

*Antidoted by: Chamomilla (nightly toothache): Coccul. (fever), Camph., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sul. Teste found Colchicum the best antidote in his experience. Antidote to: Mercurius, Sul., Iodium, Nux-v. *Complementary: Medorrhinum, Sabin., Silicea, Nat-s. in sycosis. Compatible: nitricum acidum, Sabin. Follows well: Medorrhinum, Mercurius, nitricum acidum Followed well by: Mercurius, Sul. (these follow best. H.N.G.), also Calcarea, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Kali-c., Pulsatilla, Silicea, Vac. Compare: Constitutional polychrests, Medorrhinum Syphilinum, Psorinum, Sul., Mercurius Bad effect of vaccination, Apis, Ant-t., Vac., Var. Aversion to touch or approach, Ant-c. (Thuja on account of fixed ideas). Illusions of shape, Baptisia, Petroleum, Stramonium Imaginary conditions (Saba, imaginary diseases). Ozaena with thick green discharge; gleet, gonorrhoeal rheumatism, orchitis, prostatitis, Pulsatilla (the discharge of Pulsatilla is thicker than that of Thuja). Ozaena in sycotics, Kali-bi. Condylomata, balanorrhoea, greenish leucorrhoea, nitricum acidum (nitricum acidum has more aching in bones, especially when not covered with muscles). Long filiform condylomata, Staphysagria (Staphysagria, especially after Mercury, system generally depressed). Balanorrhoea, Jacar. Red chancroid sores, Coral. Iritis, green discharges, rheumatism, sweating, Mercurius (Mercurius worse warmth of bed, sweating more excessive, Thuja, sweat on uncovered parts only). Condylomata, Sabin. (itch and burn, especially in women). Condylomata large, like cock’s comb, Euphras. Syphilis and sycosis, fig-warts fan- shaped, much itching, especially about joints, Cinnabar. is preferable for warts on prepuce.” H.C. Allen). Sycotic eruptions, Sarsaparilla Ciliary neuralgia, Spigelia (Spi. pains radiate downward, Thuja, upward and backward). Nails grow soft, Fl. ac. (rapidly). Diarrhoea, &c., after vaccination, Silicea Affections of tea- drinkers, Sepia Urinary affections, Cantharis Effects of fat food, Ipecac., Carb-v., Pulsatilla Fissure about anus, nitricum acidum Graphites Dry, whitish scales on skin, Arsenicum, Calcarea, Dulcamara, Lycopodium, Sepia, Silicea Vaginismus, extreme sensitiveness, Silicea Hissing or singing of kettle in right ear, Lycopodium Violent movements of foetus, Opium, Croc., Silicea, Sul. Sense of levitation, Calcarea, Cann-i., Conium, Gelsemium, Silicea, Stic. p., Tic douleureux, Spi., Coccin. Phimosis, Cann-s., Mercurius, Sul., nitricum acidum, Sepia, Rhus, Sabi. Left ovarian pains, Colo., Bryonia, Phosphorus Yellow-staining leucorrhoea, Agn-c., Carb-a., Chelidonium, Kre., nitricum acidum, Nux vomica, Prun-s., Sepia Tongue: Ulcer on right border, Silicea (on left, Apis), semi lateral swelling of, Calcarea, Silicea, Lauro. (Lauro., left half with loss of speech), Semp. t. Piles worse sitting, Lycopodium Ph-ac. (Better Ignatia). Vertigo when closing eyes, Lachesis, Theridion Headache as if a nail being driven in, Coffea, Ignatia Headache from tea, Selenium Teeth decay at roots, Mez. (on edges, Staphysagria). Teeth crumble, turn yellow, Syphilinum Ranula, varicose veins on tongue, Amb. “On blowing nose, a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it” (Culex, vertigo every time he blows his nose).Abdomen protrudes here and there as from the arm of a foetus, Croc., Nux-m., Sul. Left ovarian pain when walking or riding, must sit or lie down. Croc., Ustilago (Thuja, worse at each menstrual nisus). Stool recedes after being partly expelled forcibly with much flatus, Alo. Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina, Platina (by dryness, Lycopodium, Lyss., Natrum mur.). Large, seedy, pedunculated warts, Staphysagria Feeling as if flesh beaten off bones, Phytolacca (scraped off, Rhus). Severe cutting at close of urination, Sarsaparilla Sweat: all over except head (opp. Selenium), when he sleeps, stops when he wakes (opp. Sambucus). Nails deformed, brittle, Ant-c. Better bending head back, Seneg. (Thuja, headache, Seneg., eye symptoms better bending head back and closing eyes, Thuja has worse closing eyes). Fluids roll audibly into stomach, Cuprum Enuresis when coughing, Causticum Desires cold things, Phosphorus Swelling and sensitiveness of breasts at menstrual period, Conium Calcarea Worse walking, Aesc-h. Discoloured skin, Adren. Cracking in cervical vertebrae (Kali-., grating). Cretinism, Bac., Thyr.


Vaccination. Gonorrhoea, badly treated or suppressed. Sunstroke. Sexual excess. Tea. Coffee. Beer. Sweets. Tobacco. Fat meat. Onions. Sulphur. Mercury.



Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side, as if the soul were separated from the body, as if the body, especially the limbs, were of glass and would break easily, as if a living animal were in the abdomen. Sensation as if whole body very thin and delicate and could not resist least attack, as if continuity of body would be dissolved. Insane women will not be touched or approached. Imbecility after vaccination, restless, drivelling. Mental dejection. Anxious apprehensions respecting the future. Disquiet, which renders everything troublesome and repugnant. The merest trifle occasions pensiveness. Music causes him to weep, with trembling of the feet. Hurried, with ill-humour, talks hastily. Indisposition to any kind of intellectual labour. Mental depression after childbirth. Very depressed, sad, irritable. Scrupulous about small things. Feels she cannot exist any longer, quiet, shunning everybody. Aversion to life. Moroseness and peevishness. Over excited, quarrelsome, easily angered about trifles. The child is excessively obstinate. In reading and writing he uses wrong expressions. Talks hastily and swallows words. Thoughtlessness, forgetfulness. Slowness of speech and of reflection, seeking for words when in conversation. Incapacity for reflection. Cretinism.


Head feels empty, as in intoxication, especially in morning, with nausea. Weakness and confusion of head, as from torpor, or paralysis of brain. Vertigo, as from motion of a swing. Vertigo when rising from a seat, or when lying down, or else when looking into the air. Vertigo on closing the eyes, disappears as soon as he opens them, or on stooping, or on looking upwards or sideways. Headache in morning, as after stooping, or after too profound a sleep, with redness of the face. The headache is better from looking upwards, and when turning the head backwards. Headache: worse from sexual excess, overheating, overlifting, better exercising in open air. Dull, stupefying, headache. Headache, worse by stooping, better by bending head backwards. Heaviness of head, especially in morning on waking, in occiput (cerebellum), with ill-humour and dislike to conversation. Headache, as if forehead would split, with internal shivering, better by walking in open air. Pressive headache, with shocks in forehead and temples. Compressive headache, especially in temples. Pain as if a tight hoop encircled forehead, on waking. (Headache, as if a tight hoop encircled forehead up till noon, eyelids heavy as lead. Goullon.) Pain in head as if a nail were driven into vertex (afternoon and 3 A.M., worse when at rest, better after perspiration). As if a nail driven in right parietal bone and left frontal eminence. Boring pressing in head. Headache on left side as if a convex button were pressed on part. Neuralgia going from before backward. Nervous, sycotic, or syphilitic headaches. Meningitis of sycotic children. Sunstroke: everything seemed jumping, worse from sitting up, or from talking a long time, or closing eyes. Semi lateral tearing in the sinciput and face, extending into zygomatic process, principally morning and evening. Tearing jerking in occiput. Lancinations across brain. Congestion of blood in head. Pulsation in temples. Excessively painful tenderness of left side of head, and also of the hair, at night, when lying down, and when touched. Hair becomes hard, dry, and lusterless, and falls out. Hair thin, grows slowly, splits, brittle, looks crimped. Pressive drawing in the temporal muscles, especially during mastication. Shootings in temples. Swelling temporal muscles, especially during mastication. Shootings in temples. Swelling of veins in temples. He wants to have head (and face) wrapped up warm. Itching and gnawing in scalp. The scalp is very painful to the touch, and the parts on which one lies. Cannot bear a hat on his head (agg. ***R.T.C.). Dry herpes on the heat 1, extending to eyebrows, dandruff. White, scaly peeling-off eruption over the scalp, extending over the forehead, temples, ears, and neck. (Flat black wart on right parietal region. ***J.H.C.) Tingling-biting, stinging-itching on the scalp, better by scratching. Perspiration, smelling of honey (sweetish), on uncovered parts of head (face and hands), with dryness of the covered parts, and of those on which one lies, mostly when first going to sleep, better after rising. (Pityriasis affecting forehead, face, ears and neck, worse after washing in warm water. ***R.T.C.) Eczema comes out on glabella (after *Thuja 30)- ***R.T.C.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica