Calcarea Caustica homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Aqua Calcis (in part). Preparation: To one part by weight of quicklime (CaO), add five parts of distilled water (to be securely corked in a warm bottle); when quite cool, add five parts of alcohol, shake frequently for several days, after which, decant the clear liquid.


Thought very difficult (second day).


Confusion. Confusion of the head (first day). Confusion of the head (second day). Confusion of the whole head (first day). Head very much confused (after two hours). Head very much confused, especially on the left side (first day). Confusion of the head (in the evening, first day). Head much confused (in the evening, when drinking beer), (first day). In the evening, after drinking his usual beer, the head became so confused that he could scarcely hold it up (second day). Head much confused, evenings, in bed, especially on the left side (after drinking beer), (first day). Head confused, the whole afternoon, as after intoxication (second day). Confused head, in the forenoon, especially on the left side, with periodic stitches; the headache is pressive, so that mental labor is very difficult (third day). Head very much confused; dull pressive pain in the forehead, extending to the occiput, so that he could scarcely attend to his business (second day). Confusion in the head, with pressure in the forehead, and transient stitches in the temples (second day). Feeling in the head as if she were foolish (fourth day). Headache, so that (as she expresses it), she cannot think any more (third day). Vertigo. Vertigo (first day). Vertigo, as if the room were turning in a circle; she thinks she will fall from the chair (first day). Vertigo (in the evening, first day). Sensations. Severe pain in the head (first day). Heat in the head (first day). Stitches in the head, from before backward (second day). General pressive headache (first day). Violent pain in the head, on stooping, as if the brain followed the force of gravitation (third day). Tearing in the head (third day). Tearing from the occiput to the forehead (fifth day). Forehead. Very confused head, in the forehead (first day). Pain in the forehead and above the eyes (first day). Frontal headache (first day). Frontal headache, especially above the eyes (first day). Transient pressive pain in the forehead. Sticking pain in the left frontal eminence (after two hours). A violent sticking pain from the right eye to the frontal eminence, so that the eye waters, at dinner (third day). Stitches in the whole of the frontal sinus, and in both temples (second day). Dull stitches in the left side of the forehead and temple (second day). Tearing in the forehead, above the eyebrows (first day). Tearing pain in the left frontal eminence (after two hours). Tearing in the frontal sinus (first day). Throbbing pain in the frontal sinus, so that one is constantly obliged to contract the skin of the forehead, which affords relief (second day). Severe throbbing pain in the forehead, at 9 P.M. (second day). Temples. Sticking pain in the left temple, at 6 1/2 P.M. (first day). Tearing-sticking pain in the left temple (first day). Tearing in the right temple (first day) Tearing pain in the left temple, extending to the left frontal eminence (after one hour). Vertex. Dull pressive headache, in the middle of the upper part of the skull (first day). Occiput Pain in the occiput (first day). Dull rheumatic pain in the occiput (evening, at 5), (first day). Pressive pain in the occiput (first day). External. A feeling as if the hairs were pulled up (first day). Transient sensation, as if the hairs on the forepart of the head were pulled up (evening, first day).


A pain in the right eye, as if a foreign body were under the upper lid; stitches extend thence to the forehead, and the conjunctiva of the lids is red (sixth day). Feeling in the left eye, on rising in the morning, as if a thorn were in it, so that she must rub it; she was unable to open it (second day). Burning in the eyes, in the evening, in candle-light (second day). While reading in the evening, at 10, burning of the eyes (second day). Tearing in the eyes (in the afternoon, first day). Orbit. Paroxysmal boring pain on the upper orbital border of the right eye (first day). Stitches along the course of the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves (immediately after taking). Transient tearing pain from the supraorbital border of the left orbit to the inner canthus, and down to the wing of the nose, at 6 P.M. (first day). Lids. Violent pains in the upper lids, so that every motion is painful (first day). Severe pressure and heaviness in the lids (first day). Tearing pain in the inner canthus of the right eye, extending down to the upper lid, with a feeling as if the eyeballs would become swollen (first day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the right eye (fifth day). Lachrymation in the open air (third day). Conjunctiva. Redness of the conjunctiva of the lids (first day). Ball. Pain in the eye, as if the ball would be pressed out (first day). Stitches in the eyeball (first day). Tearing stitches through the eyeballs (first day). Vision. Photophobia (first day).


Tearing in the right mastoid process (first day). Dull pain in both ears (second day). Bursting pains within the left ear (at 9 P.M., first day). Severe tension and pressure in the internal portions of the ear (first day). Pinching-sticking pain in the left ear, extending to the opening of the Eustachian tube, in the throat, at 5 P.M. (second day). Violent sticking-drawing pains within the left meatus auditorius, extending outward (immediately). Violent sticking, pressing-out pain in the internal portion of the left ear; this continues, more or less severe, some time. Sticking pains through the left and right ears (evening, second day). Dull sticking in the left ear, as from a foreign body (first day). Tearing through the inner portion of both ears (first day). Hearing. Ringing and roaring in the ears (third day).


Coryza, especially of the left nostril (second day). The nose has been dry for two days; it discharges a thick touch mucus (third day). Stitches from the left wing of the nose, at the angle extending to the internal canthus (first day).


Tearing in the right cheek-bone (first day). The inner surface of the lips very red, with injected vessels. Stiffness in the joints of the jaws (first day). Very violent pain in the right articulation of the jaw, which was somewhat swollen, fourth day, the next day the joint was immovable, and the cheek swollen; the third day, violent pain on moving the jaw; the pain was relieved in the evening, and the night was quiet; the right cheek was still greatly swollen; disappeared after two days. Rheumatic nervous pain in the right articulation of the jaw, on pressure (this might be attributed to the fact that the person has worn a neck cloth through the whole winter, and had left it off the last three days). Tearing in the left half of the lower jaw (second day).


Teeth. Severe toothache, every night, at 2 o’clock, as if the tooth was fuzzy and too large, together with tensive pain in the left ear, as if something was sticking in it (fourth to sixth day). Dull tearing toothache in the hollow tooth (first day). Transient tearing pain in the left lower incisors (first day). The back teeth feel fuzzy (first day). Severe pain in the hollow back teeth; they seem too large (third day). The back teeth seem too large, and are somewhat painful (first day). Drawing pain in an upper hollow back tooth of the left side, and a feeling as if it were too large (first day). Dull tearing-sticking pain in two hollow back teeth, which seemed enlarged (first day). Tongue. Tongue greenish-yellow, and thickly coated (fifth day). General Mouth. Offensive mouth (fourth day). Mouth offensive, especially the posterior portion, on the arches of the palate, with mucus (fourth day). Dryness of the mouth. The palate feels as if mucus was upon it but none it expectorated (first day). Taste. Mouth bitter (fifth day).


Mucus in the throat, which is difficult to raise, almost causing vomiting; for two days (second day). Hawking of granular glutinous material (like cooked rice), which collects in the larynx and trachea (for fourteen days). Pain in the throat, on rising; swallowing is difficult (second day). Burning in the fauces and oesophagus, caused by water. A feeling in the pharynx as if a bone were sticking in it (first day). Was scarcely able to swallow (first day).


Appetite. Severe hunger three hours after eating (first day). Loss of appetite (third day). Loss of appetite for beer (second day). Eructations. Many eructations (first day). Eructations tasting of the food, and also sour and bitter (first day). Nausea. Nausea (second and fifth days). Nausea, with eructations of frothy fluid, after eating some bread (after one hour). Nausea, which is followed, after half an hour, by vomiting of sour fluid, half an hour after dinner (first day). Stomach. Burning in the stomach. Tensive feeling in the stomach (first day). Spasmodic contraction of the stomach (second day). Oppression above the epigastric region, and in the hypochondria (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.