Lac caninum


Pain in right side of pelvis, while it lasted there was no pain in left side. Pain and burning in left side of abdomen and pelvis, with weight and dragging on that side, clothes feel very heavy. Feeling of tension in left groin, dose not want to walk or stand, as it worse the sensation, better by flexing leg on abdomen. Very acute pain in 1 groin, extending up left side to crest of ilium, better by stool, sometimes the pain s in track of colon. Abdomen swollen, and sensitive to deep pressure, which also causes nausea, the nausea passes off when pressure is removed. Felt as though abdomen and chest were firmly compressed all over, as if the skin were contracted. Abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entirely better by removing them, during very profuse menses. Pains in abdomen intermittent. Pain in pelvis, principally over right ovarian region. Headache (left) on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at right ovary. Pressure from within outwards, as if contents of abdomen would be forced out literally, just above pelvis. Sensation while walking as if abdomen would burst.


Frequent desire for stool all through provings. When having a soft passage great tenesmus, rectum dose not act as if it had lost power, but as if it could not expel feces because they are soft, and adhere to the parts like clay. Constipation, occasionally natural passages, urgent desire for stool, but passes nothing but wind, or possibly one or two small pieces like sheep-dung, considerable wind in abdomen, with rumbling but never any pain. Profuse diarrhoea, with colic pain, diarrhoea watery, profuse, coming out with great force. Great constipation before and after menses, bowels very loose (not diarrhoea) during menses.

Urinary Organs

Urination causes intense pain in urethra, soon passing off. Sensation after urinating, as if bladder still full, continued desire to urinate. Frequent desire to urinate, which if not immediately attended to causes pain in bladder, a numb, dull sensation, if not better by urination it spreads over abdomen and left side to ends of fingers, never in head, would frequently wake at night dreaming of the pain, and would have to urinate to better it. Constant desire to urinate, passing large quantities frequently, at night she dreams of urinating, and wakes to find an immediate necessity, a less strong and healthy person would probably have wet the bed. (Nocturnal enuresis, a specific.).

Male Sexual Organs

Sexual desire quite marked. Right spermatic cord, low down, sore to touch. Chancre on prepuce, left side of frenum, penis greatly swollen, chancre like a cauliflower excrescence, red, smooth, and glistening. (Small sore at entrance of urethra, parts of glans around urethra an open ulcer, exhaling most fetid smell, and with most excruciating pain, red, glistening appearance.) _ Gonorrheal pains, intermittent, in front, middle, or posterior part of urethra, when the gonorrhea is better, catarrh sets in.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses scanty, terribly cross and impatient first day, on second day, severe paroxysmal pains in uterine region, causing nausea, occasional pain in left ovarian region, passing about half-way down thigh, on upper part of it, all these pains better by bending backwards, pain and aching in right lumbar region when leaning forwards (as in sewing) even for a short time, entire better when bending back. Menses scanty at first, with pain in left ovary. Menses very profuse, abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entire better by removing them. (Several cases of membranous dysmenorrhea.) _ Dysmenorrhea, pain in left groin, with bearing down and nervousness. Leucorrhoea all day, but none at night, even after taking a long walk. Slight leucorrhoea during the day, worse when standing or walking. Severe pain in right ovarian region, completely better by a flow of bright-red blood, which lasted an hour, and did not return. In afternoon, intermittent, sharp pains in right ovarian region. Constant pain in right ovary. Pain in left ovarian region, and all across lower part of abdomen. Sharp pains beginning in left ovary, and darting like lightning either towards right ovarian region, or else up left side and down arm, or sometimes down both thighs, but generally down left leg to foot, which is numb, pains like labour-pains, accompanied by great restlessness of legs and arms, and great aching in lumbar region, (5th, day after premature labour). Sharp, lancinating pains like knives cutting upward from os uteri, and as these were being relieved, sensation as of needles darting upwards in uterus. Escape of flatus from vagina. Pressure on anterior part of vulva, entire better by sitting, sensation as if everything were coming out at vulva, with frequent desire to urinate and smarting in urethra. Itching in left side of labia, with rough eruptive condition on left side of vagina, with acrid leucorrhoea, excoriating severely. Great swelling of left labia, and terrible pain while urinating, (from gonorrhoea). Itching of vulva. Intense painful soreness of vulva, extending to anus, coming on very suddenly about noon, and lasting for about two hours, came on again during evening, could not walk, stand, or sit, better by lying on back and separating the knees as far as possible. Raw and bad-smelling sores between labia and thighs, in folds of skin, worse when walking, would rather keep still all the time, these sores are covered with a disgusting white exudation. Sexual organs extremely excited, very much worse from the slightest touch, as putting the hand on the breast, or from the pressure on vulva when sitting, or the slight friction caused by walking. (After-pains very distressing, extending to thighs, rather worse on right side.) _ Menses very stringy and sticky, cannot get rid of them. Urination caused intense pain in vulva, when even the least drop of urine came in contact with it. Breasts very sore and sensitive to pressure for a day or two during menses. Breasts very sore and painful, with sharp, darting pain in right ovarian region extending to knee, very painful and must keep leg flexed (Ist d. after miscarriage at 6th month). Constant pain in breast, they feel very sore when going up or down stairs. Breasts seem very full. Constant pain in nipples. Breasts sensitive to deep pressure. Breasts painful, feel as if full of very hard lumps, worse going up or down stairs. Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause. Galactorrhoea (many cases). Dries up the milk when nursing. Given for an ulcerated throat to a nursing woman, it cured the throat and nearly dried up the milk. After two doses of c.m. rapid decrease in size of breasts and quantity of milk in a lady who wanted to wean her child.

Respiratory Organs

Slight hoarseness, with now and then a change of voice, after waking, but soon passing away. Cough from tickling in upper anterior part of larynx, worse when talking and also when lying. Cough from tickling under middle of sternum. Cough with pain and oppression of chest, it jars her all over. Loss of voice, cannot speak in a whisper (pharyngitis). Marked soreness on touching larynx (diphtheria). Sensation as if the breath would leave her when lying down and trying to sleep, has to jump up and stir around for an hour or so every night.


Terrible dyspnoea immediately after sleep, first on left side of chest, the dyspnoea compelled her to be lifted upright with violent exertion to get breath, there was sharp pain in region of heart with each of these attacks: after the medicine had but one attack of dyspnoea, and all the pain fast was referred to right side of chest (acute rheumatism). Lungs feel as though fast to chest, worse while writing. Clavicles sore to touch. Stabbing pain in right lung, just below nipple, preceded by pain in stomach-pit as of a stone or undigested food. Sharp pain in right breast at 4 p.m. Feeling of oppression and tightness behind sternum, with desire to draw a deep breath.


Palpitation of heart, irregular, causing shortness of breath.

Back and neck

Neck stiff (rheumatism, neuralgic headache, diphtheria). Sharp neuralgic pain under right scapula. Lameness and cutting, pain under left scapula, worse turning in bed. Sharp, cutting pain under left scapula, shooting forwards through lung. Backache nearly all day between scapula, worse after becoming warm, somewhat better by leaning back. Pain in sacrum worse by riding (not by walking.) _ Aching pain, worse by stooping, better by leaning back with weakness, this pain extended around left side of pelvis (leaving the back), to inside of thigh followed by a bloody leucorrhoeal discharge after six hours, which came all at once, leaving labia extremely sensitive. Spine aches from base of brain to coccyx (pharyngitis).


Aching pains in limbs and back. Rheumatism beginning in soles flying from joint to joint and side to side, worse every evening and by movement and touch, numb pains in ankle. Burning of hands and feet at night.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica