
skin round clavicles. Brown spots on chest.


Cramp in heart. Ebullition of blood in chest, and violent and audible palpitation of heart, especially when going up stairs. Palpitation of heart, with nausea. Painful sensibility in region of heart. Anxious palpitation of heart when waking in the morning. Visible palpitation without anxiety. Stitches in region of heart. Pulse slow and weak in morning, in evening accelerated and full. In evening violent pulsations. Swelling of the veins.

Back and neck

Uneasiness in nape of neck and chest. Tension in skin on nape when moving head. Greasy brown skin on neck. Tension and stiffness of nape and left side of neck. Cracking in cervical vertebrae on making certain movements with head. Small red pimples on neck close together. Swelling of glands of neck. Swelling of veins of neck. Spinal curvature. Boils on back. Steatomatous tumours. Pressing pain in region of kidneys. Burning extending from the small of the back to between shoulder-blades. (Pains from middle to lower back with tenderness of muscles on each side. ***R.T.C.) Painful drawing in sacrum, coccyx, and thighs, while sitting, after long sitting prevents standing erect. Pain, as of a fracture, and stiffness in loins, back, and nape, especially in morning, after rising. (Weakness from injury to lower back followed by abscess, vesical weakness, enuresis with a clear gleet and balanitis. ***R.T.C.) Drawing in back and loins, when seated. Boring in back. Pulsation in spine. Furunculi on back. Violent stitch between coccyx and anus 7 p.m. when walking. Itching burning in hollow below coccyx.


Cracking of joints when extended. Trembling of hands and feet. Limbs go to sleep. Frozen limbs. One-sided complaints, paralysis Rheumatism with numb feeling, worse in warmth and on moving, better from cold and after sweating. Nails crippled, brittle or soft. Hangnails.

Upper Limbs

Profuse perspiration under axillae. Brown spots under the arms, like naevus maternus. Throbbing in shoulder-joint. Sticking in shoulders. Involuntary jerking of arm during day. Atrophy of right arm after revaccination. Pain, as of ulceration, tearing, and throbbing, from shoulder to ends of fingers. Wrenching pain in shoulder and arm, with cracking. Digging drawing in arms, as if in bones or periosteum. Sensation elbow-joint when stretching arms. Tearing pain along right arm compelling him to keep it flexed. Herpes on elbow. Red marbled spots on forearm. Wrist and elbow of right arm feel as if gripped by a hand (agg. *Thujopsis dol. ***R.T.C. Trembling of hand and arms, when writing. Ganglion of wrist (cured by local use. *R.T.C.) Sensation of dryness in skin of hands. Brown colour on back of hand. White scaly herpes on back of hand and on finger. Perspiration on hands. Swollen veins in hands. Warts on hands, very numerous, especially on dorsa, horny, painful. Brown colour of dorsum of hand. Coldness torpor, and paleness in fingers and finger-tips, extending sometimes to forearms. (Erysipelatous swelling and) tingling and shootings in finger-tips. Red and painful swelling in finger- tips. Nails are crippled, discoloured, crumbling off. Suppuration of finger-nails. The pains in the arms are worse when hanging down, or when exposed to heat, they are better by movement cold, and after perspiration.

Lower Limbs

Lower limbs feel like wood when walking in open air. Tension from hip-joint to groin & along back of thigh to knee. Sciatica left side, leg atrophied paresis & atrophy of right leg with coldness. Drawing in legs. The hip-joint feels as if it were relaxed. Coxalgia, the leg becomes elongated. Brown skin on legs, especially on inside of thigh. Enlarged naevus on thigh of child, age five months. Shootings in legs and joints. Great weakness and lassitude in legs, especially when going up stairs. Heaviness and stiffness of legs, when walking (they feel as if made of wood). Profuse perspiration on thighs and genital organs. Itching in thighs. Eruption of pimples on buttocks, thighs and genital organs. Itching in thighs. Cracking in joints of knees and feet, when stretching them. Suppurating pustules on knees. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism in fibrous part of knee-joint. Pains in feet and ankles after suppressed gonorrhoea, could not walk. Pain in heel as if gone to sleep. Stitches above heel in tendo Achillis. White nodosities, with violent itching in toes. Inflammatory red swelling in ends of toes, or instep, with pain and tension when treading, and during movement. Numbness of left foot. Nets of veins, as if marbled, on soles of feet. Red, marbled spots on instep. Perspiration (fetid) on feet, especially toes. Suppressed foot-sweat. Chilblains on toes.


Emaciation and deadness of affected parts. All manifestations excessive, their advent insidious. Shootings in limbs (outer parts), and joints. Burning darting pain. Drawing in the blood- vessels. Cracking in joints on stretching limbs. Swelling of the veins in the skin. Jerking of some of the limbs and of some of the muscles. The flesh feels as if beaten off the bones. Sensation of lightness of the body when walking. Oedema about the joints, affects prominently epithelia, first causing hardening, hypertrophy, then softening. Stitches in various parts, changing to burning. Tearing and pulsative pains, as if the parts affected were ulcerated. Inflammatory swellings, with redness. Sufferings after being overheated, drinking tea, or eating fat meat, or onions. Bad effects from beer, fat food acids, sweets, tobacco, and wine, from the abuse of *Sulphur and *Mercury. One-sided complaints. Paralysis. St. Vitus’ dance. Trembling of some of the limbs. Easy benumbing on limbs, especially at night, on waking. Symptoms generally worse in afternoon, or in night, towards 3 a.m., they hinder sleep in evening. Many of the symptoms are worse during repose and by heat, especially by that of the bed, they are better by movement, cold, and perspiration. Many of the symptoms manifest themselves chiefly on left side. Affections of the right abdominal ring, wings of the nose, loins, inguinal glands, fingers, tips of fingers, toes. (Glandular cervical enlargements. ***R.T.C.) Stiffness and general heaviness over whole body, especially in shoulders and thighs. Physical weakness, with sustained mental powers. Frequent jerking of upper part of body. Violent ebullition of blood in evening, with pulsation in all the arteries, worse by movement, better on sitting down. Aneurism by anastomosis, swelling of the blood- vessels. Dreams anxious, especially of dead persons, of falling, of accidents. Flushes of heat. Worse in the afternoon, after midnight, while chewing, stretching the affected limb, while urinating. Better while drawing up the limb.


Painful sensitiveness of skin. Itching shootings in skin, especially in evening and at night. Purulent pimples, like variola. Warts on any part of the body, with little necks, called fig-warts, tubular warts, same size all the way out, “mother’s marks.” Warts, hard, cleft, and seedy. Black sessile warts, on scalp. Pustules. Small-pox. Eruptions only on covered parts. The eruptions burn violently after scratching. Universal psoriasis. Sycotic excrescences, smelling like old cheese, or like the brine of fish. White, scaly, dry, mealy herpes. Sycosis of beard cured with single doses of O after failure of much other treatment (***R.T.C.). Condylomata (large, seedy, frequently on a pedicle). Flat ulcers, with a bluish-white bottom. Zona. Corns burning. Crippled nails on fingers and toes. Furunculi. Chilblains. Dirty- brownish colour of the skin. Brown or red (or brown-white) mottled spots on the skin. The majority of cutaneous symptoms are better by touch.


Urgent inclination to sleep in evening. Sleep retarded, in consequence of agitation and dry heat. Nocturnal sleeplessness, with agitation and coldness of body. Unrefreshing nocturnal sleep. Distressing, anxious dreams, of dangers and death, of falling from a height, soon after falling asleep, or else with starts and cries, especially when lying on left side. When half asleep it suddenly seems as if a chair were standing in the middle of the bed, tries to move it but cannot stir, cannot utter a sound. Continuous sleeplessness, with painfulness of the parts on which he lies. Sleeplessness with apparitions as soon as he closes his eyes, they disappear on opening them. Goes to sleep late on account of heat and restlessness. Lascivious dreams, without emission of semen, with painful erections on waking.


Shivering, with yawning, after midnight. The warm air seems cold, and the sun has no power to warm him. Shivering, every morning, without thirst. Shivering and shaking, with internal and external coldness (and thirst), followed immediately by perspiration. Chilliness in attacks at various times in the day, but mostly in the evening. Chilliness on left side, which feels cold to the touch. Chill without thirst after midnight and in morning. Shivering every evening (at six o’clock), with external heat, dryness of the mouth, and thirst. Heat in the evening, especially in the face. Dry heat of the covered parts. Burning in the face without redness. Perspiration at the commencement of sleep. Perspiration on parts uncovered, with dry heat of covered parts. Anxious, at times cold, sweat. Perspiration, after the chill, without any intervening heat. Perspiration at times oily (staining the clothes yellow), or fetid, or smelling sweet like honey. General perspiration, but not on the head. When walking in morning profuse perspiration, the most profuse on the head. Perspiration only during sleep, disappearing at once as soon as he awakens.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica