Lac caninum

Lac caninum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Lac caninum is used…

      Bitch’s Milk.


Arms, varicosis of. Breasts, painful. Chancre. Croup. Diphtheria. Dysmenorrhea. Epulis. Eyes, affections of. Gonorrhea. Headache. Ichthyosis. Leucorrhoea. Neuralgia. Ovaries, affections of. Ranula. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Spinal irritation. Stomach, affections of. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Ulcers. Uterus, affections of. Vaccinosis. Varicose veins. Warts.


*Lac Caninum is not a novelty in remedies. “Dioscorides, Rhasis, Pliny, and Sextus recommended it for the removal of the dead *foetus. Sammonicus and Sextus praise it in photophobia and otitis. Pliny claims that it cures ulceration of the internal os. It was considered an antidote to deadly poisons.” (Quotation by Hering.) Hering adds that the remedy was revived by Reisig, of New York, who used it successfully in the treatment of diphtheria. After Reising the remedy was used by Bayard and Swan, to whose indefatigable exertions we owe the present status of this medicine. Swan’s, potencies were prepared from Reisig’s 17th. The provings were made with the 30th and upwards and are published in a little volume by Swan and Berridge. As in the case of *Bufo, *Castor equi, and other remedies of ancient times, homoeopathy has stepped in to confirm the accuracy of the old observers. In the provings a large number of the symptoms were manifested in the region of the throat, the effects being diagnosed as actual diphtheria in some instances. It is in diphtheria, both as curative and prophylactic that Lac caninum has won its greatest fame, and the provings and clinical experience have developed a grand characteristic in this and other affections _ an alternation of sides, often very rapid. “Soreness of throat commences with a tickling sensation causing constant deglutition: this condition entirely ceases, only to commence on the opposite side, and often alternates, again returning to its first condition: these sore throats are very apt to begin and end with the menses.” This “alternation of sides” once led me to the cure of an eczematous condition of the eyelids in a child. The child’s aunt, who brought her to me, causally remarked that it often left one side entirely and went to the other and then back again. *Lac caninum cleared it up in a very short time. Rheumatic and other affections having this peculiarity of changing from side to side are very likely to be benefited by *Lac caninum From diphtheria, with its fetid discharges, it is not a far step to ozaena, and *Lac caninum has proved itself curative in a number of cases. Corners of mouth and alae nasi cracked. It has cured a case presenting the following characters: Crusts under which grey matter forms. Throat bad, swallowing difficult, mucous follicles swollen, covered with cream-coloured mucus. Nose bad, feared destruction of bones. Bloody pus discharges several times a day. Bones of nose sore to pressure. In addition to the changing sides characteristics *Lac caninum has: “Inflamed surfaces (of throat) *glistening.” The same appearance when found on ulcerated surfaces in the skin is a leading indication for *Lac caninum The mental symptoms are remarkable. One prover had delusions about snakes, imagined she was surrounded by them, was afraid to close her eyes at night for fear of being bitten by a large snake which she imagined was beside the bed. Awoke in the night with a sensation that she was lying on a large snake. After menses, imagined all sorts of things about snakes. These snake-symptoms led to a cure. ***E. T. Balch (*H. P., x. 286) asked for advice in this case: “Maud R., I0, demi-brunette, of healthy parents, one and a half years before fell forward and hurt her chest while playing. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but when brought to Dr. Balch she was pale, emaciated, capricious, no desire for play. Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams, during the day piteously begs her mother to take her, she is so afraid. *She feels as though snakes were on her back. In response to advice tendered one dose of *Lac. can. 50M. was given, dry, and in twenty-four hours the child became more lively and cheerful and very soon all abnormal sensations disappeared. Another mental curiosity which has proved a useful pointer is this: “Imagines he wears some one else’s nose.” Restlessness, nervousness, and prostration appear in the provings and shown the relation of the remedy to diphtheritic paralysis as well as to diphtheria itself. In one prover the symptoms occurred periodically: worse in morning of one day and worse in afternoon of next. Wandering rheumatic pains. The sensation of lightness or levitation was noticed _ seemed to walk on air, not to touch the bed when lying. Cannot bear one part of her body to touch another, must even keep her fingers apart. The symptoms in general were worse at night. Cold winds and cold, sharp air worse. Cold washing causes pain in herpetic eruption. Cold application better pain in upper jaw and teeth, and cold water gave momentary better to sore throat. Pains in ankles, forehead, and upper jaw were better by warmth. Rest and lying down better most symptoms, motion worse. Flexion better, extension worse. Going up and down stairs causes pain in heart. Walking causes leucorrhoea, worse sores between labia and thighs. Touch worse (external throat, breasts, causing sexual excitement). worse After sleep. The Schema comprises both caused and cured symptoms, the latter are bracketed or have the name of the disease in which they occurred appended in brackets.


(According to Nichols, Lac. can. “acts best in single dose, if repeated should be given at exact intervals.”) *Compare: Lachesis is the nearest analogue (throat, ovaries, symptoms changing from side to side _ Lachesis left to right, worse after sleep, fainting on raising arms), Lac. Vac. deflor. (dreams of going on a journey). Lac. Vac. coag., Lac-ac. (The following were mostly supplied by Lippe to Swan’s arrangement.) Weak memory for what she has read, not for other things (Lachesis, Natrum mur., Staphysagria). Absent-minded (Anacardium, Causticum, Conium Dulcamara, Lachesis, Nat m., Sepia). Crying, fearing she was contracting consumption (Calcarea, Guar., Sepia). Exalted feeling in sensorium (Platina). Headache worse in cold wind, better in warm room (Aurum, Nux-v., Rhus). Headache worse by noise better by keeping quite, confused feeling in head (Calcarea). Must have light, but intolerant of sunlight (Aco., Belladonna, Cactus grandiflorus, Gelsemium, Ruta, Stram). Soreness and scabbing of nostrils (Kali-bi., Thu.). Lips dry and peeling (Natrum mur.). Throat sensitive to touch externally (Lachesis), worse by empty swallowing (Ignatia). Breasts sensitive to pressure (Cal c., Murex), to deep pressure (Mercurius), as if full of very hard lumps, very painful when going up and down stairs (Belladonna, Calcarea, Carb., an., Lycopodium, nitricum acidum, Phosphorus), soreness and enlargement (Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea). Small, round, or irregular grey white ulcers on tonsils and fauces (Mercurius i.). Discharges of diphtheritic matter from vulva and rectum (Apis). Empty, weak feeling in stomach-pit (Digitalis, Ignatia, Pet., Sepia), pain as from a stone or undigested food in stomach-pit (Kali-bi.). Pain in right ovarian region (Ap., Lycopodium, Pallad.). Sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down, must get up and move about (Grindelia). Sciatica (Cur., Graphites, Gnap., Kali-bi., Ir-v., Lach, Phytolacca, Tell.). When walking seems to be walking on air, when lying dose not seem to touch the bed (Asarum europaeum, Chi., Coffea, Nat m., Nux-v., Opium, Rhus., Spi., Stramonium, Thuja, Stict. Pul. Phos-ac.). Dreams of going on a journey (Lac- v. deflor., Lachesis, Sanguinaria, Silicea). Spreads fingers apart (Secale _ in spasms). Retina retains impressions of objects (Tuberculinum Nicotine. Lycopodium, ear retains impression of sounds)., Red spot before vision (Dubois. Hyo.). Flatus from vagina (Borax, Lycopodium, Nux moschata, Mercurius cy., Gelsemium). worse Going down stairs (Borax). Diphtheria (Diphtherinum, Mercurius, cy., Gels). (Hydrophobinum is a dog-engendered nosode and must be compared with Lac. can, Lachesis is one of its antidotes.) Cannot bear one finger to touch the other (Lac. f. cannot bear one foot to touch the other.).


Result of fall.


Illusions or hallucinations about snakes, imagines they are all around her, that they are creeping into her bed, fears to close her eyes. Horrible visions, fears they will take objective form, when sitting still and thinking. Wakes at night with a sensation that she was lying on a large snake. After menses, imagines all sorts of things about snakes. Woke at daylight, feeling that she was loathsome, horrible, mass of disease. Could not bear to have any one part of her body touch another, felt if she could not get out of her body is some way, she would soon become crazy, could not think of anything but her own condition. Feels weak, and nerves so thoroughly out of order, that she cannot bear one finger to touch the other (nervous throat affection). Is impressed with the idea that all she says is a lie, that all her symptoms are unreal, and the result of a diseased imagination, it seems to be very difficult to speak the truth, but continually distrusts things, when reading anything she rapidly changes the meaning omitting or adding things. Imagines that he wears some one else’s nose (diphtheria). Felt very short in morning while walking, ditto in evening. Finds it very difficult to read understandingly anything requiring a mental effort to follow it. Very restless, cannot concentrate her thoughts or mind to read, wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced. When speaking, substitutes the name of the object seen for that which is thought. Cannot remember what she reads, but objects seen for that which is thought. Cannot remember what she reads, but can remember other things. In writing, uses too many words or not the right ones, very nervous. Absent-minded. Cannot bear to be left alone for an instant (diphtheria). Fear: of disease, of consumption, of heart disease, of falling downstairs. Fits of weeping two or three times a day (metritis). Depression. (Thinks she is looked down upon by every one, and feels insulted irritable, while headache lasted. (Attacks of rage, cursing and swearing at the slightest provocation.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica