint, when exerting it, or in an unaccustomed position (seventh day). Tearing in the right upper arm and right thigh (first day).

Superior Extremities

Tearing in the left arm (third day). Tearing under the left arm (first day). Tearing in the right arm (third day). Shoulder. Slight rheumatic pain in the right shoulder (third day). Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder (first day). Tearing in the right shoulder (first day). Sticking-tearing pain in the right shoulder. Slight rheumatic pain in the right shoulder-joint (second day). Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder-joint, at 10 P.M. (second day). Aching in the left shoulder-joint on hanging down the arm (second day). Tearing-drawing pain in the left shoulder-joint, which extends over the whole upper arm and becomes so violent that it is difficult to raise the arm;it is chiefly seated in the deltoid muscle, in the fascia, and in the shoulder-joint, lasting three hours (immediately after taking)(230). Tearing in the right shoulder-joint (first day). Slight tearing in the right shoulder-joint (twenty-first day). Tearing in the left shoulder-joint (first day). Tearing in the right axilla (first day). Tearing in the left axilla (first day). Arm. Rheumatic pain in the biceps, deltoid, and elbow-joint of the right arm (first day). Stitches in the left upper arm (first day). Tearing in the left upper-arm (first day). Transient dull tearing pain in the left upper arm, from shoulder to the elbow, after dinner (first day). Elbow. Stitches in the right elbow (first day). Stitches in the tip of the right elbow (second day). Tearing in the elbows (first day). Very marked tearing in the left elbow-joint (first day). Forearm. Tearing in the right forearm (second day). Tearing in the left forearm (third day). Drawing-tearing pain in the left forearm, as if in the bones, or in the intercostal ligament (first day). Wrist. Stitches in the left wrist and metacarpal joints (second day). Tearing in the right wrist (first day). Tearing in the left wrist (first day). Tearing in the left wrist (third day). Hand. Paralyzed condition of the right hand, so that he is unable to raise it; the hand will follow the force of gravitation, at 5 P.M. (first day). Tearing in the left (first day). Tearing in the left hand (third day). Tearing in the left metacarpus (second day). Fingers. Sticking-tearing pain in the right thumb, at 10 P.M., when in bed (first day). Tearing in the first joint of the right thumb (second day). Tearing in the second joint of the right thumb (second day). Tearing in the left thumb (first day). Tearing in the first joint of the left thumb (first day). Tearing in the first joint of the right index finger (first day). Tearing in the second joint of the left index finger (first day). Drawing- tearing pain in the first joint of the left index finger, which changes to a dislocating pain, after dinner (first day). Tearing in the left middle finger (first day). Tearing in the first joint of the right little finger first day). Tearing in the first joint of the left little finger. (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.