In the region of the liver pain when touching it. Violent pressure and contraction. Tensive and burning pain. Drawing pain which arrested her breathing. The liver feels swollen, hindering breathing. Frequent stitches in the region of the liver and in the groin. Beating and frequent and short tremulous movements in the region of the liver. Chronic hepatitis. Swelling and hardness of the liver, also after abuse of Quinine. Jaundice. Cutting and burning in the region of the lower ribs. Heaviness, as from a lump. Pressure, with eructations. Swelling and hardness of the spleen, with pain when running. Pressure under the left ribs.


Colic after every meal. Colic after drinking. Periodical colic. Colic, relieved by sitting bent. Colic at night. Painful sensitiveness in the abdomen, as if all the parts in it were raw and sore. Movement in the abdomen, as of the fist of a child. Pains as if something would be torn out. Colic, obliging one to bend double. Pressure in the hypogastrium. Pressure, with heaviness as from a lump, relieved by sitting bent. Digging-up pressure. Chronic pressure, only in the epigastrium, or in the left side. Repletion and heaviness in the abdomen, after a meal, as if overloaded. Tension of the abdomen. Spasmodically contractive colic, extending into the chest, the groin, and the genital organs. Crampy contractive pain around the umbilicus. Cramp-colic from piles; from flatulence, relieved by sitting bent; aggravated by eating sweet things; with cutting and sticking; with diarrhoea. Violent pinching and tension in the abdomen. Pinching around the umbilicus. Cutting in the epigastrium, with sensation as if felt in the chest. Violent cutting in the abdomen. Violent cutting in the abdomen, with great nausea. Cutting in the abdomen and small of the back, followed by diarrhoea and tenesmus. Sudden and transitory stitches in the abdomen. Anguish in the abdomen. Congestion of blood in the abdomen. Ascites. Distention and hardness of the abdomen in the evening. Distention of the epigastrium, with oppression of breathing, before breakfast and after a meal. Rumbling in the hypogastrium, as if empty. Flatulence smelling

like rotten eggs. The abdominal muscles are painful when touched as if bruised. Painfulness of the abdomen, when touching it, or when walking, with dull pain in the abdomen. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands, also with suppuration. Pressing in the abdominal ring, as if hernia would form. Painful inguinal hernia. Inflammation of incarcerated hernia.


Occasional costiveness. Chronic constipation. Constipation of infants. Constipation with piles. Hard and difficult stool. Lumpy stool, mixed with mucus. Lumpy stool, with burning pain in the anus and rectum. Hard stool, followed by pain in the anus. Knotty, but not hard stool. Insufficient stool. Frequent unsuccessful desire for stool. Tenesmus before after stool. Pressing on the rectum, as if it would protrude, with pressing on the bladder. Constant desire for stool, at night. Soft, thin- shaped stool. Frequent papescent stool, with cutting in the abdomen. Soft stool, with tenesmus and burning of the anus, followed by emission of hot foetid flatulence and pinching in the region of the small of the back. Scalding-hot stools. Diarrhoea after cold; of pregnant females; with chilliness; with difficulty of breathing; with colic and distention; of children, sometimes with bloody, brown, or green mucus, attended with moaning and crying. Watery diarrhoea every half hour, preceded by grumbling in the abdomen, without pain. Frequent frothy diarrhoea, with tenesmus, even at night. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and cutting in the abdomen. Brown diarrhoea, with pinching the abdomen. Foetid diarrhoea. Pale stool. Sour-smelling stool. Passage of lumbrici with hard stool, and after violent colic. Discharge of taenia with hard stool. Soreness in the abdomen before stool. Palpitation of the heart during stool. Burning in the rectum during stool. Prolapsus-recti during stool, particularly when hard. Bruised pain in the intestines after stool. Violent stitches in the rectum, especially in the evening. Creeping and biting in the rectum, as from ascarides.


Retention of urine. Violent desire to urinate, with burning in the urethra. Painful desire to urinate, with discharge of drops of bloody urine, requiring great efforts. Frequent micturition. Copious micturition after midnight. Wetting the bed. Violent desire to urinate at night. The urine is at times clear, at times saturated with thick sediment. Foetid urine. Rose-colored urine. Blood is passed with the urine. Burning in the fore parts of the urethra during micturition. Lacerating in the urethra. Redness and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. Secondary gonorrhoea.?.


Foetid sweat of the parts. Soreness between the thighs, particularly when walking. Stitches in the penis. Itching of the glans. Burning and redness of the prepuce. Redness and swelling of the prepuce. Phymosis, with secretion of foetid pus from under the prepuce. Deep ulcer on the glans and prepuce, with pad-shaped border. Burning of the scrotum. Soreness and dampness of the scrotum. Hydrocele. Male impotence. Increased sexual desire. Involuntary emission of watery semen.


Weak feeling in the genital organs. Pressing on the parts. Congestion of blood to the uterus. Troublesome itching of pudendum, with pimples all around. Burning in the vagina. Inflammation of one of the labia, with burning pain. The menstrual blood is thick, black, and so acrid that it makes the thighs sore. Discharge of blood from the uterus almost every day, for several weeks, after reappearance of the long suppressed menses. Menses too early. Menses too late. Pale menses. Burning in the throat, like heartburn, immediately before the menses. During the menses, in the morning, violent colic and pain in the small of the back, with bloatedness. Pinching in the abdomen during the menses, accompanied with pain in the small of the back and chilliness of the whole body. Violent pain in the abdomen during the menses, with great heat, chilliness, and a sort of epilepsy. Violent leucorrhoea. Thin, or yellow leucorrhoea, preceded by pinching in the hypogastrium. Mucous leucorrhoea, a fortnight after the menses. Leucorrhoea, smarting like salt. Burning and painful leucorrhoea, making the pudendum sore. Leucorrhoea precede by colic. Sterility, with too early and profuse menses. Disposition to miscarriage. Diarrhoea of pregnant females. Itching of the mammae. Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae, with heat, hardness, stinging, and redness radiating from the nipple. Itching of the nipples. Smarting burning and bleeding of the nipples. Induration and inflammation of the mammae.


Rough throat. Drawing and dryness in the larynx. Sensation as if something had lodged in the larynx. Hoarseness in the morning. Deep, rough voice in damp weather. Aphonia. The larynx feels swollen. Creeping in the larynx; talking excites cough. Violent desire to cough, after a meal; the chest becomes spasmodically constricted, with retching almost to vomiting. Cough at every inspiration. Dry, short cough only when walking in the open air. Dry cough at night. Dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the

throat, and coryza of clear water. Short and hacking cough, with burning and soreness in the pharynx, worse in the open air and going off after lying down. Loose cough, with soreness and pressure in the chest, and expectoration of thick mucus; also with rattling in the trachea and hoarseness. Chronic whooping- cough. Dry, short, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. Coughing up greenish lumps, having a sweetish taste. Ulcerative phthisis. Headache, when coughing, as if bruised or torn. Violent ulcerative pain in the occiput, when coughing. Pain in the head and abdomen from coughing. Vomiting when coughing.


Arrest of breathing, in paroxysms. Spasmodic asthma of full- grown persons. Mucous asthma. Asthmatic after a walk. Asthmatic during a walk in the open air. Asthmatic from long talking. Rattling in the chest, relieved by expectoration. Frequent attacks of suffocative arrest of breathing, in the daytime. Nightly suffocative fit, without pain. Tightness and oppression over the whole body, more in the chest. Oppressed breathing when stooping. Weakness in the chest when talking. Anxiety in the chest. Tightness of the whole chest. Pressure in the chest, with anxiety. Heavy feeling in the chest. Contractive pain around the chest. Violent spasm in the chest. The chest feel tired from singing. Pain in the chest from straining. Chronic pain from neglected pneumonia. Pain as if the chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or sneezing. Periodical spasms of the chest, constricting it, with blue face and short breath. Stitches in the chest extending to the back. Stitches in the region of the heart, at night. Stitches in the sternum. Stitches contractive pain in the muscles of the chest, painful when touching them. Cutting in the chest down to the pit of the stomach. Beating deep in the chest. Burning in chest arising to the face. Sudden and violent palpitation of the heart, at every hour of the day, without anxiety. Palpitation of the heart, without any apparent cause, without anguish. Anxious beating of the heart. Pressure in the region of the heart towards evening. Hollow sensation in the region of the heart. Rush of blood to the heart. Violent seething of the blood in the chest, a sort of boiling, with qualmishness of fainting, and tremor in the right arm. Pain in the upper part of the chest, as bruised, when touching it.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.