
Stool & Anus

Constipation which continues several days (obstinate, as from inactivity or from intussusception of the intestines), sometimes after pollutions. Tenesmus, with rigidity of the penis. Stool in hard balls. Difficult evacuation of hard, large faeces, covered with blood. Discharge of blood, during the evacuation. Diarrhoea: pale-yellow water is forcibly expelled, with much noisy discharge of wind, with colic, worse after eating, watery, painless, bright yellow, watery, streaming out with much gas, as if the cork were pulled out of a full jug, excessively exhausting, short and difficult breathing, anxiety, intermitting pulse, acute pressive pain in back opposite pit of stomach, with feeling as if no blood could circulate there, rapid disappearance of fat. In morning (after breakfast), periodically returning diarrhoea, always at the same hour. Stools oily or greasy. With stools, sensations in rectum as if boiling lead were passing through. Burning soreness in anus, lasting all day. Much flatus hard to expel, anus feels constricted, incarcerated flatus behind right side of diaphragm. Pains in anus worse from motion. Painful contraction of anus, during the evacuation. Burning sensation in anus, and between buttocks. Condylomata at anus. Haemorrhoidal tumours swollen, paining worse while sitting. Swelling of haemorrhoidal veins. Pressing, itching, and burning in the haemorrhoidal vessels, with dragging. Offensive perspiration at anus and in perineum. Fistula in ano. Fissure of anus. Tearings along rectum.

Urinary Organs

Kidneys inflamed, feet swollen. Diabetes. Stitch to bladder from rectum. Violent burning in fundus of bladder. Urging to urinate frequent and hasty. Stream interrupted. Frequent want to urinate, with profuse emission of a watery urine, also at night. The urine foams, the foam remains long on the urine. Involuntary secretion of urine, at night, when coughing, in drops after having urinated. The bladder (and rectum) feels paralysed, having no power to expel. Sediment of brown mucus. The urine contains sugar. Boring in region of bladder, with painful drawing up of testes. Urine yellowish or wine-coloured. Orifice of urethra agglutinated by mucus. Cloudy sediment in urine. Bloody urine. Prolonged trickling of urine, after having urinated. Sensation as if a drop were flowing into urethra, after emission of urine, and at other times. Burning sensation in urethra, especially in morning and during day, also after and during emission of urine. Shootings in urethra, during emission of urine, and at other times. Jerking, voluptuous formication in fossa navicularis. Smarting in sexual part of females, during emission of urine. Itching in urethra. Stream small and split, next day yellowish discharge from urethra, with chordee.

Male Sexual Organs

Venereal diseases. Affections in general appearing in male or female genital organs, particularly on the external organs, affections on left side particularly. Profuse perspiration on genitals, especially scrotum, sweet-smelling, like honey, staining linen yellow. (Relaxed scrotum with sexual weakness and lethargy, unfit for strain. ***R.T.C.) Pseudo gonorrhoea. Painful spermatic cords from suppressed gonorrhoea. Feeling in testes as if they moved. Condylomata on glans and prepuce, moist, itching and suppurating, especially while the moon is increasing. Ulcers, like chancres, on prepuce. Swelling of prepuce. Red excrescence on inner side of prepuce, like fig-warts. Smooth, red excrescence behind glans. Many red pedunculated condylomata surrounding glans. Round, unclean elevated ulcers with red margins, moist and painful. Sycotic cauliflower excrescences, fig-warts smelling like old cheese or herring brine. Shootings in scrotum, in penis, and along spermatic cord, as far as navel. Drawing in testes, with retraction of one of them (1.). Continued painful erections, especially night and morning, with lancinations in urethra. Nightly painful erections causing sleeplessness. Irresistible inclination to onanism even during sleep. Nocturnal emissions, wake him, followed by heaviness and ill-humour. Pollutions with sensation of stricture in urethra. Seminal emissions cured with 5-drop doses of O (***C. W. Roberts). The semen has an offensive smell. Flow of prostatic fluid. Prostatic affections from suppressed or badly-treated gonorrhoea. Blennorrhoea along with otorrhoea, penis constantly erect and prepuce inflamed (cured in boy, 12. ***R.T.C.). Gonorrhoea: scalding when urinating, urethra swollen, urinal stream forked, discharge yellow, green, watery, with warts, red erosions on glans, subacute and chronic cases, especially when injections have been used and prostate is involved. Gonorrhoea with a soft lump having an abrasion on it on left side of fraenum preputia, lump small and painless. Profuse and watery discharge from penis. Renewed gonorrhoea after coitus.

Female Sexual Organs

Affections appearing on external organs, especially left side. Warts, condylomata, and other excrescences about vulva. Ulcers on internal surface of vulva, vulva has a sore, smarting feeling. Itching and burning smarting, as from excoriation, in genital organs. Burning and biting in vagina. Vagina extremely sensitive during coition. Rectovaginal fistula (cured. ***J. C. B.) Pressure on genital organs. Contractive and spasmodic pain in genital organs, extending to hypogastrium. Ovaries, affections of. Swelling and excoriation of labia. Warts on orifice of uterus, with shootings and burning sensation when urinating. Uterine polypus. Cauliflower excrescences. Prolapse. Left ovary inflamed, worse at each menstrual nisus, distressing pain, burning walking or riding, must lie down, pain extends through left iliac region into groin, and sometimes into left leg. Pain sometimes burning. Cutting, squeezing, shooting pains in region of left ovary. Pain, located in ovaries or duct, from over- physiological action. Menses: to early and too short, scanty, with terrible distressing pain in left ovarian and iliac region. Before menses: excitement and pulsation of arteries, back of head, headache and toothache, labour-like abdominal pains, tenesmus and fainting, much perspiration. During menses: tiredness, palpitation, spasmodic weeping, restlessness in legs, retching, pressing in stomach, distension, pain in abdomen and back, bearing down out of genital organs, burning in varicose veins of genitals, sensitiveness and swelling of breasts, general coldness. After menses: tiredness, rush of blood upward, toothache, sleeplessness, nightmare. Bleeding fungus of breast (completed cure after *Phosphorus). Sycotic excrescences, moist, bleeding and offensive. Leucorrhoea: mucous, is almost green. Abortion at end of third month, commencing with a scanty discharge of blood for five days, then more and more profuse. Bright red or clotted blood with bearing down in third month of pregnancy (cured with *Thujopsis dolabrata. ***R.T.C.). During pregnancy child moves so violently it wakens her, causing cutting in bladder with urging to urinate, pains in left sacroiliac articulation, running into groin. Labour: pains weak or ceasing, contractibility hindered by sycotic complications, pains in sacroiliac articulation running into left groin, pain from walking, insupportable, must lie down.

Respiratory Organs

Voice low. Sensation of a skin in the larynx. Polypus of vocal cord. Condylomata. Hoarseness, as from contraction of larynx. Shortness of breath from mucus in trachea. Shortness of breathing from fulness and constriction in hypochondria and upper abdomen. Asthma worse at night, with red face, coughing spells, with sensation of adhesion of lungs. Asthma with gonorrhoea, with having been exposed to contagion. Asthma with little cough, but with sensation of something growing fast in region of left lower ribs. Asthma of sycotic children (Goullon). Respiration short and quick, worse from deep inspiration and talking, better from lying on affected side, but pains compel him to lie on back. Convulsive asthma. Shooting and tingling in trachea. Cough in morning, excited by a tickling in trachea. Cough, excited by a choking sensation. Sputa: green, taste like old cheese. Expectoration of small grey, yellow, or green gobbets, when coughing. Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus, and pains in scrobiculus in afternoon. Cough only during day, or in morning after rising, and in evening after lying down. Cough as soon as one eats. During evening cough after lying down, the expectoration becomes loose, easier when he turns from left to right side.


Obstructed respiration, with violent thirst for water, and great anxiety. Spasms of lungs from drinking cold water. Stitching in chest, from drinking anything cold. Hot rising into chest. Pain in left pectoral region extending to innominate bone. Dyspnoea, with need to take full inspirations. Oppression, at one time of left side of chest, at another, of left hypochondrium, with irritation which excites coughing. Pain in chest, as from internal adhesion. Pressure on chest, sometimes after a meal. Agitation, and sensation of swelling in chest. Haemorrhage from lungs, quantity very great and terribly offensive. Blue colour of

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica