Weakness, with tottering gait; the knees feel as if they would give way; he cannot walk.

General feeling of weakness, like a threatening faint, and inability to stand upright.

General weakness, sick feeling, and apathy.

State of prostration (after six hours).

Great prostration.

Great prostration, with internal burnings.

Prostration of strength, with nervousness.

Fainting fits.

Attacks of faintness. (*Not found*).

Attacks of syncope.

General Sensibility.

Exaltation of thee general sensibility, with cheerfulness and agreeableness.

Great irritability and impressionableness of the senses; he tastes and smell everything more acutely; the sense of taste, of sight, and of hearing is keener, and the mind is more easily moved, and the thoughts more active (after three hours).

Excessive nervous excitability, with exalted sensibility of all the organs; the least noise, the least light is annoying.

If touched by any person, she jumped as if in great alarm.

This I observed whenever her hair was removed form her face, or when I felt her pulse (after eleven hours).

Painful sensitiveness of the skin to all contact.

Excessive sensitiveness to the cold air.

Complete anesthesia of the whole body for several days (after a quarter of an hour).

Upon recovering perfect consciousness (after thirty hours), a remarkable numbness, extending over all parts of the trunk and extremities, attracted attention, and persisted for several days.

No pain could be excited while this condition continued, by forcibly pinching the skin of the forehead, or of other parts; and although an unusual sensation was perceived by the patient at the moment, he could not with his eyes averted from the operation point out the precise spot subjected to compression.

General Sensations.

His senses deceive him.

Pains in all the joints, and a peculiar feeling as if these pains, with a cold sensation, continued to gnaw as far as the tips of the fingers and toes.

In the evening she attempted to stretch herself, but was unable to do so for pain.

On turning in bed, whole system began to feel bad.

Ordinarily, when a pain had reached its highest degree, it disappeared suddenly, and instantly there arose in its stead a pain in some other place.

Frequent cramps on the right side of the body, from the clavicle to the region of the spleen.

Cramps and weakness, with ebullition of blood in the head.

Boring pain in the glands.

Digging pains in the joints, and burning pains in the bones, with great weakness.

(The parts where the shooting pain had been were extremely tender to touch).

Palpitation and tickling in the muscles.

A beating of the arteries of the head and of all parts of the body, in the morning on waking.

She was much annoyed by a constant sensation of trembling in all the muscles of the body.


General Appearance.

Cold, painful, long-lasting nodosities and swellings (seemingly a secondary effect).

Distension of the cutaneous veins.

Skin appeared white like a statue (unnatural).

Yellowish color of the skin.

Swelling, heat, and redness of the skin.

Inflammation of the surface of the whole body.

The affected parts are much disposed to take on a phlegmonous, erysipelatous, and gangrenous character.

Erysipelatous inflammation, which appears, disappears and returns frequently on the face, and sometimes on the chest and nipples.

Redness of the whole body with quick pulse.

The skin red; superficial veins swollen.

Skin red, with only slight fever.

Face, chest, and extremities extremely red.

Redness like scarlatina, of the entire surface of the body (after six hours).

Scarlet redness of the surface of the whole body, especially of the face, with marked action of the brain.

A scarlet redness suddenly spread over the body, especially the face and limbs, with which appeared heat and exaltation of all the faculties; still without thirst.

Scarlet suffusion of the skin in young children and those who have a delicate skin.

Generally, nothing more than a temporary bluish, but in rare cases, and in persons who are liable to vascular irritation of the skin, the redness remains, and its disappearance is attended with slight roughness and desquamation.

Scarlet redness of skin of face and neck, followed, on the second day, by peeling off of the cuticle.

Scarlet redness of the and chest during sleep.

Blotches and growths on the skin, like suggillations, ecchymoses, and boils.

Inflamed red patches of the skin, and irregularly-shaped scarlet spots over the body (after sixteen hours).

Spots and red pimples at the nape of the neck and back.

Blood-red spots over the whole body, especially in the face, on the throat, and chest.

The skin of the whole body, especially the chest, is spotted scarlet, without heat of the head, or increased temperature of the body.

Dark-red scarlet spots over the whole body, with small, quick pulse, tightness of the chest, an existing cough much increased in violence, delirium, excited memory, rubbing of the nose, and dilated pupils.

Chest and belly are covered with small, red, somewhat elevated, painless spots, frequently disappearing, and then suddenly reappearing, with general redness of the skin.

The chest and thighs are sprinkled over the very small dark-red spots, of irregular shape and size, (Case 19).

The backs of both hands are covered with small red spots, which disappear again speedily.

Dark-red spots on the face, resembling those of scarlet fever, with full pulse.

The skin is rough, and chaps easily.

Skin very easily wounded; it seems to be burned and excoriated by contact with the lightest garment.

Eruptions, Dry.

Small, hard, subcutaneous tumors.

A great many comedones or black pores in the skin.

Erythema of skin.

Erythema and burning itching of the vulva.

Red, scaly eruption on the lower parts of the body as far as the abdomen.

Scarlet eruption (first day).

Eruption like scarlatina all over face and body (after six hours).

The eruption, which recalls closely enough that which characterizes scarlatina, has been notices by numerous observers.

The face, upper extremities, and trunk exhibited a diffuse scarlet efflorescence, studded with innumerable papillae, very closely resembling the rash of scarlatina.

The eruption terminated abruptly at the wrists and flexure of the thighs, the rest of the body retaining the natural color.

The skin was hot and dry.

Scarlatina-like eruption on the face and neck, not on the trunk or extremities.

Scarlet eruption on the arms and legs (in several cases).

Cutaneous eruption resembling measles.

Eruptions like roseola and scarlatina, with fever, sore throat, cough, headache, etc.

Red or whitish miliary eruptions, like nettle-rash, with burning itching.

Miliary and measly eruptions, as also pustules, as of small-pox, on the face.

Papular eruption resembling lichen agrius, especially on the hands.

Papular eruption on face, and furuncles.

Small, pale-red papules in the corners of the mouth, with sensibility; they soon disappear without suppurating.

Red, burning, and very obstinate pimples, especially on the forehead.

Pimples and ulcers on the lips.

A white-tipped pimple under the left wing of the nose, without pain.

Small, red, and very burning pimples on the tip of the nose.

Small, intensely itching pimples on the legs.

At the root of the nose, two small red elevations, which feel painful, as if subcutaneously ulcerated, only when touched (after sixteen days).

Moist, Pustular, and Ulcerated.

Blisters, as from burns, on various parts of the body.

Blister on the finger, with painful inflammations.

Eruption on the skin of bullae, which emit a quantity of limpid or creamy lymph; and therewith such intense pain that the patient, though accustomed to suffering, cannot refrain from lamentations and tears.

When on the foot, it is so painful that she has to keep the limb horizontally extended and motionless.

Bullae, which easily burst open, on the palmar surface of the foot, and on the tibia.

(Painful boils on the sternum). (*Probably the effect of long- continued dressings on the mamma*).

Boil upon the shoulder.

Boils on the calves and thighs.

Pustules and some small ulcers.

Pustulous pimples, with swelling and redness of the surrounding parts.

Small, red, painless pustules appear on the temple, at the right corner of the mouth, and on the chin; when scratched, bloody serum (after thirteen hours).

On the skin of the face a slight pimply exanthema broke out, which suppurated slowly, and dried up in a few days.

Pustules at the borders of the lips, with smarting pain.

A small pustule on the upper lip, with creeping sensation while untouched, but contact produces an itching shooting therein.

Pustules break out on the cheek and nose, which rapidly fill with pus, become covered with a crust.

Pustules appear on the nape of the neck and on the arms, quickly fill with pus, and become covered with a crust.

The back, especially in the scapular region, m is covered with large red pustules; the whole skin looks red, and smarts as if sore when touched, but in the tips of the pustules there is fine shooting (after ten days).

A pustule breaking out close to the nail of the right index- finger, and emitting a quantity of humor, (Case 15).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.