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THUJA OCCIDENTALIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy THUJA OCCIDENTALIS…


THUJ. See Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,” IV.


Asa-f., Bryonia, Cann., Cantharis, China, Copaiva, Ferrum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitr-ac., Phosph-ac., Petrol., Pulsatilla, Sabin., Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja is frequently suitable after : Nitr-ac (in sycosis or mercurial syphilis) After Thuj are frequently suitable: Nitr- ac., Pulsatilla, Staphysagria?.


Chamomilla for the nightly toothache, Cocc for the fever, and Merc, for the nightly ailments. Is used as an antidote against: Mercurius, Thea.?.


Rheumatic and arthritic pains. Painful drawing from the legs through the thighs into the head. Pressure in different parts, as if on the bones, accompanied with a scraping, prickling sensation.

Weariness and bruised feeling in the shoulders and thighs. Weakness of the body, not of the mind. Stiffness and heaviness in all the limbs.


The symptoms are most violent after three o’clock in the after- noon and night, preventing one from falling asleep.


The skin of the whole body is painful to the touch. Itching of the body, back, and upper and lower limbs. like flea-bites.


Excessive drowsiness. Restless sleep. Restlessness at night and anxiety. Sleepless night. Sleep full of dreams and startings. Disposed to vomit the whole night. Violent headache in the morn- ing in waking, with nausea and vomiting. Frightful dreams.


Chilliness without thirst. Shaking chill. Shuddering when uncovering the body ever so little. Shaking chill, with much yawning. Nausea and vomiting the vomiting being followed by several chills, with heaviness in the upper and lower limbs and a lacerating in the occiput. Violent seething of the blood every even- ing; throbbing in all the arteries at every motion. Heat in the face and burning and redness of the cheeks. Sudden heat in the face, and redness. Swelling of the veins of the temples and p73 hands. The tips of the fingers are icy-cold, as if dead. Rush of blood to the head, with sweat in the face and desire for cold drink. Slight heat, followed by a creeping chill, with icy-cold hands in the evening. Heat, with thirst, without chilliness.


Low-spirited and desponding. Tired of life. Dissatisfied.


Frequent vertigo. Cloudiness in the forehead. Stupid feeling in the head, with nausea. Slow thinking and talking. Weakness in the head; his brain feels dead and numb.


Headache early in the morning. Boring pressure in the head. Drawing headache. Sticking headache. Drawing in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache. Drawing in the temporal muscles, a sort of external headache, worse during deglutition. Dull pain in the head, as if stupefied. Dull aching in the occiput.

Painful pressure across the forehead. Furious pressing in both temples from without inward. Violent painful pressure in the head. Drawing lacerating headache from the vertex to the middle of the brain. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the head, with ill-humor. Prickings, especially along the forehead. Headache as if the head were compressed, with pulsative throbbings and stitches in the region of the temples. Violent burning aching behind the ear. Corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput. Prickling pain in the temples.


Short-sightedness. Sensation as of a gauze before the eyes, and a pressure in the same, as if the eyes would be pressure out of the head, or as if the eyes were swollen. The eyes are dim in the open air. The sight of the inflamed eye is obscured. Weak eyes; pressure in the eyes as from fine sand. Pressure in the eyes. Dry feeling in the eyes. Great dilatation of the pupils. Black points before the eyes, even when closing them. The white of the eyes are blood red. The whites of the eyes are inflamed and red, with smarting and a pressure as from sand. Swelling of the upper eye- lids.


Pain in the ear. Aching pain in the meatus-auditorius. Tingling in the ears. Boring pain in the region of the malar bone, diminished by contact. Pimples in the whole face. Creeping and twitching towards the malar bones. Stiffness of the muscles of mastication, on the left side, painful when opening the jaw. Glandular swelling. Burning heat in the face and cheeks. Scurfy, itching eruption on the cheeks. Red pustules above the lip, emitting blood when scratched. Dryness of the lips, without thirst.


Ulceration half an inch up in the nose. Corrosive creeping on the dorsum of the nose. Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood. Bleeding at the nose. Swelling and hardness of the left nasal p73 wing, with a tensive pain. Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, afterwards the pain is felt across the nasal bones. Sudden and fluent coryza, with headache.


Stitches in the lower jaw through the ear. Sharp drawing tooth- ache. Swollen and sore gums. Considerable swelling of the gums and tongue. Continued gnawing pain in the teeth. Darting through the gums of the posterior molar teeth. Sore feeling in the gums. Toothache, a sort of hacking, or sharp beating in the gums.


The tip of the tongue is sore to the touch. Rough, scraping feeling on the surface of the tongue. The inner mouth feels as if full of blisters, as if he had burnt it. Ranula, transparent, jelly-like, blue-red, gray. Swelling of the salivary glands. Swelling of the tonsils and throat. Sore throat, a sort of swell- ing, as if brought on by a cold. Stinging in the throat. White coated tongue, without thirst. He hawks up a blood-red mucus. Chancrous ulcers in the throat and mouth, from excessive doses of Mercury for syphilis.


Flat, sweetish taste in the mouth. After eating, the abdomen bloats. Hiccough soon after eating. Putrid eructations, late in the evening. Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Desire for cold drink. Frequent pinching in the region of the stomach, during dinner. Bad effects from eating greasy things and onions.


Cramp-pain in the pit of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach, increasing very much in the evening. Contractive cramp in the epigastrium. Tension in the abdomen. Bloatedness of the abdomen, with contractive pains, like cramps. Bloated abdomen. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, immediately after a meal. Anguish. in the pit of the stomach, rising into the head and returning again to the stomach; accompanied with qualmishness. Pressure in the lower part of the liver, as from a stone, when walking. Cutting in the side, above the liver, during an inspiration. Indurations in the abdomen. Feeling of burning heat in the lumbar region. Pain in the abdominal muscles, as if sprained, when bonding backwards. Burning pressing-together across the abdomen. cutting pains in the hypogastrium. Painless swelling in the groin. Drawing pain, extending from the inguinal glands through the thighs as far as the knee. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands.


Constipation. Urging to stool, but ineffectual. Diminished stool. Loose stools. Discharge of hard, large, brown faeces, in balls, streaked with blood. hard,. difficult stool. painful contraction of the rectum and anus, followed by lacerating, as if the the bowels, in paroxysms. Burning in the anus.


Bloody urine. Red urine, depositing a thick brick-dust sediment when standing. Burning in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Cutting during micturition. burning pain in the urethra, when urinating, as if excoriated. Pain in the pudendum, as if sore and smarting, especially when urinating. Drawing- cutting pain in the urethra, when walking. Violent stitches in the glands, near the urethra, constantly accompanied with a desire to urinate. Sycotic gonorrhoea.


Stinging and itching of the glands drawing sensation in the testes. Crawling and itching in the scrotum. profuse sweat of the organs of generation. Considerable swelling of the prepuce. Round, flat, unclean ulcer on the corona-glandis, painful and burning, surrounded with redness. A few red, smooth, excrescences behind the glans. Red excrescences on the inner surface of the prepuce, resembling a fig-wart. Fig-warts. Balanorrhoea, particularly after abuse of Mercury. Chancrous ulcers in mercurial syphilis. Burning and painful stinging in the fit-warts. Burning pain of the fig-warts when touched. Bleeding of the fig-warts. Inflammation of the prostate. Jerking pain in the penis, as if a nerve were suddenly and painful put upon the stretch. Aching pain in the testes, as if contused.


Swelling of both labia, painful and burning. Burning and smarting in the vagina, when walking and sitting. Mucus discharge from the female urethra. Wart-shaped excrescences at the orifice of the uterus, with stinging and burning when urinating…. Cancer of the womb.


Hoarseness, as if occasioned by a contraction of the pharynx. Violent coryza with nightly cough. hoarseness and fluent coryza. Pressure as from a heavy body in the middle of the chest. Pricking on the chest. Uneasiness in the cervical muscles, in the nape of the neck, and in the chest. Oppression of the chest as if something had grown fast in it. Asthmatic Difficult, oppressed breathing, with great desire for water and much anxiety. Pain in the region of the heart. Pain in the chest, resembling a pressure, most violent after a meal. Paroxysms of of pressure in the outer parts of the chest, around the axilla. Considerable seething of the blood when going up- stairs her heart beats violently. Visible palpitation of the heart, without anxiety.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.