Violent shootings in the testicles, which are drawn upwards (after ten, eighteen, and thirty hours).

Increased sexual desire.

Indifference in the night to the distinction of the sexes; no lascivious, lustful thoughts will enter his head; the sexual desire in the imagination is as if extinct.

Entire loss of sexual desire.

Discharge of prostatic juice.

Discharge of prostatic juice from a relaxed penis.

Nocturnal pollutions.

Nocturnal emission of semen, during relaxation of the penis.

Nocturnal emission of semen without lascivious dreams (the first night).

Feeble, but abundant, ejaculation of semen.

(Female), At every step violent shootings in the genital region, as if in the internal sexual organs (after sixteen hours).

Badly smelling hemorrhage from the uterus.

Burning, pressure, uneasiness and weight in the uterine region.

Cramps of the womb, with feeling as if it was growing narrow.

Before the menses, uterine colic with weakness of sight.

Burning in the ovarian region.

Leucorrhoea and colic, (Case 14).

Flesh-colored or milky leucorrhoea, with a great deal of colic.

Metrorrhagia of light clotted blood.

(Metrorrhagia, the blood having a bad smell).

A violent pressing and urging towards the sexual organs, as if everything would fall out there; worse on sitting bent and on walking, better on standing and sitting erect (after ten hours). (*Lying, sitting, C.D.*).

Bringing on of the catamenia.

Increased menses (curative effect).

Inordinate menstrual discharge may occur suddenly in females.

Greater flow of the menses, with retardation till the thirty- second, thirty-sixth, and forty-eighth day.

Catamenia appear four days too soon.

Menses too soon and very profuse, of thick, decomposed, dark-red blood.

Menses sometimes delayed, or of pale blood.

During the catamenia, great thirst, (Case 14).

During the menses, fever, painful lassitude, colic, pains in the limbs, weakness and inclination to remain lying down.

Increased sexual desire in women, especially before the menses and in the evening; absence of desire, and even aversion to an embrace, in the morning.

Respiratory Apparatus

Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi.

Catarrh, or cough with coryza.

Catarrh, with cough, coryza, and the head and eyes severely affected.

A great deal of tenacious mucus in the larynx and nasal fossae.

The dryness extends into the larynx, rendering the voice husky, and often inducing dry cough.

Painful dryness in larynx, yet with an unconquerable aversion to all drinks.

The sensibility of the larynx was so much impaired and deglutition so imperfectly performed, that, on introducing a warm infusion of coffee into the patient’s mouth, the liquid collected about the larynx, and his features became alarmingly turgid in consequence of impeded respiration.

Every inspiration causes irritation with dry cough.

Pain under larynx, with hiccough, after eating (from one and seven-eights grain).

Sensation as if the larynx was inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing, and danger of suffocation.

Secretion of a great deal of watery phlegm.

Sensation as if some one constricted his larynx.

Sensation as if the larynx was narrowed and torn.

Spasmodic movement of the larynx as if it was being tied up.

Sensation of ulceration and bleeding of the larynx.

Violent scraping in larynx excites a dry cough.

Tickling and burning in the larynx with violent paroxysms of cough.

In the evening, after lying down in bed, tickling-itching sensation in the back part of the top of the larynx, causing a dry, short cough, which he cannot suppress.

The upper part of the trachea is affected; he coughs up a substance resembling old catarrhal mucus, of a purulent appearance (in the morning in bed and after rising), (after sixteen hours).

Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes, with insensibility.


Now and then, while speaking, the voice, which had been weak, becomes suddenly loud and clear.

The voice became so sharp and clear that her own father did not know it (naturally somewhat husky).

Rough, hoarse voice.

Voice hoarse and weak.

Hoarse, rough voice, with dryness in the throat, the seat of which she accurately located in the larynx; she complained of pain in the larynx.

Hoarse, dull, shrill, whistling, nasal voice.


Hoarseness (after six hours), Hoarseness amounting to aphonia.

Hoarseness, which was especially noticed when crying.

The voice seems changed and slightly oppressed.

The voice is changed, soft and hoarse.

Speaking is very difficult from him; he speaks in a piping tone of voice.

Voice weak.

Temporary loss of speech (aphonia).

Almost complete aphonia.

Aphonia, or confused sounds uttered with pain.

Cough and Expectoration.

Rawness and dryness in the upper part of the larynx excites a cough.

Cough, hollow and scraping.

Cough, with loss of breath, noisy inspiration, face red and swollen as in hooping cough.

Cough, especially in the afternoon, at night in bed, and during sleep.

Croupy cough (two days).

A sort of the croupy cough.

Cough, with a bloody taste in the mouth.

Cough, with tearing sensation in the chest, and painful shocks at the nape of the neck and in the abdomen.

Cough, with prickings, as if with needles, in the side under the left ribs (after six hours).

Hard fit of coughing, as if something had ” gone the wrong way”.

(Attacks of coughing, which end with sneezing).

Attacks of coughing, followed by heat.

Cough commences in the evening (about 10 o’clock), and occurs every quarter of an hour or oftener in three or four fits at a time.

Night-cough, which frequently awakes her out of sleep, after which, however, she falls asleep again directly. Cough after eating and great thirst, (case 12).

Violent cough during sleep, with grinding of the teeth.

Before each attack of coughing the child is quiet, and immediately before the cough comes, on she begins to cry.

During coughing, the child strains much and is fretful.

Dry cough, whereby the throat is scraped.

Short, dry, noisy, spasmodic, or else hollow and hoarse cough.

Violent, dry cough as if a foreign body had lodged in the larynx, with coryza (after three hours).

Attack of coughing as if one had inhaled dust; he is awakened by it at night, with mucous expectoration.

For several days in succession, about noon, violent cough, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus, (Case 22).

Mucus in the air-passages expectorated by coughing and hawking.

Expectoration of viscid and whitish mucus.

Phlegm, especially in the morning.

At times expectoration of blackish, thick mucus.

In the morning, when coughing, expectoration of bloody mucus.

Spitting of blood.

Hemoptysis of clear, bright-red blood, rarely coagulated and black.


Respiration is often sighing, without apparently being otherwise difficult (after eight hours).

Sights. (*Immediately before death*).

Stertorous respiration (after a quarter of an hour).

The breathing heavy and stertorous.

Respiratory murmur vesicular, though without rattling.

The breathing was stertorous, and the respiratory sounds, hastily examined over the anterior part of the chest, were modified by rales.

Respiration deep, at times yawning (after seven hours).

The breath is hot; respiration accelerated (after half an hour).

Respiration rapid and somewhat oppressed.

Respiration irregular and very rapid.

Respiration by jerks, groaning, accelerated.

Violent, short, hurried, anxious respiration (after eighteen hours).

Respiration retarded, at times whistling.

No difference is observed in the rate of respiration, even during the maximum acceleration of the pulse.

Respiration short and hasty.

Respiration short, hurried, sometimes very oppressed.

Shortness of breath, anxiety and suffocative fits, especially at night and in the afternoon.

Shortness of breath after drinking coffee in the afternoon (after three days).

Intermittent breathing in the night, in sleeping and waking; inspiration and expiration together last only half as long as the pause before the next inspiration; expiration occurred by fits and starts, and was louder than inspiration; inspiration lasted only a little longer than expiration.

At times he breathed, at times he appeared to have drawn his last breath, such attacks recurring four times in a quarter of an hour.

Respiration anxious, and attended with the brazen stridulous sound of croup.

Respiration laborious and occasionally stertorous (post-mortem; congestion of the lungs).

Difficult respiration.

Breath hot, respiration difficult.

Very difficult breathing. (*Not found*).


In General.

Inflammation of the lungs.

Engorgement and abscesses of the breasts.

Erysipelatous swelling of the breasts.

The breasts suddenly become flaccid and flat, or else inflamed and swollen, with increased secretion of milk.

Burning in the chest, with sensation as if the lungs were swelling up and inflating the thorax.

Burning and drawing pains in the nipples, especially the right.

Violent constriction across the chest, as if it were being pressed inwards from both sides (after eight hours).

In the evening in bed, such a constriction in the chest, which did not pass off on coughing for the purpose, that he could with difficulty draw in his breath, just as if the mucus in the larynx prevented him, accompanied by a burning in the chest (after sixty hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.