In the small of the back: pains, she was not able to stand erect. Violent pain, only when stooping; tensive, as if the parts were too short. Stitches, also across the small of the back. Pulsative stitches in the region of the loins and kidneys. Burning pain in the small of the back, near the anus. Pain above the small of the back. Painful stiffness in the mall of the back. Pain in the small of the back, when rising from a seat. Drawing pain in the small of the back. Cracking in the small of the back, down to the anus. Sensation as if the vertebrae were gliding one over the other, during motion in bed. Pain in the back, as if bruised. Stiffness in the back and sides, as after a cold. Burning and biting in the back. Lacerating in the back. Drawing and tension in the back and nape of the neck, with stiffness. Curvature of the vertebrae. Tensive aching between the scapulae, when lying or moving. Stiffness of the nape of the neck and paralytic pain in the nape of the neck as if sprained. Inflammation and swelling of a posterior cervical gland. Stiffness of the neck.


Swelling of the axillary glands. Purulent swelling of the axillary glands. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder. Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint and in the arm. Lacerating in the shoulders or in the shoulder-joints, especially at night, with gnawing or violent bruised pain and pricking, at first aggravated, afterwards relieved by the motion of the arm. Lacerating in the shoulder-joints when at rest, going off during motion. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated, especially at night when lying. Jerking of the shoulders. The arms are painful as if bruised. Drawing and lacerating in the arms and hands. Creeping in the both arms also in the tip of the fingers. Weakness of the arms and hands particularly early in the morning. Swelling of the arms. Swelling of the bone of the arms. Warts on the arms. Burning pain under the bend of the elbow. Lacerating, commencing in the elbow-joint and extending upward and downward in the arm. Slow, painful drawing in the fore-arm, sometimes relieved by motion. Swelling of the fore-arm, with burning and rigid sensation. Lacerating pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. Stiffness of the wrist-joints. Burning in the hands. Distended veins of the hands. Frequent swelling of the hands. Formication in the hands. Trembling of the hand when writing. Trembling of the hands in doing fine work. Cold hands. Sweaty hands. Red stigmata on the dorsum of the hands. Redness and swelling of the hands and fingers, as if frozen, with itching in the evening, and with tension during motion. Fissures and rhagades in the skin of the hands, especially in the joints, sore and painful. Involuntary jerking of the fingers. Lacerating in the fingers. Deadness of the fingers, in the morning. Coldness of the fingers. Thick, stiff, red finger-joints, as if frozen. Tick red chilblains on the fingers. Warts on the fingers. Panaritium, twice in succession.


Tensive pain in the hip-joint when talking. Pain in the hip, only during motion. Pain in the ossa-ischii. Cramp-like, sudden, very painful jerks around the hip-joint. Drawing pain in the left hip. Nettle-rash below the hip. Coxarthrocace. Spontaneous limping. Drawing pain in the lower limbs, in the morning, and in the evening when in bed. Violent lacerating in the lower limb. Pain in the lower limbs, as if bruised, after walking in the open air. Uneasiness in the lower limbs. Dry heat in the lower limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs, and tension in the knees and thighs. Painful heaviness of the lower limbs. Excessive heaviness of the lower limbs when walking, almost as if paralyzed. Weakness in the lower limbs, she was scarcely able to walk. Red spots on the lower limbs. Transparent swelling of the lower limbs. Jerking in both thighs, apparently in the bone. Dry heat of the thighs and of the small of the back, with coldness of the back. Drawing pain in the thigh. Red humid places on the inner side of the thigh, with sore pains. Pain in the knee as if stiff, when rising from a seat. Stiffness of the bends of the knees when stepping. Sticking in the knee and tibia. Paralytic weakness in the knee, as if sprained. Painful weariness in the knee-joints. Swelling of the knees, also inflammatory, thick, shining, with curvature and stiffness. Dropsy of the knee-joints. Fungus of the knee. White swelling. Gonarthrocace. Tremor and weariness, stitching and lacerating in both legs. Bruised pain in the internal part of the legs near the tibiae, when touching them. Erysipelatous of the leg. Painful weariness in the calves at night. Tension, rigid, stiffness, and contractive pain in the calves. Swelling of the calves. Subdued pain in the soles. Contractive sensation in the soles, as if too short. Cramp in the sole of the foot at every step. Drawing in the feet, extending to the hip. Burning and itching in the soles. Swelling of the feet, in the warmth of the bed. Swelling is the region of the ankle, with pain as if sprained, during motion. Great heaviness in the feet, especially in the tarsal-joints. Ulcerated vesicles on the soles. Coldness and stiffness of the toes. Tingling of the tips. Thick shining swelling of the toes. Painful podagra. Chilblains. Spreading blisters and ulcerated blisters on the toes. Swelling of the toes. White, painful pimples between the toes. Painful inflammation of the corns.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.