CALCAREA CAUSTICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CALCAREA CAUSTICA…


CALC. CAUST., SPIR. CALC. Oxyde of Lime, Quicklime. See Noack and Trinks’ “Hygea,” V., p. 269.


WITH. Calcarea carb. and Acet.


Bryonia, Nux-v. Vinegar and Coffee seem to increase the effects of Lime.


Lacerating in the muscles and bones (head, eyes, ear, face, teeth, abdomen, chest, os-coccygis, back, extremities); rheumatic pains in all the joints, wandering from joint to joint. Sticking (darting, lancinating) pains (head, eyes, nose, neck, abdomen, breast, small of the back, extremities). Violent, lacerating,

lancinating, beating pains in some nervous branches. Aching pain (head, eye, ear, chest). Tension (skin, ear, stomach, lambs). Wandering pains in the extremities. Great languor, debility, and tremor of the body. Tremulousness of the arms and feet. Illness, as after intoxication the day previous. The limbs go to sleep.


The symptoms on the left side predominate.


Troublesome tension or intense burning of the skin. Violent itching and stinging of the skin, particularly in the region of the occiput, behind the ears, on the neck, nape of the neck, back, and chest. Small vesicles filled with lymph and surrounded by a red areola. Biting-itching pimples, surrounded with a red border and filled with purulent lymph. Brown-red, either scattered or clustering painless spots like flea-bites, of the size of a dime, on the anterior portion of the leg (with swelling of the skin). Stinging pain in the corn.


Sleeplessness, restless tossing about in bed, and dullness of the head. Restless sleep, with dreams. Uneasy dreams violent nightmare.


Violent chilliness of the whole body, in the evening, or going to bed or before rising. Violent chill, with chattering of teeth, followed by violent heat in the head. Quick or slow pules.


Peevish (and weary). Difficulty to think. Feeling of craziness in the head.


Vertigo. Violent dullness of the head (particularly of the left side), with periodical stitches, or with pressure in the forehead, and shooting stitches in the region of the temples. Excessive dullness of the head, dull, aching pain in the forehead, extending into the occiput. Oppressive headache, which renders mental exertions difficult. Violent pains in the head when stooping. Heat in the head. Lacerating in the temporal region and occiput, or in the forehead above the eye-brows. Dull, rheumatic pain in the occiput. Lancinating pain in the temple. Stitches through the head, from, before backwards.


Violent pressure and heaviness of the eye-lids. Violent pains in both the upper eye-lids, at every movement of the lids. Lacerating and dartings in the eyes. Lancinations in the eye- balls. Boring pain in the upper margin of the orbit. Pain in the eye as if the balls of the eye were pressed out. Sensation in the eye as if a thorn were lodged in it, obliging him to rub, and embarrassing the opening of the eye-lids, in the morning when rising. Pain in the eye as if some foreign body were lodged under the upper eye-lids, with stitches darting thence to the forehead, and attended with redness of the conjunctive- palpebrarum. Burning of the eyes, when reading, or at candle- light. Lachrymation in the open air. Photophobia.


Lacerating in the bone behind the ear. Violent tension and pressure in the ear, or else pressing pains from within outwards Cramp-like sticking pain in the ear, extending to the orifice of the eustachian tube in the fauces. Dull, sticking pain in one or both ears, as if from a foreign body. Tingling and roaring in the ears.


Lacerating in the malar bones. Laceration pain from the inner canthus of the eye down to the upper lip, with sensation of swelling.


Dull lancinating pain in decayed molars, which feel as if enlarged; violent toothache, as if the teeth were pithy and elongated, with tensive pains in the ear as if something were lodged there. Violent pain in the articulation of the jaw, which is somewhat swollen, and, at times, is even immovable, attended with swelling of the cheek.


Bitter mouth. Greenish-yellow and thick coating of the tongue.


Tension of the cervical muscles or either side of the neck. Sensation in the pharynx as if a splinter were sticking in it. Stinging in the throat; dull stitch in one side of the larynx. Sore throat, and difficult deglutition, either empty or of food. Phlegm in the throat, which it is difficult to hawk up, and which almost occasions vomiting from the irritation.


Violent hunger, a short time after eating. Loss of appetite.


Rising of air. Regurgitation of the ingesta, with sourish- bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea and inclination to vomit, with rising of a frothy liquid. Inclination to vomit, and vomiting of sour liquid. Tight feeling in the stomach. Spasmodic contraction in the stomach.


Slight lacerating colic. Oppression across the epi-gastric region and the hypochondria. Darting pain in both hypochondria, changing to a lacerating, particularly violent in the left hypochondrium. Pain in the region of the spleen, as if a ball were revolving round its axis. Violent stitches in the lesser intestines when stooping forward. Contractive pains in the abdomen, towards the uterus. Pinching in the abdomen, with emission of flatulence. Rumbling in the abdomen.


Loose, papescent stool, with a good deal of mucus. Discharge of a quantity of pieces of taenia. Lancinating pains in the rectum towards the anus. Tingling in the rectum and anus.


Nocturnal emissions. Premature appearance of the menses.


Hoarseness, with pain in the throat. Violent cough. Cough, with stitches in the chest. Cough, with expectoration of mucus and blood.


Lacerating in the region of the nipples. Darting pain, changing to a lacerating, in the intercostal muscles and in the pleura- costalis, increased by inspiration. Oppression across the sternum. Aching pain in the chest.


Tension and stiffness of the nape of the neck and occiput. Lancinating pains in the cervical muscles. Lacerating in the posterior cervical muscles, back, small of the back, os-coccygis. Tension in the back. Violent pains between the scapulae, extending down to the small of the back, with pressure. Drawing in the small of the back. Violent sticking pains in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, on waking, abating after exercise.


Rheumatic pains in the shoulder, axilla, arms. Transient, dull, lacerating pain in the upper arms, from the shoulder to the elbow-joint. Violent, lacerating-drawing pain in the shoulder- joint, extending over the upper arm, and impeding the raising of the arm. Drawing-lacerating, dull pain in the fore-arm. Lancinating pain in the shoulder or in the thumb, at night. Lameness of the hand.


Lacerating in both knees and through the feet. Sticking pains in the hip-joint and knee.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.