Headache above the eyes only, like a weight in the head, early on waking; when touching the eye he feels pain.

Headache, as if a stone were pressing the forehead, relieved by laying the head down, and stooping, with dilated pupils, and whining ill-humor about trifles (after three hours).

Sensation as if the brain were pressed towards the forehead, which disappeared directly on bending the head a little backwards (after one and a quarter hours).

Pressive pain in the forehead, so severe during motion that it caused him to close his eyes; easier in sitting; he was obliged to lie down, upon which it disappeared; it returned immediately on rising, for two days, and was not aggravated by eating o r drinking; but as soon as he went into the open air, the forehead seemed to be pressed in as if a heavy stone lay on it; on the third day, the pain disappeared entirely, while he was sitting in the room.

Sharp shootings in both frontal eminences, from within outwards (after two hours).

Tearing shootings in the head over the right orbit.

Fine shooting, burning pain in the left frontal eminence (after a quarter of an hour).

Severe shooting in th right frontal eminence increased by bending forwards, ameliorated by pressure (after five minutes).

Tearing in the forehead.

Tearing in the forehead, externally.

Violent pains of a tearing character in the anterior part of the head.

Burning-tearing pain in the left frontal eminence (after four hours).

Strong pulsation of the blood vessels in the forehead, and pain as if the bones were lifted up.


Severe pain through temples.

At 3 P.M., slight headache in left temple (second day).

Cramp like compression at the temples and forehead.

Dull, darting pain in right temple, affecting the eye (after five minutes).

A drawing-down in the temples and in the right orbit.

Drawing and pressive pains in the right temple, with sensation as if it would burst. Cutting pressure in the temples, from within outwards, which increases in violence, spreads through the brain, and there passes into a strong throbbing, constant in all positions.

A pressive feeling of weight from the center of the brain towards the temples, with diminution of hearing in both ears.

Pressive pain in the right temporal region, which on supporting the head with the hand increases to a sense of bursting, and extends into the right frontal eminence (after eight hours).

Tearing pressure in the right temple, and in the vertex, which extends in various directions.

Violent pressure in the left temple, from without inwards, which spreads itself over the entire anterior half of the brain, on that side where the head is supported by the hand (after three- quarters if an hour).

Stabbing as if with a knife, from one temple to the other.

Pressive shootings in the temples, from within outwards.

Violent shooting pain in the right temple, for a quarter of an hour (after twenty-five hours).

Dull shooting in the left temple, from within outwards.

Throbbing and beating of temples.

Vertex and Parietals.

Crampy pain, passing off rapidly, in the right side of the vertex (after eleven hours).

Pressing in the right vertex, shifting to the left and then back again to the right.

Tensive pressure in the left vertex and in the forehead (after twenty-four hours).

Headache in the vertex, a kind of twisting, sometimes also digging, sometimes tearing; the pain became much more violent on external pressure; the skull seemed to be quite thin, as if it could be pressed through.

Tearing pain in the right vertex, increased by movement.

Slight lateral headache (third day).

Pain in left parietal bone, extending to the temples (after five hours).

Headache in left parietal bone, increasing and extending to right temple (after forty minutes).

In about three-quarters of an hour after rising, and after stirring around quite briskly, the right side of the head ached, but without that heavy feeling (after nine and a quarter hours).

Drawing pain in the right side of the head, and at the same time in right arm, when at rest after dinner.

Incessant, dull, pressive pain on one or other side of the head (after five and twenty-four hours).

Violent pressure from within outwards, in the whole left half of the brain, especially violent in the forehead (after two and a half hours).

Sensation as if a bar of iron was pressing on the head in the direction of the ears, with hardness of hearing.

Darting pain under left parietal bone (after four hours).

Sharp cutting pain in the right side of the head, from the frontal to the occipital region, becoming general, and at last settling in left parietal bone.

Stabbings in the right side of the head, as if with a two-edged knife, which next are felt in the front of the head, then in the vertex, then in the occiput, so that she cannot lie on either side.

Throbbing aches in the parietal region, lasting nearly two hours (after five and a half hours).

Occiput and External.

Occipital headache.

Sensation of weight, with violent pressing, in the occiput (after two and a half hours).

Throbbing pressure in the left side of the occiput (after five hours).

A cutting pain in the head to the left of the occipital protuberance.

In the evening, some severe stabs in the occiput, immediately behind the ear, rapid as lightning, so that he could have cried out (after six days).

Some dull shoots in the left side of the occiput.

Nodosities resembling small exostoses, at several places on the head.

Eruption of hard and very sensitive pimples on the scalp.

Crusty herpetic eruptions, scales and ulcers, on the hairy scalp.

Sensation as if the hair on the top of the head were being pulled (after three and a half hours).

Pain externally in the whole head, resembling that which remains in the integument after strong tugging and pulling at the hair.

The head externally is so sensitive that the least contact, even the pressure of the hair, gives her pain.

Soreness of roots of hair.

Crampy pain on the scalp, with feeling as if the hair was being plucked out.

Raw pain on the scalp, as if it had been burnt.

The hair of the head, which was previously naturally electric, is so no longer (after twenty-four hours).

Falling off of the hair, chiefly around the head.

Hairs which become discolored, break easily and fall off.

Confusion of head.


In General Puffy appearance about the eyes.

Black circle around the eyes, as if one had received a blow.

Eyes inflamed, red, and bloodshot, even to the iris.

The eyes are inflamed, and have a wild expression, Inflammation of the eyes; the conjunctiva is covered with red vessels, with shooting pain; the eyes water.

Inflammation of the eyes; swelling of the veins of the sclerotica, with a tickling sensation.

Inflammation of the eyes; the cornea is dimmed, and the lids are swollen (after five minutes).

The look is somewhat dim, uncertain, unsteady, as in amaurosis, without his suffering in the least from that disease.

The eyes are very animated, with fully dilated pupils.

Bold look.

Had a staring expression (for three days).

The eyes had a staring look.

Staring eyes.

Though he is blind, the eyes are open.

Protruding eyes (after one hour).

Eyes protruding.

The eyes are projecting and sparkling.

Protruding, sparkling, furious eyes; sometimes without expression, dull, and filmy.

The eyes protruding, glaring, and wholly insensible to light (after four hours).

Protruded eyes, with dilated pupils (after six hours).

The eyes protruding; pupils dilated; with a staring look.

The eyes protruding, shining, the pupils dilated, and completely insensible to light (after four hours).

The eyes protruding very much, immovable, sometimes as if swimming in tears, with dilated pupil.

Eyes closed (after six hours).

Eyes half closed, threatening (after one hour).

Eyes were glittering, fixed.

Eyes sparkling, fixed, glittering, and prominent (second day).

Yellowness of the white of the eyes.

In the morning, the white of the eye is streaked with red, with pressive pain.

Yellowish hue of the sclerotica.

Bluish sclerotica (in the sopor).

(The eyes are red, glittering (glassy), and turn about in head.) Mucous membrane of eyes and lids deeply injected, and much swollen (after six hours).



(The eyes are distorted,) (Case 8).

The eyes become distorted, with redness and swelling of the face.

Spasms of the eyes, distorting them.

Eyes spasmodically turned up, and showing only the whites.

The eyes turn spasmodically round and round.

Rolling of the eyeballs (for three days).

The eyes, which protrude from their sockets, roll around.

The eyes are in constant motion, the pupils extremely dilated.

Eyes and hands are in constant spasmodic motion.

Eyes alternately fixed and very movable.

Sometimes the eyes rolled wildly about, at other they were immovable, fixed on one point.

Pressive pain over right eye.

The eyes tire very soon on reading.

Eye dry; motion attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness.

Dryness of the eyes (the nose, the mouth, and the gullet).

(*The observer adds after “eyes,” “with burning in these and in the lids.”*) Feeling of burning dryness in both eyes, more violent alternately in the one or the other (after seven hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.