I gave Lac Caninum 10m. (Swan), four doses daily for three or four weeks, to a lady of 25 years of age, in excellent health, except that she had never menstruated….

I gave Lac Caninum 10m. (Swan), four doses daily for three or four weeks, to a lady of 25 years of age, in excellent health, except that she had never menstruated.

October 19.- Dizzy, nausea as after rich food; worse after standing, must sit down; feels, as if she would fall if she closed her eyes.

October 26.-The same nausea. In stomach feeling, as if something pushing up.

November 6.-Acute pain across over yes and bridge of nose. Cannot clear the head, nose stuffed. Soreness from nose through into throat. Feeling of a lump in throat, which goes down when swallowing, but returns; throat worse right side, worse on swallowing saliva. Tired, totters when walking.

From Nov. 8th until Jan.5th suffered from the following. They were so evident to her that she came into my office crying, fearing she was contracting Consumption. I give them in their order of appearance:

Clavicles sore to touch. Feels, as if she wanted to fix shoulders so it would not feel strained. Pain and stiffness up right sterno-cleido mastoideus. Throat, which had been getting well, suddenly one evening grew rapidly worse, but this time on the left side. Soreness from right clavicle down to third and fourth ribs worse on moving less on left side. Fears Consumption. Soreness thorough chest to back.

Cramped feeling in chest, wants to stretch up and back. Lungs feel, as if fastened to chest, worse while writing. Right clavicle feels, as if out of place, worse by moving shoulder. Pains down right arm and in fingers, which feel cramped. Does not seem to have the same power in right hand. S

ore across midchest during forced expiration; feels, just as if she had been struck. Veins in hands look bluer than usual; they are swollen. Every gets sore. Sore spot just to right of mid-sternum, worse from lifting or from pressure. Right cheek burns like fire and is red after coming in from the cold. (She remarked; “if this was the cold alone, why wasn’t my left cheek red?”).

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.