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SULPHUR symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SULPHUR…


SULPH. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” Vol. V.


Aconite, Amm-mur., Antimon., Arsenicum, Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc-c., Cantharis, Caps., Causticum, Chamomilla, China, Coffea, Conium, Cuprum, Dulcamara, Graphites, Ignatia, Ipecac., Iodium, Lac., Lycopodium, Magn., Magn-mur., Mercurius, Natr-c. et mur., Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Petrol., Phosph., Phosph-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sarsap., Seneg., Sepia, Silicea, Sulph-ac., Veratrum, Sulphur is frequently suitable after: Aconite, Arsenicum, Cuprum, Mercurius, Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Rhus-t. After Sulph. are frequently suitable: Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea, Cuprum, Mercurius, Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sepia, Silicea


Aconite, Camph., Chamomilla, China, Mercurius, Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Sepia Sulph. Antidotes: China, Iodium, Mercurius, Nitr-ac., Rhus-t., Sepia


Sulphur is principally adapted to lymphatic temperaments, venous constitutions with disposition to haemorrhoids, also to leuco- phlegmatic constitutions, with liability to cold, slight sweats, disposition to catarrh, and other forms of blenorrhoea. Scrofulous and rachitic complaints, curvature of bones, affection of glands, eruptions, and herpes. Chronic ailments from excessive drinking of wine or coffee. Ailments from taking cold. Ailments from straining a part. Arthritic an rheumatic complaints, with or without swelling. Acute articular rheumatism. Erratic gout. Pains in the limbs, with weakness and numbness of the parts. Sticking pain in the joints, with stiffness, or particularly at night. When lying the limbs immediately go to sleep. Drawing pain in the limbs, in the evening. Momentary drawing in the knee, arm, and shoulder. Drawing pain in the abdomen and in all the limbs. Violent drawing and lacerating through the knees and tibiae, especially in the evening. Cracking in the joints, particularly the knees and elbows. Tensive soreness in all the limbs and the tendons of the feet. Single jerks of a hand and foot, in the daytime. Frequent, spasmodic jerking in the whole body. Epileptic fit, with pressing the teeth against each other, and rigidity of the limbs. Hysteric spasms. Spasms during dentition. Attack of obscuration of sight, when walking in the open air, with violent pressure and beating in the head, nausea and faintness. Talking fatigues and excites the pains. Jerking in all the limbs. Tremulous sensation in the arms and lower limbs. Considerable seething of the blood, and great burning in the hands. Agitation in the blood, with distention of the veins on the hands. Violent palpitation of the heart after walking in the open air. Internal heat, with thirst. Frequent and suddenly-passing flushes of great heat. Unsteady gait, and tremor of the hands. Tremor of drunkards. Tremor of the limbs, especially in the hands. Difficulty of infants to learn to walk. Chilliness. Inclines to catch cold. Nausea and debility after a walk, with trembling of the limbs. Dry short cough when walking in the open air. Heaviness and languor of the limbs from morning till evening. Lassitude the whole day. Fainting, sort of vanishing of strength in the upper and lower limbs. Trembling of the limbs from weakness, during every movement. Fainting and vertigo in the afternoon, with vomiting and sweat. Weakness in the limbs, with tingling. Nervous weakness, particularly after the loss of animal fluids, after onanism, or after great exertions. Paralysis. Emaciation. Scrofulous emaciation.


The drawing (lacerating) pains in the limbs become intolerable when the limbs are covered by feather covers. The pains are relieved by external warmth, increased by coldness. Most pains come on during rest and go off during motion. She feels worst when standing. His right side is more helpless than his left. He is worse every eight days. The symptoms are better at rest, and worst from motion. All the symptoms are without pain. The pains appear more aggravated at night. Pains when the weather changes. The pains, especially those felt in the head and stomach, comes on in the open air when walking.


Formication of the skin of the whole body. Burning in the hands, and feet, with weakness and exhaustion of the whole body. Itching burning in different parts. Eruption on the skin. Fiery-scarlet eruption over the whole body. Scurfy eruption, consisting of small vesicles, with red areola and itching. Crusta-lactea. Measles. Small-pox, particularly during the suppurative stage. Erysipelatous inflammation, with heating and stinging. Itching, stinging rash over the whole body. Nettle-rash, with fever. Burning-itching eruption. Hepatic spots on the chest and back, itching in the evening. Yellow and brown spots. Moles. Dry, scaly eruption. Eruption, consisting of thick, yellow-grayish scurfs, with burning itching. Red-spotted herpes, with vesicles. Warts, also horny. Unhealthy skin. Suppuration. Ecchymosis. Abscesses. Sore skin of infants. Boils. Chilblains, also with redness, swelling and suppurating, or itching in warmth. Ulcers in the intestines. Readily-bleeding ulcers. Ulcers with raised swollen edges. Ulcers surrounded with pimples. Fistula. Stinging and lacerating in the ulcers. Proud flesh in the ulcers. Violent bleeding of the old ulcers. Inflammation, swelling, suppuration, induration of glands. Glandular indurations over the whole body, particularly the chest. Inflammation, swelling, curvature of bones. Caries. Jaundice. Chlorosis. Dropsy. Arthritis. Rheumatism.


Frequent yawning and cold hands. Unconquerable drowsiness in the daytime. Heat in the face and nausea, in the morning on walking. Difficulty of falling asleep. Wakeful the whole night. Sleeplessness, as if from nervous irritation. Great wakefulness in the evening. Light and unrefreshing sleep. Talks loudly while asleep. Restless night; he wakes with a start, as if he had a fearful dream. Sleep full of dreams. Frequent startings when asleep. Violent headache at night, disturbing her rest. Waking in the morning, with giddiness and dullness of the head. He is frequently roused at night by a throbbing in the head, afterwards in the chest. Violent palpitation of the heart at night. Burning in the mouth at night, with thirst. Compressive pain in the stomach at night after waking. At night, pressure at the pit of the stomach. After midnight, pressure at the stomach and throbbing headache. Vertigo on waking at night. Frequent nausea at night. Nightly flatulent colic, with retching, anguish, and dullness of the head. At night, cramp-like pressure in the abdomen. Asthmatic in the evening when in bed. Attacks of arrest of breathing, at night. Quick beating of the heart, in the evening. Violent pain in the back for several nights, with bruised feeling in the small of the back, and with great seething of the blood. Aching pain in the thigh the whole night. Snoring. Palpitation of the heart at night. Muttering. Exclamations while asleep. Nightmare. Anxious dreams. Frightful dreams. Vivid dreams.


Chilliness, followed by heat, in the evening before falling asleep. Creeping shuddering over the skin, without chilliness. Cold nose, hand, and feet. Frequent internal chilliness, without thirst. Chilliness, every evening. Chilliness, with diarrhoea. Shaking chills in the evening and great paleness of face. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, afternoon and evening. Chilliness, with headache, in the evening; going off after lying down. Violent chilliness, in the evening when in bed, followed by ravings of the fancy heat, and violent sweat. Flushes of heat in the face, with feverish shuddering in the outer parts of the abdomen. Heat in the afternoon mingled with chilliness and continued palpitation of the heart. Thirst even before the chilliness. Fever every forenoon, internal chilliness increasing every day, with vertigo. Dry heat in the morning when in bed. Frequent flushes of heat. Heat, with sweat about the head. Heat, with burning of the hands and feet. Evening-heat. Heat in the afternoon, with red spots on the cheeks. Typhoid fever.? Hectic fever.? Gastric fever.? Profuse sweat during slight exercise. Copious morning-sweat, setting in after waking. Night-sweat, when waking. Anxiousness, feverish delirium, with great asthma, burning at the stomach, vomiting, convulsions of the whole body.


Despondency. Moaning and lamentations, day and night, with much thirst and slight appetite. Hypochondriac sadness. Great disposition to weep. Exceedingly sensitive. Anxiety with heat in the head and cold feet. Inclines to start. Uneasiness and hurriedness. Great absence of mind. Slow, irresolute. Low- spirited, out of humor, inclining to weep. Out of humor, gloomy in the head, as when a catarrh is setting in. Irritated and taciturn. Impetuous and peevish.


Great inclination to philosophical and religious speculations. Mania. Extremely forgetful. Dullness of sense. Difficulty of thinking. Dullness of the head, in the morning, and oppression of the forehead. Dullness of the head, as if from congestion of blood. Dizziness and swimming of the head. Reeling sensation in the head. Weakness of the head, like a sort of stupefaction. Inability to collect one’s self and heaviness of the head. Violent vertigo. Vertigo when walking in the open air. Vertigo in the evening, when standing, with rush of blood to the heart. Vertigo, with inclination to vomit.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.