Lac caninum

Upper Limbs

Painful swelling and hardness, with suppuration of left axillary gland, menses came on at same time. Pains down right arm and in fingers, which feel cramped, dose not seem to have the same power in right hand. From draft in evening, sudden, violent pains in right shoulder, so much so that when retiring she could not raise arm to finish toilet, as if disabled by dislocation. Right wrist lame and painful. Sharp, shooting pains in ball of right thumb. Sharp pain round left arm, as of a cutting instrument, felt principally at the vaccination-cicatrix, passed from thence to left elbow and disappeared, (forty-five minutes after first dose.) _ Trembling of left hand, as in paralysis agitans. Woke at night feeling very chilly, with sharp pain in left hand, and sensation in left arm as if asleep, lasting fifteen minutes. Palms and soles burning hot. Two warts on little finger noticed to be leaving. Painful eruption on axillae, like moist herpes, exceedingly painful on washing them. Veins in hands look bluer than usual, they are swollen. Sensation as if an insect were crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on hands. Perspiration in axillae, stains linen bright orange colour, no smell. Very fetid perspiration in axillae, staining linen brown. Wrists very lame, especially right, which has sharp pains passing from thumb to little finger.

Lower Limbs

A few days before menses, inside of both thighs became raw and painful when walking, they then broke out with large, flat, red pimples, the soreness soon left, but the pimples remained. Varicose veins on outer right thigh, from hip to knee. Sensation of numbness in left leg with great heat as if burning, but cool to touch, brought on by pressure. Stiffness through thighs, worse on attempting to move after sitting. Veins of feet and ankles very much swollen. Feet swollen and very sore, causing considerable pain while walking. Cramps in feet. Numbness and paralytic feeling in inner side of both knees, extending to both big toes. Pain in right hip and leg while walking, with a trembling of leg, and slight feeling of uncertainty, especially on going down stairs (metritis). (Articular rheumatism in right hip and knee joints, especially former, she was seated in an armchair, unable to move, complaining of bruised, smarting, lancinating pains in both joints and in lumbar region with swelling of affected joints, pains worse by slightest motion at night, by touch and by pressure of bed clothes, next day pains and swelling had gone to left hip and knee joints, leaving right almost free, the ensuing day they attacked right hip and knee, complaining, moaning, and sighing on account of her sufferings and probable termination of her illness). Rheumatic pains in left hip and along sciatic nerve, wandering pains in nape of neck, with stiffness, pains in one or other shoulder, pain above left eye and heaviness of eyelid, burning in eye, agglutination of eyelids, sensitiveness to light (sciatica and rheumatism). Intense, unbearable pain across supersacral region, extending to right nates and down right sciatic nerve, pain so severe as to prevent sleep or rest (sciatica). (Partial paralysis of right leg

from miscarriage, leg numb and stiff, but cannot keep it still, feels better flexing it on abdomen.) _ Numb pains chiefly in ankles, worse while quiet, with swelling, veins of ankles distended, better while extreme heat in applied (rheumatism). Ecthyma: on right leg.


Sensation as if an insect was crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on both hands. Herpetic eruption in both axillae, with light brownish scab, extremely painful when washing, eruption most in right axilla, and in both instances appeared previous to pain in labiae, which was followed by a discharge of blood from vagina. Every scratch gets sore. ichthyosis, with bran like desquamation of skin. Shining, glazed, and red appearance of ulcers on shin and wrist (syphilis). Crusts on skin, under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out.


Great desire to sleep (diphtheria). Cried out and talked in sleep (diphtheria). Cannot find any comfortable position in bed, there is no way that she can put her hands that they do not bother her, falls asleep at last on her face. Dreamed a large snake was in bed (tonsillitis). Got to sleep late, profuse sweat during sleep, felt feverish all night, in morning better in every way. At night lies with left leg flexed on thigh, and thigh on pelvis, restless, worse after sleep (ovaralgia). Dreams frequently that she is urinating, and wakes to find herself on point of doing so, requiring immediate relief. Symptoms worse after sleep (diphtheria).


Chilly feeling lasting all day. Internal chilliness with external warmth. Cold chills run down back, hands as cold as ice (on entering house 4 p.m., 6.30 entire better after a good dinner). Fever and chills for a few days, and up and down every few hours. Intense fever on waking in morning, with perspiration. Dry hot skin (Diphtheria). Exhausting sweats, after sleep. Wakes at night in cold perspiration, with fearful foreboding (metritis). Perspired considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell (acute rheumatism).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica