

Pressure in eyes, and smarting, as if sand were in them. Tearing in eyebrows. Shootings in eyes, in a bright light, or in a keen air. Painful stitch through center of left eye, commencing in center of brain. Malignant balanorrhoea. Wart-like excrescence on iris. Inflammation of cornea. Vascular tumour of cornea. Small brown spots on cornea. Episcleritis, sclera-choroiditis, staphyloma. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis of left eye, with violent pain across forehead and in outer side of eyeball, constantly recurrent from childhood and due to suppressed eruption. ***R.T.C.) Fungous tumour in orbit. Burning sensation in eyes. Sclerotica inflamed, and red like blood. Pupils dilated. Inflammatory swelling of lids, with hardness. Burning eruption on lids. Granular lids with wart-like granulations. Epithelioma of left lower lid. Feeling as if lids swollen, and a foreign body in eye. Ptosis, lids fall down several times a day. Lids heavy as lead. Inflammatory softening of inner surface of lids. Red and painful nodosities on margins of lids. (Tinea ciliaris, dry and granny lids. ***R.T.C.) Styes, tarsal tumours, chalazae, thick and hard knots. Verrucae and tumours like condylomata. Purulent and itching pimples between eyebrows. Condylomata in eyebrows. Sensation of heat and of dryness in external canthi. Lachrymation, especially in left eye, when walking in open air (the tears do not run off, but remain standing in the eye). The eye must be warmly covered, when uncovered it pains at once, and it feels as if cold air were streaming out of the head through the eye. Nocturnal agglutination of the lids. Weakness of the eyes, obscure sight. Clouded sight, when reading, with sensation of drowsiness. Sight confused as if directed through a veil. Diplopia.Myopia. Black dancing specks before the eyes. Floating stripes. (Sees green stripes which frighten her.) Flames of light, mostly yellow, looking into light of day sees spots like bottles of water moving, a luminous disc shining like a firefly. Sensation of dryness in eyes. In the dark it seems as if falling down of luminous lights or sparks alongside of the eye, during the day and in the light it is as if dark drops were falling down. The objects appear smaller before the right eye. Short-sighted.


Otalgia, with squeezing compression and violent shootings, especially in evening. Stitches into ear from the neck. Sensation as if inner ear were swollen, with increased difficulty of hearing. (Vascular deafness with scurfy head. ***R.T.C.) Oozing from the right ear, smelling like putrid meat. Spasmodic pain in external ear. Noise in the ear as from boiling water. Roaring in left ear, with cracking when swallowing saliva. Hammering and tearing in ear, in evening, in bed, with frequent emission of urine, and coldness in legs and feet. Pressive pain behind ears. Orifice of left meatus blocked up by a polypus, of raspberry- cellular vessels, pale red, bleeding readily when touched, muco- purulent discharge, deafness, shooting pains.


Nose red and hot. Red eruption on nose, at times humid. Swelling in the alae nasi, with hardness and tension. Drawing tension in bones of nose. Painful scabs in nose. Painful pressure at root of nose. Blowing of blood from nose. Frequent epistaxis, especially after being over-heated. Dry coryza, which becomes fluent in open air, with continued headache. Fluent coryza, with cough and hoarseness. Greenish and fetid discharge from the nose. Blowing from the nose of a large quantity of thick green mucus, mixed with pus and blood, later of dry, brown scales, with mucus, which comes from the frontal sinuses and firmly adheres to the swollen upper portion of the nostrils. Accumulation of mucus in posterior nares. Chronic catarrh after measles, scarlatina, variola. (Ozaena. Ussher.) Warts on the nose. Smell in nose as from brine of fish, or of fermenting beer.


Heat in face, sometimes only transient, or else with burning redness. Heat and redness of whole face, with fine nets of veins, as if marbled. Circumscribed burning redness of cheeks. Dropsically bloated face. Oedematous erysipelas of face. Greasy skin of face. Light-brown blotches (freckles) on face. Face ache, originating in left cheek-bone near the ear, extending through teeth to nose, through eyes to temples into head, the painful spots burn like fire, and are very sensitive to the rays of the sun. Neuralgia of trigeminus after suppressed gonorrhoea or eruption on ear. Facial pains tending to spread to neck and head, chiefly left side (many cases cured. ***R.T.C.) Large, hard, dark wart with large base. Perspiration on face (especially on side on which he does not lie). Scabious, itching eruption on face. Red and painful nodosities on temples. Boring and digging pain in cheek-bones, better by touch. Twitching of the lips. Jerking sensation in upper lip, near corner of mouth. Upper lip sensitive. Wart on upper lip. Thick upper lip with pea-sized tumour on its parenchyma, enlarging when taking cold. Lips pale, swollen, peeling. Flat ulcers on insides of lips and corners of mouth. Eruption of pimples on lips and chin. Shootings in lower jaw, which seem to pass outwards through the ear. Cracking of articulation of jaw. Fungus on left lower jaw, more angry in damp weather Swelling of submaxillary glands.


Toothache after drinking tea, with pressive pain extending into jaw. Toothache with acute drawing pains, especially during mastication. The roots of the teeth become carious, or the teeth become carious from the side, the crown of the tooth remains sound. On blowing nose, a pressing pain in hollow tooth at the side of it. The teeth crumble off. Teeth crusted with tartar, extremely sensitive to cold water. Dirty-yellow teeth. Gnawing in (carious) teeth, with painful sensibility of whole side of head, greatly worse by contact with cold things, or by mastication. Gums swollen (inflamed, with dark red streaks on them), with pain of excoriation. Alveolar periostitis where the pains come and go suddenly at short intervals (***R.T.C.). Epulis.


Flat, white ulcers on the inside of the lips, and on the corners of the mouth. Aphthae in mouth (ulcers, mouth feels as if burnt). Considerable swelling of salivary gland, with increased saliva in mouth. Sanguineous, or bitter saliva. Pain as of excoriation in tip of tongue, when touched. Swelling of tongue (especially on right side, bites tongue frequently), painful when touched. Condylomata under tongue. Varicose veins under tongue. Ranula, on both sides of tongue, transparent, bluish red, grey, and, as it were, gelatinous. Ranula and epulis with excess of venosity everywhere (Ussher). Taste in mouth sweet as sugar, with gonorrhoea. Slowness of speech.


Roughness and scraping in throat. Pressure and pain as from excoriation, in throat and palate, during deglutition. A feeling of upward pressure in soft palate. Necessity to swallow. Shootings from gullet to ears. Swelling of tonsils and throat. Ulcers in throat and mouth, like chancres. Accumulation of a large quantity of tenacious mucus in mouth, which is hawked up with difficulty. Painful swallowing, especially empty swallowing, or that of saliva. Throat feels raw, dry, as from a plug, or as if it were constricted when swallowing. Hawking up of mucus of red colour, like blood. (Exophthalmic goitre. C. Sergeant, of Chicago.).


Mawkish and sweetish taste in the mouth, in the evening, and after a meal. Taste: sweet, of rotten eggs, mornings. Bread has a dry and bitter taste. Craves salt. Food never seems sufficiently salt. Thirst only at night, and in morning. Appetite for cold drinks and food. Unable to eat breakfast (a keynote of Burnett’s). Aversion to fresh meat and potatoes. Speedy satiety, when eating. Disagreeable sensations after eating fat food or onions. While masticating food mouth becomes very dry. After a meal great indolence, or dejection, with anguish, and palpitation of the heart, or great inflation and sufferings from flatulence.


Risings of food, after a meal. Bitter or putrid risings. Continuous eructations of air while eating. Vomiting of mucus or of greasy substances. Induration of stomach. Swelling of pit of stomach. The fluid which he drinks falls into the stomach with a gurgling noise. Rancid risings, especially after fat food. Nausea and uneasiness in region of stomach. Vomiting of acid serum and of food. Cramp in stomach, with excessive worse towards evening. Pressure in scrobiculus after a meal, with pain when touched. Throbbing in scrobiculus. Anguish in scrobiculus, which extends upwards into head.


Painful pressure in hepatic region. After a dose of 30th headache comes on, and he feels on stooping forward as if liver overlapped the ribs (agg. ***J.C.B.) Old rheumatism attacking bowels, liver, and kidneys. ***R.T.C.) Pressure in lumbar region. (Soreness with swelling in hepatic region and violent pain under right shoulder going through to breast and down to elbow worse on getting out of bed in morning ***R.T.C.) Inflation of abdomen, often with contractive and spasmodic pains. Flatulence, as if an animal were crying in the abdomen. Pot-belly. Constrictive tension in abdomen. Induration in abdomen. The upper part of abdomen is drawn in. Soreness of navel. Pressive pains in abdomen, especially towards the side (before evacuation). Stitches in the hypochondria. Sensation as if something alive were in hypogastrium (as if the abdominal muscles were pushed outward by the arm of a foetus, but painless). Soreness of navel. Pain in abdomen, as from constriction of the intestines. Grumbling and borborygmi in the abdomen. Depressing pain in groins. Drawings in groins, when walking and standing, with shootings along thighs when sitting. Painful swelling of inguinal glands, sometimes with drawing as far as knee. Intussusception of intestines. Yellow or brownish spots on abdomen. Zona.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica