Calcarea caustica

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Calcarea Caustica, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Calcic hydrate, CaH2O2.


1. KOCH. 1 oz. caustic lime was put into a warmed bottle and 5 oz. water poured over it, the bottle corked up and let stand till cold; then the bottle’s contents well shaken up and 5 oz. alcohol added. After several d., during which the bottle was repeatedly shaken, the clear liquid was poured off into smaller bottles and kept from contact with air. this is.

1 a. A -, [ The first four provers the same as in Koch’s proving of Calcarea carb.] March 7th, 6 a.m., 6 dr. Immediately tearing drawing (rheumatic) pains in left shoulder-joint spreading all over upper arm, so violent he could not raise arm, the chief seat of the pain is in the deltoid muscles, in the fascia and joint; lasts 3 h. After 1 h. tearing pain in left temple of left frontal protuberance; tensive sensation in stomach. After dinner offensive breath; palate feels as if mucus were there, but none comes away; shooting pain in region of l. 6th and 7th ribs, increased by inspiration, passing into tearing pains; its seat seems to be intercostal muscles and pleura costalis; similar pain in both hypochondria, especially l.; trembling of extremities; in left arm and feet slight rheumatic pains. 9 p.m., pressing-asunder pains in interior of left ear, tearing in nape muscles; no stool to-day; in bed, trembling of extremities and weariness. – 8th. Slight rheumatic pains in nape, sacrum, and upper arm; the haemorrhoidal lumps (to which he was subject) seem smaller. In e., shooting pain through both ears. – 9th. No symptoms in forenoon. At 2 p.m., 6 dr. Immediately violent, shooting-tearing pains in l. Eustachian tubes extending to meatus auditorius internus; eructation of food with sourish- bitter taste, and of air; tearing up right temple; in left lower canine tooth transient tearing pain; much yawning; great prostration and trembling of body; great hunger 3 h. after a meal; feeling in gullet as if a bone stuck there; pulse quick, then slow. In e. sacral pains; a little wine drunk in e. makes him feel intoxicated. N., every restless, tossing about, sleeplessness, head very confused.- 10th, m., feels unwell as though he had been drunk the day before (haemorrhoidal diarrhoea, which he has repeatedly without taking medicine). – 11th, 9 a.m., 6 dr. Yawning; stitches below l. 6th and 7th ribs; rheumatic pains in left shoulder. 5 p.m., dull rheumatic pains in occiput; e. when drinking, beer, head very confused; no stool to-day trembling of extremities; dull, tearing, shooting pain in two carious molars, which feel enlarged; emission at n. – 12th. After breakfast a thin pappy stool with much mucus; violent shoots in bowels like fine knife-thrusts (accustomed to this symptom); head extremely confused; dull, pressive pain in forehead going to occiput, so that he could scarcely do his business; stiffness in all nuchal muscles. 10p.m., when reading, burning in eyes. – 13th. A corn on l. 3rd toe has shooting pain. – 14th. Corn painful. After this no symptoms. – 22nd, 10 p.m., 3 dr., then went to bed. An emission at n. – 23rd, m., pressive-tearing pains in sacrum; tension and stiffness of nape and occiput; flying stitches in right hip-joint; head very confused, e. after beer; violent shooting, out – pressing pain in interior of left ear, this last continuously, more or less severe; slight rheumatic pains in right shoulder-joint. N., very restless; head very confused. – 24th. On waking, pain in sacrum, going off on moving; pressure on chest like nightmare, going off in 1/2 h.; nose for the last 2 d. dry and secretes thick viscid mucus. Forenoon, confused head, especially on left side, with periodical stitches, the headache is of a pressive character, making mental work difficult; constant pain in ear; no stool to-day; feeling of intoxication on drinking beer, e. N., restless, dreams, great nightmare; the carious back molars give much pain and feel too long. – 25th. Pressive-shooting pain under sternum, over precordium and hypochondria; foetid mouth. N., no sleep, many dreams, not remembered. – 26th. Forenoon, same symptoms, but milder. Afternoon and e., no symptoms. Quiet night.

1 b. April 4th, 2 h. after breakfast, 4 dr. of 1st dil. Forenoon, shooting pain in left hip – joint when treading and in open air. Afternoon, dull shooting pain in left ear, as though something were in it; dull pain in left carious upper molars, which seem, to be too large; confused head; violent stitches in small intestines when bending forwards. 10 p.m., shooting – tearing pain in right thumb; no stool; n. very restless, sleepless, many dreams, unremembered. – 5th. Head confused with pressure in forehead, and flying stitches in temples; dull pain in both ears. Noon, headache as before; stool, which during the proving had always been painful, as if nails were passed, not painful, piles quite small. During dinner, a violent shooting pain from right eye to frontal protuberance, eye waters; slight rheumatic pains in right shoulder; offensive mouth; with mucus, especially on velum pendulum palati. – 8th., Watering of right eye. – 9th. R. eye waters, pain in it as if something were under upper lid, stitches from eye to forehead, conjunctiva palpebr. red. – 10th. On making exertion or in awkward position of a joint, drawing- tearing pain. – 11th, 2 h. after breakfast, 4 dr. After dinner drawing-tearing pain in 1st joint of l. index, passing into dislocative pain; confused head; rheumatic pain in biceps, deltoid, and elbow-joint; shooting-tearing pain in left temple; watering of right eye; tearing and shooting – tearing pain in left temple; watering of right eye; tearing and shooting in left knee; stitches in right elbow – joint; sleep uneasy, full of disagreeable dreams. – 12th. On waking as if had been intoxicated,; shooting in left wrist and metacarpal bones; single stitches in l. side of chest. 5 p.m., cramp-like shooting pain in left ear to opening of Eustachian tube. 10 p.m., rheumatic pain in left shoulder-joint stitches across sternum; n. restless, sleepless, with constant toothache in left upper carious molar; earache. – 13th. Rheumatic pains alternately in all joints; stitches from right hip – joints, to middle of thigh; confused head, especially in forehead; stitches in left side of larynx; watering of eyes in open air. N., restless, many dreams. – 14th. Pain in arm as before, also rheumatic pains in all joints, but not so severe. – 15th, 10:30 p.m., rheumatism in right scapula. – 16th. No symptoms. – 22nd to 24th. Every n. at 2 a.m., violent toothache, as though teeth were furry and too large; also tensive pain in left ear as though something were in it.

1 c. April 26th, 2 h. after breakfast, took 6 dr. of 2nd dil. Immediately stitches in course of left supra-orbital and supra-trochlearis nerves; confused head. After this no symptoms. – May 4th, 8 a.m., 2 dr., and this dose repeated every h. 4 p.m., shooting – tearing pain in right shoulder. 5th to 8th. No symptoms. – 9th. Smarting itching eruption with red areola, and filled with purulent fluid (where? not stated). – 10th, 9 a.m., 6 dr. No symptoms. – 11th, 9 a.m., 12 dr. After 2 h. shooting pain in left frontal protuberance; after dinner shooting in region of l. 5th to 7th ribs; in e. a drawing-tearing dull pain in left forearm as if in bone or interosseous ligament; head much confused especially left side, dull drawing toothache in carious tooth. N., restless, many dreams. – 12th. On rising, m., weary and cross; head confused all forenoon, as after intoxication; dull stitches in left side of forehead and temple; coryza especially of left nostril; two painless stools. Noon, pinching in abdomen with flatulence; in lower part of left tibia six brownish – red painless spots, some discrete, some confluent, size of a farthing, like fleabites; skin somewhat swollen, lasting 14 d. – 13th, n. nearly sleepless, full of dreams; much tossing about in bed; shooting-tearing pain in nuchal muscles all day – 14th and following d. No symptoms.

2 a. Mrs. M -, aet, 26, March 7th, 6 a.m., 6 dr. of tinct. In e. transient sensation as if hairs were drawn up from head. – 8th. No symptoms. – 9th, 6 a.m., 6 dr. No symptoms. 2 p.m., 6 dr. After 1/2 h. jerking, boring pain in right upper orbital border; after 1 1/2h. great weariness of limbs; trembling of limbs; pains in sacrum; peculiar pains (like rheumatism) in both scapulae. 6 p.m., transient tearing pains from left supra-orbital border to inner canthus and down nose. – 11th. Burning in eyes, e., when exposed to light; redness of conj. palp.; photophobia. – 12th, 13th, 14th. Same symptoms, only slighter. After that no symptoms till 17th. violent itching and pricking on skin, especially of nape and back, there occurs there an eruption of small vesicles filled with lymph surrounded by a red areola. – 18th. Eruption as before on chest, neck, behind ears on occiput; no more rheumatic pain or toothache. – 19th. Eruption still there. – 20th. No symptoms. 21st, 9 p.m., 3 dr. No symptoms. 23rd. After a foot- bath last night has to-day a return of tooth and headache. – 24th. The pain very severe, is chiefly in right maxillary joint, which is swollen. – 25th. Pain very severe, the joint immovable and cheek swollen. 10 p.m., 3 dr. – 26th, m., 3dr. Violent pain on moving jaw. Cheek much swollen. Pains declined towards e.- 27th. No pain except when pressing on the maxillary joint, which is still somewhat swollen. The next d. all right, swelling gone. – April 4th. From 9 a.m., 2 dr. every h. Great chilliness at n. when going to bed. – 5th. From 7 a.m., 2 dr. every 2 h. Great chilliness before rising, m.; transient, pressive pain in forehead. 3 p.m., violent pains in both upper eyelids, so that every movement of eyes is attended with pain. 7 p.m., very violent chilliness for 1/2 h.- 6th, 8 p.m., feeling of numbness and gone to sleep in both scapulae. – 7th. No symptoms.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.