In two cases, magnifying glasses enabled the subject to read with east.

Longsightedness (presbyopia) as in old age.

Presbyopia; he can only read large type.

Distant objects appear clearer than near ones, with dilated pupils.

He can see distinctly only quite distant objects and completely parallel rays, as those of a star in the heavens (after injecting the juice of Belladonna into the eyes).

A feeling as if he could see nothing, and yet he saw when he tried to see something, and strained his for the purpose.

The visual power appeared almost lost, but if the boy’s attention was aroused he recognized the persons about his, but only for a few moments, after which he returned to the land of dreams; he imagined he saw a number of different objects, flies, birds, fishes, horses, soldiers, etc., with which he was constantly busy.

Vision as if through a fog, the lids heavy, and in the eyes a sensation as if they protruded from their sockets.

Darkness before the eyes, while looking, in the morning.

In reading, he can discern nothing in the book but the white margin which surrounds the area of black letter-press.

The sight of the right eye had become rather clearer, but that of the left eye more impaired, the upper lid more tumefied and prolapsed, the conjunctiva more vascular, and raised above the margin of the transparent cornea, which in a few days became opaque, and a small quantity of a puriform fluid had accumulated in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Vision is not present in the left eye, the lid of which drooping, inflamed, and very painful when touched.

She says, “can see distinctly for a moment only, and then my face becomes horribly distorted” (after twenty-eight hours).

He sees nothing close at hand; at a distance everything appears double.

Vision at times lost, at times only obscured, with excessively dilated and quite immovable pupils.

Loss of sight at sunset.

While walking in the open air, and in bright light, vision was weaker than in a room, or in the dark.

Transient blindness, with headache, (Case 17).


He awakes blind.

Such notable blindness was observed, that she could not read ordinary print.

Complete blindness.

He was quite blind, and stared vacantly.

The eyelids did not close when the hand was passed suddenly before them.

He had evidently lost the power of vision, although he stared fixedly at objects as if he saw them.

Blindness; the pupil of the right eye is extremely dilated and incapable of contraction, (case 11).

The visual power is altogether lost (in a state of stupor), (after four hours).

Vision so completely lost that even the brightest light cannot be distinguished.

Retina quite insensible to the influence of strong daylight.

Photophobia; he avoids looking at the light.

Her room was darkened (light was unendurable).

She sees objects inverted.

Diplopia (after six hours).

Double vision.

Objects are seen double.

Objects appeared double, and they seemed to revolve and run backwards.

Objects appear double, upside down, or crooked.

Every object in the room, both real and spectral, had a double, or at least a dim outline, owing to the extreme dilatation of the pupils.

(Objects are seen manifold and dark.) The sight (e. g., of letters) is multiplied, not clear, and irregular (after one hour).

Reading by lamp light was difficult; the lines jumped hither and thither.

Letters swim while reading.

Evenings, in bed, on reading as usual, the letters flowed one into the other, so that it was utterly impossible for him to read.

Objects seem to tremble and scintillate, as if viewed through a mist, Illusion of vision; saw everything confused, as if through a fog or smoke.

After vertigo came on the affection of the eyesight, every object growing dim, as though a cloud were between the eye and it; sometimes objects appeared double, and passed before the eye with an undulating motion.

I observed that by a strong effort of the will a concentration of the nervous power, this paralysis of the retina (?) might for a moment be combated, but only to return with greater severity when the mental effort had been succeeded by its corresponding relaxation.

The pupils were immovably dilated.

Without glasses he could see the letters larger than usual; he saw sharper with the left eye than with the right, which was not the case in the normal state.

On seeing himself in a glass, he asserted that he squinted badly, and that both eyeballs were turned towards the nose.

On reading, the letters shone, partly like gold, partly like blue size and trembled.

Everything he looks at seems red.

A large halo appears round the flame of the candle, party- colored, the red predominating; at times the light seems as if broken up into rays.

The flame of a candle appears encircled by a colored halo, or stretches out and is lost in long rays.

All colors appear to him reversed; the black stove seems white, red objects of a pale yellow, the burning light brilliant in all colors, etc.

Mist before the eyes.

He sees sparks before the eyes.

Large bright sparks before the eyes.

He sees sparks, as of electricity, before the eyes, especially on moving them.

Occasional flashes of light before the eyes.

When laying her hand upon her swollen cheek she sees flames before her eyes, and the air seems to her like a fog-mist.

She sees in the ceiling of the room a white star as large as a plate; and across it, from left to right, light, silvery clouds seem passing; oftentimes and in various places.

Chromopsia (after six hours).

Muscae volitantes, flames and sparks before the eyes.

In the morning on going out (about 10 1/2 A.M)., black points and stripes before the eyes, which soon disappear and soon return (no trace of them in the afternoon).

Vision confused in a high degree; they constantly endeavored to grasp fancied surrounding objects, as persons, blades of grass, handles, etc.

Visions; he sees only dark-colored animals, black cats, etc.

He stared now straight before him, now around, and screamed out that he saw rats, mice, dogs, cats, and large black animals (always only dark objects) on the walls, furniture, etc.

These dark vision lasted four hours.

About this time the body, especially the cold extremities, began to grow warm, his face became lively and red, the eyes vivacious, bright, expressive of joy and astonishment; the lips dry; speech was short, but articulation distinct; his answers to questions were hasty, laconic, and dry.

It was very difficult to draw his attention for a moment from his yet all-brilliant visions; he was enraptured, appeared happy, and content; his limbs were in constant motion; he groped with his hands after colored butterflies, shining insects, etc., which he fancied he saw on the physician’s clothes.

Nothing could rid my eyes of the most disgusting spectral cockroaches, swarming all over the room.


In General Inflammatory swelling of the ears, and also of the parotids.

Wind rushes out of her ears, (case 9).

Very abundant secretion of cerumen.

Purulent discharge from the ears.

Purulent moisture exudes from the ears, for twenty days.

Bleeding from the ears.

Violent pressure on the mastoid process below the ear.

Incisive thrusts through the mastoid process below the ear (after twelve hours).

Behind the left ear the muscles are painful as far as the throat, as if they were violently pressed upon, and a similar pain also in the muscles of the forehead.

Pressing tearing behind the right ear (after half an hour). slight cutting pain behind the ears (after fifty minutes).

Tearing pressure in the lower half of the cartilage of the light ear.

Tearing pain on the posterior side of the cartilage of the left ear.

Drawing pain from the ears into the nape of the neck.

A transient shoot darts from the ear to the chin (after one hour).

Great liability to be cold, and to be affected as from chilblains in the ears.

Sensation of heat, with drumming in the ears.

Burning in the ears, with deafness.

Pinching in the ears, first in the right, then in the left, immediately after hiccough.

Slight earache (after three and one-third hours).

Earache, accompanied with great headache.

Otalgia in the left ear (after five days).

Boring pain close to the right ear.

A disagreeable pressure in the meatus, as if one were boring in it with the finger.

Feeling in the external meatus, as if some one pressed upon it.

Tearing externally in the right ear, from before backward.

Tearing in the internal and external ear, in a downward direction.

Tearing pain in the right external ear, and the whole of the right side of the face downwards (after twenty-four hours).

A very disagreeable feeling in the right ear, as if it would be forcibly torn out of the head.

Pain in the ears and temples, as if they were being alternately torn out and pressed in, alternating with a similar pain in the orbits.

Shootings in the external meatus.

Shootings in the internal ear, with hardness of hearing on that side.

Shootings in the internal ear, during eructations from the stomach, having the taste of the ingesta (after twelve hours).

Acute thrusts in the internal ear, with pinching, like earache.

Pulsation in the ears, with increased sharpness of hearing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.