Pain and burning in the eyes, (case 1).

Very frequently repeated sensation of heat in the eyes, and as if the eyes swam in tears.

Feeling of heat in the eyes; it was as if they were surrounded by a hot vapor.

While walking in the open air, a sensation of heat blowing against the eyes, and fine sticking pains, afternoons; at the same time drowsiness (after five minutes).

Burning heat in the eyes.

Burning in the eyes, coupled with acute itching; both, however, cease when eyes are pressed upwards.Intolerable burning and dryness of the eyes.

Sensation of burning and roughness in the eyes, as from sand or pepper.

His eyes seemed to him to be too large.

Aching pain in eyes.

Drawing pain under the left eye from below upwards.

Feeling in the eyes as if they protruded.

Pressure in the eye, as of a grain of sand, (case 5).

A general pressure in both eyes, as if hard spring-water had got into them.

Shooting in the eyes from within outwards.

Smarting in both eyes.

Crawling, pressive pin in the eyes, as if they were full of sand; she was obliged to rub them (after one hour).

Itching of thee eyes, with lancinating pains from one canthus to the other.

Sensitiveness of the eyes.

Brow, Orbits, and Lids, Lachrymation.

A pressive pain in the left supraorbital ridge, together with distressing weakness of vision of the right eye on writing, whereby the letters swam; and an oppressive sensation, as if the right eyelid hung down paralyzed.

Pain in the orbits often it feels as if the eyes were being torn out, sometimes (and more lastingly) as if they were being pressed into the head; in addition to which there is a pain which presses down from the forehead into the eyes.

Darting pain in and near the orbit of the left eye and near the vertebral extremity of the eighth rib (after four hours).

A confused pressure comes on the right orbit, and alternately shifts into the forehead and back again.

Pressing pain in the upper part of the socket of the eyes (after four and one-quarter hours).

Dilated eyelids; eyes wide open.

The lids wide open; eyes shining and protruding.

The lids are wide open, the eyes protruding far from their sockets, rolling, squinting, and almost insensible to external impressions.

Both eyelids tumid.

Swollen lids, which are ulcerated and bleared.

Slight swelling of the lower eyelids (after four and one-quarter hours).

The palpebrae of the left eye were puffy, and redder than those parts on the right side; and the upper left lid was prolapsed, as in ptosis.

A livid, lead-colored spot upon the eyelids contrasted horribly with the deathlike paleness of the face (in the sopor).

Tarsal edges of the lids injected.

Styes on the upper lids.

Frequent jactitation of the eyelids.

Twitching and convulsions of the lids.

An incessant quivering (and blinking) of both eyelids.

Quivering of the left upper lid, and a slight burning in the outer canthus, with dilate pupils.

An incessant trembling and quivering of the right upper eyelid, continuing the whole day, and at last becoming painful.

Spasmodic and involuntary closure of the lids, even when the eyes are shut, as if a bright light was shining on them.

Heaviness of the lids, especially of the right upper lid.

Heaviness of the lids, with a feeling as if a sticky mass were lying between them and the ball, which compels rubbing; pupils dilated; confusion of the head, and drowsiness (after two and one-half hours).

Throbbing pain in the lower eyelid towards the inner canthus, with great inflammatory swelling at that point, and much lachrymation, for half an hour (after thirty-two hours).

The internal canthus of the left eye is very painful, even to a slight touch.

Itching shoots in the internal canthi, which rubbing only temporarily removes (after one hour).

Swelling and suppurative inflammation of the left caruncula lachrymalis, as first with burning, afterwards with pressing pain, for three days (after four days).

In the morning the lids are completely agglutinated.

Trembling mucus before the left eye, so that she must rub it frequently.


Flow of tears, which seem to burn the lids.

Involuntary lachrymation.

Lachrymation, with great photophobia; all light is intolerable.

Total absence of lachrymation, and motion of the eyes, attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness; the conjunctival vessels fully injected.

Conjunctiva and Ball.

Conjunctival sac injected with blood.

Conjunctiva injected, bluish.

The conjunctiva of the ball is injected bluish blood.

The conjunctiva red, the lids heavy, the lids heavy, the eyes shining, and as if swimming in tears (after five minutes).

The conjunctiva red, the pupil much dilated; look staring.

Tunica conjunctiva highly injected, and the whole eye prominent and preternaturally brilliant.

The vessels of the conjunctiva and the white of the eye are congested with blood, the pupils dilated, and the ball is generally turned upward (after two hours).

Eyeballs unnaturally prominent (after six hours).

Eyeballs red and prominent.

Pimples and ulcers on the cornea.

The eyeball has a constant trembling motion.

The surface of the ball became quite dry, which caused a very disagreeable and uncomfortable sensation, which could not be relieved by winking or continued closing of the eyes (after one hour).

Pain in eyeballs.

Pain in the eyeballs, intolerance of light, and conjunctival inflammation, followed by dilated pupils and loss of sight permanently.

When she closed the eyes, a pressive pain deep in the eyeball.


The optic disk greatly deepened in tint, and the retinal arteries and veins much enlarged, the veins most markedly so (from one drachm of extract), (after hour and a half).

Dilated pupils (nearly every prover).

Dilatation of the pupils (after three and one-half hours).

Next to its influence on the circulation, the most prominent effect of the action of Belladonna consists in dilatation of the pupils.

Pupils partially dilated.

Considerable dilatation of the pupils (after six hours).

Pupils strongly dilated.

Great dilatation of pupils.

Pupils remarkably dilated.

The pupils uncommonly dilated, so that the iris becomes almost a line (after seven hours), etc.

Extreme dilatation of the pupils.

Extreme dilatation of the pupils (from the application of a fresh Belladonna leaf to an ulcer below the eye). the pupils extremely dilated, not at all sensitive to light, while vision seemed to be totally lost (after four hours).

Dilatation of the pupils, especially the right (after five minutes).

The right pupil of the right eye, and blindness for three weeks (from injecting the juice of the plant into the eye).

In the sopor, the pupils paralytically dilated.

Dilated, immovable pupils.

Pupils dilated, insensible.

The pupil dilated and immovable, the eye totally devoid of expression.

Dilatation of the pupil, with weakness of sight (after one hour).

Dilatation of the pupils, with presbyopia.

Pupils strongly dilated, and contracting imperfectly.

Widely dilated and sometimes contracted pupils.

Contracted pupils (after ten minutes), (after one and a half hours), (after two and a half hours). the dilated pupils become somewhat smaller after several hours, but the right was less contracted than the left (after five minutes).

Very contracted pupils the whole day, which first begin to dilate in the evening.

Excessive contraction of the pupils, with headache.

Irides insensible to light.

Pupils insensible, and extremely dilated (after six hours).


Vision disturbed.

Disturbed vision and hallucinations.

Disturbance of the visual power and presbyopia, with dilated pupils.

Imperfect sight, objects appearing white to him.

Weak or feeble vision.

Eyes were somewhat weak, or objects were seen as if through glass, not obscured.

Weakness of vision increased, without any dilatation of pupils.

Weakness and transient loss of sight, with widely dilated pupils, as in amaurosis.

Great failure of sight.

(Great obscuration of sight.) Obscuration of sight from dilated pupils.

On writing, he must close the eye whose pupil is more dilated, in order to see the fines plainly (after a quarter of an hour).

Obscuration of sight, with extremely dilated pupils, (Case 26).

Obscuration of vision, so that he could not distinguish surrounding objects; dilated pupils.

Complete obscuration of vision, so that she could not walk alone without running against everything; the eyes look as if quite amaurotic.

Dulness of sight for three hours, (case 17).

Sight and hearing quite dull; he did not answer to loud calling (after four hours).

Dulness of sight, with trembling of all the limbs, (Case 1).

Extreme dimness of sight.

Dimness and weakness of sight.

Dimness of sight or actual blindness.

Dim sight and blindness, with dizziness, headache, and weakness of the limbs.

Dimness of sight, dryness of the mouth, and pain in the abdomen. (*Not found*) Dimness of sight alternating with cramps in the hands and feet, cloudiness of the head, and lassitude of the limbs, (case 18).

Indistinctness of vision was most complained of when the pupils were of their natural size, and were contracting freely under the stimulus of light.

The impaired vision of Belladonna is chiefly or entirely presbyopia.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.