Thuja occidentalis

17. Dr. WURMB instituted 5 experiments with Thuja, 4 with the tinct. and 1 with dils.

17 a. 1844, Sept., W. took, from 17th until and including 21st, at about 5 p. m. of each day, a coffee – spoonful of the tinct. of Thuja; omitted it on 22nd; took same dose at same hour on the two following day; omitted it on 25th; and from 26th to and including 30th again repeated it. The following were the results. 18th. – In m., after urinating, burning in urethra; very painful stitches from urethra to anus; pressing in region of neck of bladder, with urgency to urinate. e These feelings, which prover thought similar to those usually perceived at the beginning of a clap, or after drinking new beer, lasted about 20 m. 19th. – Soon after dose, tearing in outside of right ankle; then in left elbow; then drawing in inner side of upper thigh, and finally tearing in 2nd joint of right thumb. On 20th, soon after dinner, violent pressing in left temple, which continued all evening, but in less degree. During proving the stools were softened, more copious, and took place from 2 to 3 times a d. After a cessation of 8 d. W. took from 8th Oct. to and including 14th, at 5 p. m. each day, 2 coffee – spoonfuls of tinct., with following result: 11th. – Soon after dose, feeling of roughness in throat, lasting some hours; pressing in right chest, particularly noticeable when breathing deeply, and when bending body; at 7 p. m. drawing in 1st joint of right thumb, especially during rest, instantly disappearing on moving finger, and returning as quickly on cessation of motion. This symptom continued nearly 1 hours; several times drawing in 3rd joint of right ring finger, and pressing to the left under short ribs. 12th. – The pressing pain appeared at lower extremity of right chest, after getting up; it was somewhat violent at first, but decreased very much during the day, without, however, entirely disappearing. In m. a very copious soft stool. In evening, on going out, after taking drug, vertigo, drawing in inner surface of right thigh, in right knee, in right calf, in bend of elbow, in both popliteal spaces, especially l. The feeling of roughness in throat was less than day before. 13th and 14th. – The sexual impulse was exceedingly importunate (without any known cause). He thinks he passed more urine than usual. 15th. – frequent, and on every occasion copious urination. 16th. – the prominences of right elbow were painful, as if after a severe knock, and this feeling did not entirely disappear until 18th. From 20th to 30th W. took daily, at 9 a. m. and 5 p. m, 2 coffee-spoonfuls of the tinct., and observed as follows: On 22nd, in m., after getting up, painful drawing in 2nd joint of left thumb (only during rest) for about 2 h. The same feeling, but not lasting, and much weaker, appeared in course of forenoon in almost all finger- joints (but only during rest). For an instant this drawing appeared in inner side of left foot, as far as sole. In m. he had the usual, and at 11 a. m. a papescent stool. At 6 p. m. sudden drawing on inner side of left foot in metatarsus. 23rd. – No evacuation. In evening, before going to sleep, drawing in left side of neck. Restless night; he awoke at 2 a. m., and for 1 hours could not go to sleep; then fell into a sleep which was interrupted by frequent waking. He had besides a feeling of stoppage in right nostril, with frequent sneezing and chilly feeling in feet, which were externally warm to touch. 24th. – Immediately after getting up, a very troublesome drawing in left side of neck and in left shoulder, which only disappeared p. m. At 10 a. m. drawing in right heel, and, 1/2 hours later, in right index finger (disappearing instantly on movement). Symptoms of nose continued, with dull confusion in head. As W., according to his own observations, is but little sensible to changes of temperature, and can trace no cause for this cold, he thinks that these symptoms must be ascribed to Thuja. 25th. – The cold, with its accompaniments, sneezing, dull confusion in head, &c., continued. At about 11 a. m. transient drawing in index finger. In 2 hours subsequently a similar drawing in left sup. maxillary bone. At 8 p. m. troublesome drawing in left side of hypogastrium (for 2 m.), which spot was also painful to touch. 26th. – The catarrh is still present, only somewhat diminished in degree. In forenoon, sudden drawing in left thumb and right little finger (immediately disappearing on movement and as quickly returning in rest). At about 10 a. m. drawing in hypogastrium on left side, and tenderness on pressure. At about 2 p. m. troublesome clawing in sternum, frequent short dry cough and increased discharge of urine. Frequent waking at night; towards m. a pollution. 27th. – On rising, drawing in right thumb; at 10 a. m. drawing and pressing in hypogastrium on left side, particularly when touching it; during day, drawing, now here, now there, and frequent hacking cough; p. m., drawing in right arm and forearm; towards evening painful drawing in right great toe; at 6 p. m. pressing in middle of sternum. 28th. – Perfect health. 29th. – Immediately after dose, drawing in lower incisors; about 11, drawing in right thumb; at 5 p. m. drawing in left sup. maxillary bone; in evening feeling of roughness in throat, and frequent short dry cough. 30th. – In forenoon, drawing in right sup. maxillary bone, in inner side of left forearm, and in fingers of right hand; feeling of roughness in throat, and frequent dry hacking cough. The catarrh, which had vanished, showed itself anew by an increased secretion of mucus from nose. Copious urine. 31st. – Increased urination; catarrh worse. Nov. 1st. – In m. a loose stool, and after it a troublesome pressing in anus, which remained whole d. Catarrh became very severe, and one or the other nostril was almost constantly obstructed. At 3 p. m., sneezing, succeeded by very violent sticking in lower part of right lung, which lasted until 11 p. m., when although very severe before, it disappeared at once. This sticking was greatly aggravated by sneezing, deep breathing, and coughing (but not by movement). Pain, as if parts were sore, in region of ribs on touching them. At 4 p. m. drawing in fingers of right hand, and afterwards in right elbow. 2nd. – Drawing in right calf whole d. Catarrh reduced to a minimum. At 4 p.m. a hard scanty stool, and pressing and itching in anus for almost whole evening 3rd. – The running from nose is again pretty copious; frequent sneezing; at about 4 p. m. sneezing, and then some painful stitches in side of chest, within. 4th. – At 6 a. m. very severe stitches in lower part of right chest; about 5 p. m., drawing tearing in right knee.

17 b. Dec. From 7th to 14th W. took every day at about 9 a. m. a table – spoonful of the tinct. Effects: 7th. – A pollution in n., and after, a troublesome burning in urethra. 9th. – Want of appetite, especially in e. On 10th a pollution in n. 11th. – Feeling of roughness in throat, which soon went off; then for 1 hours feeling in throat as if there were a painless tumour there. At 4 p. m. a papescent stool, and transient drawings often flitted about, now here, now there, especially in upper part of thigh. Urine increased. 12th. – Pressing in left breast, as if towards lower lobes of lung, especially when breathing deeply; frequent urination; no evacuation. 13th. – Chills, even in warm room; in evening felt well; no evacuation. 14th. – On waking in m. drawing in left side of neck; then drawing in upper part of left thigh (lasting 2 m. and rendering walking painful). two stools followed, one hard and unsatisfactory, afterwards another, papescent, which left behind a long continuing burning in anus. 15th. – In forenoon 3 papescent stools (at 6, 9, and 11). Dinner nauseated him. Chills even in warm room, and apprehension of becoming ill. At 6 p. m. these symptoms vanished, and the feeling of health was restored. 16th. – Sudden drawing here and there, especially in fingers of right hand; no evacuation; at 4 a. m. a pollution. 17th. – Sudden drawing in limbs. 18th. – In m. a hard unsatisfactory evacuation; drawing in limbs. At 1, feeling of dryness and sense of constriction in throat. It was the same sensation that is perceived when one is for a long time exposed to heat of sun without drinking. In n. a pollution. 19th. – After rising, burning in external canthi and in urethra. Drawing pain in inner side of left forearm during whole forenoon, particularly when arm was at rest. The feeling of dryness and constriction in throat appeared again in a slight degree. Drawing in inner side of left upper thigh, in right knee and right hip. At 6 p. m. a very unsatisfactory stool after much straining. 20th. – Feeling as if eyelids were woolen and a foreign body were in eye; drawing now here, now there, in extremities; in evening pressing towards back in chest, with oppressed breathing; no stool. 21st. – In forenoon an unsatisfactory stool; drawing in extremities, especially on inner surface of upper part of left thigh and forearm (only while at rest). 22nd. – P. m., another unsatisfactory stool; drawing in different parts of extremities, not lasting long, but frequently quite troublesome.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.