Headache, with nausea, also with heat and humming in the head. Headache worse in open air than in a room. Violent pain in the centre of the head, from coughing and sneezing. Headache from working in pewter and lead. Nightly headache. A good deal of headache, especially when stooping. Pain in the vertex, as if pressure were made on the brain. Pressure in the head, in the morning, immediately after rising. Aching in the head, every stop affects his forehead painfully. Headache, generally on top of the head, as if the eyes would be pressed down. Aching pain in the forehead, more violent during motion or in the forenoon. Violent pressure in the forehead. Pressure in the temples and tightness in the brain, when reflecting or doing some other mental labor. Nightly headache, and intolerable pressure in the lower part of the occiput and in the vertex. Headache every day, as if the head would burst. Periodical aching pain every eight days, with lacerating and stupefaction. Feeling of fullness and heaviness of the head. Feeling of heaviness and dullness of the head, as if the brain would fall forwards, relieved by walking. Tensive pain in the head. Drawing through the forehead and temple, intensely painful. Lacerating in the head, through the ear. Lacerating in the forehead. Nightly headache, as if the skull would be torn off. Drawing and lacerating through the head. Stitching pain in the temples. Stitches in the head and through the eyes. Boring pain under the vertex, the place is painful to the touch. Painful tingling and creeping in the temples. Beating in the head. Seething of the blood in the head, and frequent flushes of heat. Rush of blood to the head, resembling a slight pressure. Chronic encephalitis. Chronic hydrocephalus. Tingling roaring through the head and ears. Pain, when nodding, as if the brain were beating against the skull. Sensitiveness of the scalp to the touch, in the vertex. Feeling of coldness about the head. Itching on the top of the head, with uneasiness. Violent itching of the forehead. Tinea-capitis, dry, or foetid and humid, with thick pus, yellow crust, and itching. Falling off of the hair, also of lying-in females.


Heaviness of the eyes. Pressure in both orbits. Violent pressure on moving the eyes. Pressure and itching on moving the eyes. Pressure and itching in the eyes, and vertigo when stooping. Pain of the eyes when moving them. Drawing pain in the bones of the orbits. Pain of the eyes from foreign bodies. Itching of the eye- lids, as if they would become inflamed. Itching and smarting in the canthi. Stinging and burning in the outer canthi, with dimness of the eye-balls. Smarting in eyes. Feeling of heat in the eyes. Sensation in the eyes as if full of blood. Burning in the eyes. Burning in the interior of the eye-lids, they are inflamed and red. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Swelling and pain of the eye-lids, with lachrymation. Swelling and redness of the eyes, with pimples on the lids. Swelling of the conjunctivae, with inflammation. Swelling of the lids, with interstitial distention. Tubercles in the lid. A white little vesicle in the white of the eye, close to the cornea. Ulceration of the margins. Dimness of the cornea, as if covered with dust. Obscuration of the cornea. Specks on the cornea. Ulcers on the cornea. Obscuration of the crystalline lens. Dryness of the eyes. Purulent mucus in the eyes. Trembling of the eyes. Obscuration of sight when reading. Occasional dimness of vision. Sense as of gauze before the eyes, and dim-sightedness. Optical illusion, as if her skin were yellow. Black motes before the eyes. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Intolerance of the light of the sun. Weakness of sight. Incipient amaurosis. Is unable to recognise anything distinctly.


Otalgia. Violent pressure in the ears, when swallowing or sneezing. Drawing in the left ear. Lacerating in the ear, extending into the head. Stitching pain in the ear, as far as the fauces. Violent stitches of the outer ears. Large boil on the helix. Excessive sensitiveness of the hearing. Obscuration of the ears when eating. Humming in the ears, with hardness of hearing. Humming and pulsations in the ears. Whizzing of the ears. Roaring before the ears, in the evening when in bed, with rush of blood to the head.


Redness and burning of the nostrils, as if sore. Inflammation of the nose. Swelling of the nose. Pain in the nose, which is swollen and ulcerated internally. Inflamed swollen wings of the nose. Black pores on the nose, upper lip, and chin. Dry ulcers on the nose. Cancer of the nose. Freckles on the nose. Bleeding of the nose. Loss of smell. Concussive sneezing. Sneezing, preceded by nausea. Painful feeling of dryness in the nose. Violent coryza. Burning fluent coryza. Obstruction of both nostrils, with frequent sneezing. Coryza, with chilliness, catarrh, and cough. Obscuration of one nostril. Chronic obstruction of the nose.


Paleness of face. Pale, bloated face. Deep eyes, surrounded with blue margins. Redness and heat of the face, with burning, especially around the mouth. Circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Creeping sensation in the face. Pressure and burning in the cheeks and malar bones. Lacerating in the right half of the face. Lacerating in the malar bone, at other times in the lower jaw. Swelling of the cheeks, with pricking pain, and pain when touched. Swelling and redness of the face. Erysipelas of the face, also with swelling. Violent itching of the face, with small painless pimples. Burning lips. Dry lips. Chapped lips. Swelling of the lip. Tremor or itching of the lips. Painful eruption around the chin. Painful swelling on the jaw. Glandular swelling on the lower jaw. Pricking in the submaxillary glands.


Toothache in the open air. Evening toothache. Nightly toothache. Toothache from the least draft of air. Toothache, terminating in swelling of the cheeks. Toothache, in paroxysms of two hours. Drawing toothache. Drawing toothache aggravated by warmth. Lacerating drawing toothache. Grumbling and drawing in the teeth. Jerks though single teeth. Pricking pain in all the teeth. Stitching, burning, and beating in the teeth, in the evening. When biting, the teeth feel loose, and when eating, as if paralyzed. Looseness of the teeth, and bleeding of the gums. The teeth feel elongated. Dullness of the teeth and pain, only when biting. Bleeding of the teeth. Swelling of the gums, with throbbing pain. Hard swelling, discharging blood and pus. Fistula-lachrymalis.


Contractive sensation in the mouth. Vesicles in the mouth, with a burning pain. Aphthae. Burning in the mouth, with eruption around the mouth. A good deal of heat in the mouth and much thirst, at night. Ptyalism from abuse Mercury. Stomacace. Sour smell. Burning pain on the surface of the tongue. Dry tongue in the morning. Brown, parched, and rough tongue. Cracked and vermilion tongue.


Dryness of the throat, as if parched. Mucous expectoration, without cough. Vesicles on the palate, hindering eating and talking. Sore throat, with swelling of the cervical glands. Pressure in the throat, as from a lump, during and between the acts of deglutition. Ulcerative pain in the ear when swallowing. Sensation as if the throat were swollen, with prickings when eating. Elongation of the uvula. Redness and swelling of the tonsils. Burning in the pharynx, in the evening, with heat on the tongue.


Flat taste; putrid taste in the morning. Sweetish putrid taste. Copper taste. Sourish taste. Bitter taste. Complete loss of appetite. Empty feeling in the stomach. Excessive hunger and appetite. Great thirst, without heat. No appetite, but constant thirst.


Aversion to meat. Milk produced bitterish, scraping eructations. Vegetables are indigestible. Sweet things increase the colic and the pain in the stomach. Headache after a meal, with pressure in the eyes. Headache over the eyes and nausea after a meal; followed by heaviness of the head. Pain in almost all the teeth at dinner. Violent colic, immediately after a meal. Laziness in all the limbs. Troublesome dry coryza, producing dullness of the head, especially after a meal. The food rises into the throat. Frequent empty eructations. Hiccough, with pain behind the palate. Sour eructations and much troublesome acidity in the stomach. Bitter scraping eructations tasting of the food. Burning sour eructations. Eructation having a foetid smell. Sour regurgitation, also of drinks. Heartburn. Nausea every morning. Nausea while riding in a carriage. Nausea to fainting. Nausea with eructations. Nausea with desire to vomit. Water-brash before a meal. Vomiting, with violent sweat. Sour vomiting. Sour vomiting at night, with nausea and cold sweat in the face. Vomiting of the ingesta, in the morning, with tremor of the hands and feet. Vomiting of blood and of a blackish, tasteless fluid, accompanied with faintness, at the appearance of the menses.


The region of the stomach becomes very painful when pressing upon it. Pressure at the stomach, with nausea. Painful pressure at the stomach, with anxiety. Pressure with burning. Pressure towards the chest and back. Pressure towards the abdomen and hypochondria. Pressure, as from a lump. Pressure below the pit of the stomach. Intolerable pressure in the pit of the stomach and the epigastrium, in paroxysms, generally in the morning. Weight in the stomach. Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Contractive pain in the stomach. Acrid and scraping sensation in the stomach, up to throat. Cramp-like contraction in the pit of the stomach. Violent spasm of the stomach. Spasm of the stomach immediately after after a meal. Digging up in the pit of the stomach. Biting pain in the stomach. Cutting in the stomach. Pricking in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the region of the stomach. Burning in the stomach, like violent heartburn. Burning and stinging in the stomach. Burning with lacerating in the stomach. Burning, cutting, and writhing sensation in the stomach.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.